Friday, August 27, 2021

Nanotyrannus is Dryptosaurus: My Extensive Investigation of the Genus.

Update (8/28/22):
I wrote an abstract of this hypothesis and posted it to Academia:

Update (1/25/23):
I wrote a paper on the baby T. rex tooth UCMP 119853, and the baby cf. Dryptosaurus aquilinguis tooth UCMP 124406:

Update (8/11/23):
I wrote a description of the baby T. rex specimen BHI 6439:

Update (10/24/23-1/16/24): 
Longrich and Saitta (2024) said that Nanotyrannus was a basal tyrannosauroid, just like Dryptosaurus:
2023 Preprint:

Nanotyrannus (Jurassic Fight Club):

I have been flip-flopping between my opinions on Nanotyrannus as of late. I wanted to keep it as a juvenile T. rex, but then I wanted to give the genus a chance by studying its bones. Not too long ago, I fell back into my original opinion that Nanotyrannus is just a juvenile T. rex. However, some clues came to light that made me rethink my original stance. These clues have been hiding in plane sight the whole time, and one of them was in the most unlikeliest of places.

My History with Nanotyrannus:
Growing up, I've known about Nanotyrannus but I didn't know too much about it. I saw it as being a separate genus from T. rex for the most part, thanks to Jurassic Fight Club. Later on, I saw another documentary, called The Mystery Dinosaur, that talked about the discovery of BMRP 2002.4.1 ("Jane"). There were two teams of scientists: One said that "Jane" was a Nanotyrannus, and the other said a juvenile T. rex. The team that favored the juvenile T. rex hypothesis won, and "Jane" was categorized as a juvenile T. rex. I was oblivious to Nanotyrannus for a long time, and I didn't care about what it was. All I knew was that it was a tyrannosauroid, however which way you'd look at it. 

Now, after some years have passed by and I've grown up, I've started examining dinosaur fossils on my own (mainly theropoda). I've even started to categorize them with my very own system. I decided to check out Nanotyrannus for myself a little while ago, and I can honestly say that Nanotyrannus has thrown a monkey wrench into my categorizing system for theropoda! It has led me to a radical new conclusion on how I categorize tyrannosauroid genera, but I have learned a lot. 

This has been a rather exhaustive journey, so I've come to this conclusion: Whether or not 
Nanotyrannus is a juvenile T. rex, I don't care. I think we should, at least, feel free to investigate any topic in paleontology to see if we can come to an answer on our own. I'm still investigating this topic, but as of right now, I'm split. I'm going to study T. rex ontogeny later on, and as of right now, all 
Nanotyrannus specimens seem to fall within Dryptosaurus' growth curve and not T. rex's. Granted, some private specimens help to prove this, so I know that this is not going to help sway a lot of people. My opinion on this may change in the future, but I want to come to this conclusion on my own without being pressured into choose a side.

Now, enjoy the post!

Nanotyrannus in full view (Jurassic Fight Club):

What is Nanotyrannus?
Let's take a look at how Nanotyrannus came to be named. Gilmore (1946) named "Gorgosaurus lancencsis" based on the skull, CMNH 7541 (p. 2). Then, Bakker et al., (1988) changed the name to Nanotyrannus lancensis (p. 2). In between 1946 and 1988, Russell (1970) says that Gorgosaurus is actually Albertosaurus (p. 4). CMNH 7541 was then changed to "Albertosaurus lancensis" (Carpenter, 1992, pp. 258-260). Interestingly, there were two names given to this one specimen. However, Carpenter (1992) started to shake things up when he said that CMNH had features similar to T. rex, and that it was not fully grown. This led him to suggest that CMNH was a juvenile T. rex (p. 260). Now here comes the shot that was heard around the world! Carr (1999) also concluded that CMNH 7541 was a juvenile T. rex (pp. 508-509). In 2020, Carr gave an age of 8 for the specimen (Carr, 2020, Figure 2 and 12). Erickson et al., (2006) originally gave this age (Supplementary Materials, p. 13). Despite being an immature individual, some scientists still call CMNH 7541 Nanotyrannus (Currie, 2003, pp. 223-225) (Currie et al., 2003, pp. 229) (Larson, 2013, "Abstract") (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 135 Figure 15), but most scientists call Nanotyrannus a juvenile T. rex (Yun, 2015) (Woodward et al., 2020, "Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis") (Carr, 2020, Figures 2 and 12).

CMNH 7541's Skull (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 135 Figure 15):

That was just the holotype. Now, let's talk about BMRP 2002.4.1. This specimen, also known as  "Jane," was considered to be a second specimen of Nanotyrannus (Larson, 2013, "Abstract"). However, the majority of scientists put "Jane" as a juvenile T. rex (Yun, 2015) (Woodward et al., 2020, "Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis") (Carr, 2020, Figures 2 and 12). An age of 11-13 years was given to "Jane" (Erickson et al., 2006, Supplementary Materials, p. 13) (Woodward et al., 2020, "Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis"(Carr, 2020, Figure 2 and 12).

BMRP 2002.4.1's ("Jane's") Skeleton (Hope Babowice, 2017):

My original title for this post was "Evidence of a Subadult Nanotyrannus!?," which was based on a specimen that was discussed in a conference paper by Griffin (2014). In his paper, Griffin states that this specimen of Nanotyrannus (nicknamed “Zuri” on SWAU) shows signs of being older than a juvenile. After examining cross-sections of the specimen’s ribs, pubis, and tibia, there are signs of extensive Haversian remodeling, "longitudinal vascularization and decrease in vascularization in subperiosteal zones," and "a shift from woven to parallel-fibered bone matrix in outer growth zones." There was no sign of a external fundamental system (EFS), which signifies that the specimen has stopped growing (Stated in Stein et al., 2010, Discussion: Potential Problems: Lack of EFS), but what was present in "Zuri's" bones signified that it is not a juvenile. Griffin says that this proves that Nanotyrannus is a valid taxon (Abstract).

Griffin (2014)'s Abstract:

Nanotyrannus "Zuri's' cross-sections showing Haversian remodeling, secondary remodeled bone, and other features described above (Griffin, 2014, Figures 3-6):

"Zuri's" Rib (SWAUHRS08467):

"Zuri's" Pubis (SWAUHRS01514):

"Zuri's" Partial Tibia (SWAUHRS08421):

I’ve never heard of Haversian remodeling before this, so I went on an extensive search to find out what it is. As mentioned above, Haversian remodeling does signify that the individual is either close to maturity, or is mature and even old. This is seen in apes (Lad, 2018, p. 14 Abstract), humans (Nyssen-Behets et al., 1997, Abstract), and a new titanosaur from Bulgaria (Nikolov et al., 2020). In fact, Haversian remodeling was used to help validate another pygmy dinosaur: Magyarosaurus, a dwarf titanosaur (Stein et al., 2010). It seems that Haversian remodeling might help prove that “Zuri” is a subadult Nanotyrannus. EFS was not found in “Zuri,” or Magyarosaurus, but Stein et al., (2010) said that Haversian remodeling could have gotten rid of any evidence of an EFS barrier being present (Discussion: Potential Problems: Lack of EFS). This is interesting because the Magyarosaurus specimens were around 12-14 years old (Results: Histologic Ontogenetic Stages in the M. dacus Sample, para. 1). Haversian remodeling can also remove growth rings (LAGs) from cross-sections of bones (Griffin et al., 2014, Abstract). Griffin (2014) says that “Zuri” was 12-13 when it died, but more than likely it was 13 based on the number of growth rings seen in a section of its pubis (Figure 3). This is the same age as “Jane” (Carr, 2020, Figure 12).  

However, after talking to Professor Holtz, I've realized that no EFS period means that the specimen is young:

Second, I talked to Dr. Griffin himself, and to Dr. Woodward, and they both said that "Zuri" lacks extensive Haversian remodeling in its leg bones (tibia was discussed). Therefore, "Zuri" is a very young individual. Since the growth rings in its ribs give it an age of 13 at most, "Zuri" is the same age as "Jane." 

Conversation with Dr. Griffin (10/11/21):
Conversation with Dr. Woodward (10/13/21):
"Zuri" is a juvenile, but there might be some evidence for two subadult Nanotyrannus specimens:

1. BMRP 2006.4.4 ("Petey"):
Woodward et al., (2020) gave this specimen an age of 15 (Results, para. 4; Discussion: Ontogenetic age, para. 1-3), based on a cross-section of its femur. Carr (2020) considers this specimen to be a subadult, and a female (Figure 12 Number 7). Professor Holtz also said that "Petey" was a subadult (Photo provided by Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27):

I was able to find a couple of pictures of "Petey's" manual unguals (hand claws) from Peter Larson's Twitter account. LACM 23845, a 14-16-year old specimen of T. rex (Erickson et al., 2006, Supplementary Materials, p. 13) (Carr, 2020, Figure 12 Number 8), has manual bones that  are the same size as juvenile 
Gorgosaurus' (Molnar, 1980, pp. 105-106), and are "quite short relative to hind limb(Olshevsky, 1995, p. 4). The claw, although incomplete, would still seem to have been smaller than "Petey's." (Los Angeles Natural History Museum). Another young T. rex specimen, UCRC-PV1 (or UCRC PV1), has both manual unguals that are extremely short compared to "Petey's." Larson also says that UCRC is a subadult (Photo from Peter Larson's Twitter account). I also received this picture from Sebastian Dalman.

"Petey's" (white), and T. rex ("Sue" on top left, "Darwin" on top right)claw casts (Pete Larson's Twitter account):

Recently, in an abstract from Jevnikar et al., (2021) (SVP abstract) (p. 151), "Petey" falls outside of T. rex's growth curve:

2. BHI 6437 ("Bloody Mary"):
BHI 6437, also known as the "Dueling Dinosaurs tyrannosauroid" (Raphael Rosen, 2014). No papers on this specimen have been published yet, so there's not too much to say about it. Larson said that the name of the specimen is BHI 6437 on Twitter.

BHI 6437/"Dueling Dinosaurs tyrannosauroid" Specimen (Bonhams):

BHI 6437 was stated by Carr, on his blog, to be a subadult (to my surprise) (Tyrannosauroidea central: Tyrannoethics: The naturalist T. rex and the and the T. rex list of shame, updated, 2015):

This specimen is also notorious for its giant hands:

Nanotyrannus BHI 6437 (bottom) and T. rex "Wyrex" arm bones (Alexander Jack Lund's Twitter post). Original drawing is by GetAwayTrike (Holtz, pers. comm.):
Originally, I thought that Dr. Holtz told me that the arms were incomplete (personal communication). This is a drawing he gave me earlier this year (drawing by GetAwayTrike, and edited by Denver Fowler):
However, Dalman gave me a pic. of the arm bones (pers. comm.). Holtz on Twitter did say that the arm was complete, and that he used the pic he showed me to say that "Wyrex's" arm was incomplete. I think I misunderstood him before.

Professor Holtz saying that "Bloody Mary's" arm is complete, and he explains what the above drawing originally meant (Photos provided by Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27):
BHI 6437's Complete Arm (Pantuso, 2019):

Now that we got that controversy cleared up, I must say that, on a first glance, BHI 6437's manual unguals are larger than T. rex's, but I'll discuss that down below. My question is that, if we have two possible subadult specimens of Nanotyrannus, then why are they called juvenile T. rex specimens? I remember learning that juvenile dinosaurs looked different from the adults, and for a long time I accepted that as an answer. However, I now realized that that explanation may work for some dinosaurs, but not all of them.

Gilmore (1946) (PP. 2, 7, 16, and 21):
Bakker et al., (1988) (PP. 2, 8-9 Table 1): 
Russell (1970) (PP. 4, 5, 7, 13-14, 15-16, and 17):
Carpenter (1992) (PP. 254-256, 258-260):
Link 2:
Carr (1999) (PP. 508-509, pg. 514 and 516 Table 2):
Link 2:
Carr (2020) (Figures 2 and 12):
Erickson et al., (2006) (Supplementary Materials) (PP. 13-14):
Currie (2003) (Pg. 223-225):
Currie et al., (2003) (Pg. 229):
Larson (2013) ("Abstract"):
Dalman et al., (2018) (Pg. 135 Figure 15):
Yun (2015) (Pg. 5):
Woodward et al., (2020) ("Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis"):
Griffin (2014):
Pubis (HRS01514):
Rib (HRS08467):
Tibia (HRS08421):
CMNH 7541 Skull:

Dalman et al., (2018) (Pg. 135 Figure 15 D):
BMRP ("Jane") Skeleton:
Hope Babowice (2017):
BHI 6437's skeleton cast:
. "Dueling Dinosaurs":
BHI 6437 Specimen Name:
Larson's Twitter:
Ages of Subadult Nanotyrannus Specimens:

Jevnikar et al., (2021) (SVP, 2021 abstract):

Carr (2020) (Figure 12 Number 7):
Woodward et al., (2020) ("Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis"):
BHI 6437:
Carr, Thomas. Tyrannosauroidea central. Tyrannoethics: The naturalist T. rex and the and the T. rex list of shame, updated. 2015:

T. rex and Nanotyrannus Unguals from Peter Larson's Twitter post:
"Petey's" Manual Unguals:

"Petey's" Manual Ungual 2:

Drawing of BHI 6437's arm:
Fran Vidakovic's Twitter post:
BHI 6437's arm:

Pantuso (2019):

Actual juvenile T. rex specimens not similar to Nanotyrannus?
My cohort Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27 showed me pics from Twitter concerning Paleontologist Michael Deak arguing with Dr. Carr about Carr pretending not to know about an actual juvenile T. rex specimen. I later found out that this specimen was BHI 6439. I saw the messages on Twitter myself. I talked to Dalman about it, and he believes that Carr is lying about not seeing the specimen too. I actually got into contact with Deak himself, and he says that he knows eyewitnesses who remember seeing Carr check out BHI 6439, and Carr was dumbfounded by what he saw. Interesting...

If this is true, then in all honesty, there are juvenile T. rex specimens that are morphologically distinct from Nanotyrannus. Other juvenile T. rex specimens are either privately owned ("Baby Bob"), or haven't been described yet (UCRC-PV 1; Larson says it's a subadult but I might disagree). With this in mind, I know now why most tyrannosauroid Paleontologist place Nanotyrannus into T. rex. You cannot compare the Nanotyrannus specimens to other specimens that are privately owned, or haven't been described in a paper, because you cannot fact-check what someone says about a particular specimen. Someone needs to describe the actual juvenile specimens of T. rex and compare them to the Nanotyrannus specimens!

Well, since I am able to obtain some information regarding those specimens, I decided to check them out for myself and compare them to Nanotyrannus.

Exploring Possible Nanotyrannus' Traits.

Here's a list of traits that I have been told that Nanotyrannus possesses, and ones that I've observed myself. The ones that I think are the most important are marked with an asterisk ("*") next to them.

**1. Bone count in the skeleton:

Earlier this week, around 3/12-13/22, in an interview that Professor Holtz and Dr. Hone gave regarding a new Tyrannosaurus paper, Dr. Holtz said that having a count of the bones in a skeleton is key in determining if a specimen is a new species or not. Taking this to heart, I decided to try and find out how many bones are in Nanotyrannus' axial (vertebral), and appendicular (limbs) skeleton. 

To my surprise, aside from Bakker et al., (1988) describing the holotype's skull (CMNH 7541), there isn't a single paper that describes the axial or appendicular skeleton! Neither "Jane," nor "Petey," have a description of their skeletons in a paper. At least, I haven't found any. I'm forced to speculate using pictures of the specimens, mainly BHI 6437 and "Jane." 

I tried to find the best pictures of BHI 6437's skeleton, and this is what I've found:

Cervicals: 7-8.
Gastralia: 14 (at best).
Caudals: 21-23 (visible).
Chevrons/Haemal arches: 13 (visible).

Now, the gastralia count comes from a very good picture found on Bonhams' website. I counted the right side since it looks easier to count. 

BHI 6437's gastralia (Bonhams, Dueling Dinosaurs):
Count: 14 (at best).

Another pic (Photo given to me by Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27):
At this point, it's kind of hard for me to tell how much gastralia BHI 6437 had.

As for the cervicals and caudals, I had to use the replica of the specimen. It's also from Bonham's website, but I found close ups of the vertebrae from news articles.

"Dueling Dinosaurs" replica (Bonhams, Dueling Dinosaurs):
Replica from Pantuso (2019):
Count: 7 or 8.
Note: The first cervical might just be the back of the skull, but I'm counting it just in case.

Part 1 (Number 1-7):
Part 2 (Number 8-14):
Part 3 (Number 15-21):
Count: 21 (visible).

Count: 13 (visible) (C
hevrons are on the bottom of the caudal vertebrae. The 7th one is covered up by the ceratopsian's tail, but the tip is showing).

Photo of the skeletons from Dueling Dinosaurs website:
Bone count:
Cervicals: 8 (at best).
Caudal count: About 25 (23 are visible; maybe two or three are covered by the ceratopsian's tail and foot).

Caudal count:
Part 1: Numbers 1-6:
Part 2: 5 are present:
Part 3: 3 caudals seem to be present, with probably 2 of them hidden behind the ceratopsian's foot:
Part 4: 9 are present:
About 23 caudals are present or visible. Notice how BHI 6437's caudals in pics 3-4 are elongated.

BHI 6437's ACUTAL caudals from a BHI YouTube video:
Pic 1: 6 caudals that seem to be from the anterior:
Pic 2: About 9 caudals that seem to be from the posterior end:
Close-up of the tip of the tail. You can see the very last 3 caudals:
In total, about 15 caudals are shown in the video.

Now, here's an interesting piece of info. that I learned about Dryptosaurus' caudals: Brusatte et al., (2011) described Dryptosaurus' caudals towards the distal to the end (middle of the tail to the tip) are elongated (p. 18). This is seen in the pics of BHI 6437's tail, specifically in pics 2-4. Cope (1869) said that the Dryptosaurus holotype would have had about 25 caudals in its tail (p. 102):
I counted 23 caudals in BHI 6437, but the ceratopsian's tail and leg are covering parts of the tail. Using the Dryptosaurus holotype as the best example, I would imagine that BHI 6437 would have had about 25, or so, caudal vertebrae in its tail. 

As for "Jane," luckily, Paleontologist Mickey Mortimer on her blog (The Theropod Database) gave a list of the specimen's bones:
Cervicals: 7.
Caudals: 20 (proximal/near the beginning of the tail).
Chevrons: 17.

Both "Jane" and BHI 6437 seem to have a similar caudal, and chevron, count. 
I have some pictures of "Jane's" skeleton, which I think come from Dr. Carr's blog but I'm still looking for the links to some of them. The caudals definitely came from his blog.

"Jane's" skeleton (Tyrannosauroidea centralThe Jane Diaries, Entry #4) (Photo was provided to me by Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight):
Cervical ribs: 7 (atlas wouldn't have one, so 8 cervicals would be present in total).

Chevrons/Haemal arches (Tyrannosauroidea central, The Jane Diaries, Entry #25) (Check Brochu, 2003, pp. 76-80):
Count: 17.

Gastrula (
Tyrannosauroidea central, The Jane Diaries, Entry #21) (Check Brochu, 2003, p. 83):
Count: 9 (left side).
Note: Looks a lot like BHI 6437's, so I'm assuming these are gastralia. There could be up to 14 cervicals in their entirety, just as in BHI 6437.

"Jane's" bones, including caudal vertebrae (Tyrannosauroidea central, The Jane Diaries, Entry #1):
Close up of caudals (Photo provided to me by Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight):
Note: Notice how elongated some of them are from the 11th onwards.

In total, Nanotyrannus had 7 or 8 cervicals, about 14 gastralia, and about 25 or so caudals. 

Dryptosaurus' caudal vertebrae:
Part 1 (Middle caudals/near the middle of the tail) (Brusatte et al., 2011, pp. 16):
Part 2 (Anterior middle distal caudals/caudals near middle of tail) (Brusatte et al., 2011, pp. 17):
Part 3 (middle caudals) (Brusatte et al., 2011, pp. 18):
Passage on Dryptosaurus' caudals being more elongate than tall (p. 16):
According to Brusatte et al., (2011), Dryptosaurus' caudals are longer than tall, and the same bones in Tyrannosaurus' tail are shorter (p. 16). Dryptosaurus' caudals are similar in shape to BHI 64387's... Or, is it the other way around? 

Let's compare Nanotyrannus' skeletal count to some T. rex specimens.

1. FMNH PR 2081 ("Sue"):
Brochu (2003):
Cervicals: 11 (10 cervical ribs for cervicals 2-10, but atlas doesn't have ribs = 11 ccervicals in total) (pp. 49 and 72 Figure 62).
Dorsals: 12 (11 + 12 = 23 presacral vertebrae) (pp. 60-61, Figures 57-58).
Dorsal ribs: 10 (p. 74).
Gastralia: 18 (14 were preserved) (pp. 49, 83, and 91).
Sacrum: 5 (p. 88).
Caudal: 40-45 (36 were preserved, and 47 are in the reconstruction) (pp. 49 and 90). 
Chevrons or Haemal Arches: 27 (preserved) (p. 90).

2. CM 9380:

Cervical: 9 (Osborn, 1917, p. 765).

Dorsal: 14 (Osborn, 1917, p. 765).

Sacrum: 5 (Osborn, 1906, p. 289).

3. AMNH 5027:

Cervical: 11 (Carpenter, 1991, p. 144 Figure 10.4) (Brochu, 2003, p. 48).

Thoracic/Dorsal: 12 (11 + 12 = 23 total presacral vertebrae) (Osborn, 1917, p. 765).

Sacral: 5 (Osborn, 1917, p. 763).

4. BHI 3033 ("Stan"):
Neal Larson (2008a; in Larson and Carpenter, 2008) (P. 21):

Cervicals: 9.

Dorsals: 14.

Sacrals: 5.

5. MOR 555/USNM 555000:
Cervicals: 9 (Brochu, 2003, p. 48; "11" is for AMNH 5027).

6. BMNH R7994 (Originally 5866):
Cervicals: 11 (Osborn, 1906, pp. 282, 287-288) (Carpenter, 1991, p. 144 Figure 10.4, A).
Dorsals: 12 (12-23; 11 + 12 = 23 presacral vertebrae) (Osborn, 1906, p. 282, 287-288) (Osborn, 1917, p. 765). 

Extra notes:

1. Pre-sacral (cervicals to dorsals) for T. rex in total: 23 (Osborn, 1917, p. 765).

2. Transition from cervical to dorsal for AMNH 5027 and MOR 555/USNM 555000: Cervical 9 or 11 (Brochu, 2003, p. 48).

Total bone count:
T. rex:

*Cervicals: 11 (at most).

Dorsals: 14 (at most).

Pre-sacral vertebrae (cervical to dorsal): 23

Dorsal Ribs: 11.

Gastrula: 18.

Sacrum: 5.

*Caudal: 40-45 (maybe 47?).
*Chevrons/Haemal Arches: 27 (preserved in "Sue").
Note: Asterisks indicate what bone count is different from Nanotyrannus'.


Cervicals: 8.

Caudals: Up to about 25 or so, like Dryptosaurus.
Chevrons/Haemal arches: 17.

T. rex has about 3 more cervical, about 20 more (or so) caudal vertebrae, and 10 more chevrons/haemal arches, than Nanotyrannus. The caudal count is the same in Nanotyrannus and Dryptosaurus. The caudal vertebrae count is very telling. Maleev (1955b) stated that the juvenile Tarbosaurus specimen PIN 552-2 has 40-45 caudal vertebrae (p. 4), just like the larger specimen PIN 552-1 (Maleev, 1974, pp. 13 and 29). This means that juvenile tyrannosaurs, in particular tyrannosaurine, didn't increase in caudal count during ontogeny. Using Tarbosaurus as an example, juvenile T. rex specimens would have likely had a similar caudal count to the adults. 

Maleev (1955b) on juvenile Tarbosaurus specimen PIN 552-2's caudal vertebrae count (p. 4):

Tarbosaurus specimen PIN 552-1 cauldal count from Maleev (1974):
P. 13:

P. 29:

Here are some other tyrannosaurs and their bone counts:


1. PIN 552-1:

Cervical: 9 (Maleev, 1974, p. 26).

Dorsal Ribs: 11 (Maleev, 1974, pp. 31).

Sacral: 5 (Maleev, 1974, p. 28).

Caudal: 35-45 or *40-45 (Maleev, 1974, pp. 12 and 29) (Brochu, 2003, p. 90).

2. PIN 552-2 (Juvenile):

Caudal: 40-45 (Maleev, 1955b, p. 4).

1. NMC 8506:

Cervical: 10 (Russell, 1970, p. 26).

Dorsal: 13  (Russell, 1970, p. 26).

Dorsal ribs: 12 (Russell, 1970, p. 25).

Caudal: 37+ (Most are reconstructed, and end of tail is not complete) (Russell, 1970, pp. 15-16).

1. Holotype:

Cervical: 7 (preserved), but maybe 9 in total (Lambe, 1917, p. 22); 10 (Russell, 1970, p. 23).

Dorsal: 22 (Lambe, 1917, p. 23).

Ribs: 11 (Lambe, 1917, p. 37).

Gastralia: 17 (preserved), but 19 were used in reconstruction (Brochu, 2003, p. 91).

Sacrum: 5 (Lambe, 1917, p. 27).

Caudal: 31 (preserved), but estimated to have 36 when complete (Lambe, 1917, p. 28).


Cervicals: 9 or 10.

Dorsals: 22.

Ribs: 11.

Gastralia: 17. Maybe 19.

Sacrum: 5.

Caudal: 36.

As for Nanotyrannus being an albertosaurine, Gorgosaurus has 3 (maybe 5) more gastralia, and 11 more caudal vertebrae, than Nanotyrannus, which is more of an incentive for me not to place it in the albertosaurine. Bone count doesn't seem to increase or decrease during ontogeny, as indicated by the juvenile and older specimens of Tarbosaurus. Since Dryptosaurus' tail morphology is distinctive from T. rex's, but similar to BHI 6437's and probably "Jane's," perhaps this would place Nanotyrannus as a juvenile, and maybe even subadult, Dryptosaurus?


**2. Deep maxillary strut with the maxillary fenestra closer to the antorbital fenestra.
Nanotyrannus has a deep, and wide, maxillary strut on the maxilla 
(Dalman and Lucas, 2018, GSA 
Abstract). Simply put, the inside of maxilla has a ridge, and the interior of the ridge, the antorbital fossa (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, Figure 4), is deep/concave. The maxillary fenestra (small hole) is located inside the antorbital fossa. For Nanotyrannus, the fenestra is positioned further into the antorbital fossa, closer to the antorbital fenestra (the largest hole in the maxilla). This is present in CMNH 7541 (Dalman et al., 2018, Figure 15 D), "Jane" (Peterson, 2019, Figure 6), "Zuri" (SWAU, HRS08438), and BHI 6347 (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs). This also appears to be true in Appalachiosaurus (Carr et al., 2005, p. 124), and Jinbeisaurus (Wu et al., 2019, pp. 3-4).

T. rex’s maxillary strut is not as deep when it is young, but it grows larger during ontogeny (Dalman and Lucas, 2018, GSA Abstract). This is seen in the young juvenile specimen RSM P2347 (pers. obs. the pic from Holtz's Twitter page), and the 26-year old CM 9380 (Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014, Figure 2 A-B) (Carr, 2020, Figure 16 Number 25). The maxillary fenestra is positioned closer to the beginning of the maxillary strut, unlike in Nanotyrannus, Appalachiosaurus, or Jinbeisaurus. Megaraptor seems to have a deep maxillary strut, but its maxillary fenestra is closer to the beginning of the strut (Porfiri et al., 2014, p. 41 Figure 5).

Delcourt (2017), using Carr (1999) as a source, said that a small maxilla belonging to Daspletosaurus was a subadult because it has a maxillary fenestra far away from the antorbital fenestra because of its age (Abstract). This likely means that when the specimen was younger, the maxillary fenestra was closer to the antorbital fenestra and changed positions when it grew older. However, this is not seen in Daspletosaurus horneri. Three specimens in different ontological stages had the maxillary fenestra closer to the maxillary strut than the antorbital fossa (Carr et al., 2017, Figures 1 and 3). It seems that Daspletosaurus' maxillary fenestra was in the same position as Tarbosaurus' and Tyrannosaurus'

Voris (2018) studied the ontogeny of Gorgosaurus. On pp. 80 and 83, we can see that the maxillary fenestra stayed closer to the antorbital fossa rather than the maxillary strut. This is seen in baby, juvenile, subadult, and adult specimens. This leads me to believe that Daspletosaurus' maxillary fenestra probably stayed closer to the maxillary strut rather than change positions during ontogeny, similar to T. rex's. Nanotyrannus' maxillary fenestra probably didn't change position either, especially since we have RSM P2347.1.

Albertosaurus' maxillary fenestra was in the same position as Gorgosaurus' (Paleofile, "Albertosaurus") (Bell and Currie, 2014, Figure 2), and a juvenile specimen has its maxillary fenestra in the same position as well (Currie, 2003, p. 195 Figure 3). It doesn't seem that the maxillary fenestra changed locations during ontogeny in Albertosaurus or Gorgosaurus.

Baby Tarbosaurus specimen MPC-D 107/7's maxillary fenestra was closer to the maxillary strut (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, pp. 499 and 505), and the larger specimen ZPAL MgD-I/4's maxillary fenestra is in the same position (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, p. 165 Figure 1). Currie (2003) also shows this in three Tarbosaurus specimens of different ages (p. 195 Figure 3). It seems that Tarbosaurus' maxillary fenestra stayed close to the maxillary strut throughout its lifetime. This is stated in Tsuihiji et al., (2011) (p. 11). This is also seen in baby T. rex specimens shown below.

Yun (2015) said that young tyrannosaurs had small maxillary fenestrae, and he used Currie (2003) as a source (p. 4). Currie (2003) does say this on p. 195, but he also stated on that same page that the maxillary fenestra does not change position in Gorgosaurus' antorbital fossa. Also, as I will show below, Currie (2003) does not actually show a change in size (from small to large) in the maxillary fenestra. As I've already shown above, maxillary fenestrae differs in size for different genera, but they stay either large or small throughout the animals' lives. Also, as stated before, Tsuihiji et al., (2011) said that the maxillary fenestra doesn't change shape (small to large).

Alioramus altai's maxillary fenestra is closer to the antorbital fenestra as well, but interestingly, the fenestra is pretty large for a tyrannosauroid (Brusatte et al., 2009, p. 17262 Figure 1). Still, based on its location inside the antorbital fossa, this is definitely a tyrannosauroid characteristic rather than a tyrannosaurinae one.

There are a couple of exceptions to this rule. For the tyrannosauroids, Qiazhousaurus (or Alioramus sinensis) has a large maxillary fenestra near the maxillary strut rather than the antorbital fenestra (Lu et al., 2014, Figure 1). One Alioramus remotus skull from Bonhams shows the maxillary fenestra closer to the strut. Alioramus' maxillary fenestra may have been placed in different positions in individual specimens or species, but it was still large regardless. As for the tyrannosaurinae, both Lythronax and Teratophoneus have small maxillary fenestrae located near the antorbital fenestrae, but Lythronax has a premaxillary fenestra which made the maxillary fenestra farther back in position (Loewen et al., 2013, Figures 2 and 3; 6). This can also be seen in T. rex specimen "Sue's" maxilla (Brochu, 2003, p. 11 Figure 3; p. 16 Figure 8). Lythronax and Teratophoneus have lighter maxillary struts compared to Qiazhousaurus (Alioramus sinesis), which seems to be a classic tyrannosaurine trait. Tarbosaurus also has this (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, Figure 4).

In conclusion, the maxillary fenestrae in T. rex's, Tarbosaurus', and Daspletosaurus', antorbital fossa stayed near the maxillary strut, contra Nanotyrannus', Appalachiosaurus', Jinbeisaurus', Gorgosaurus', and Albertosaurus' maxillary fenestrae being near the antorbital fossa. Larson (2013) says that the maxillary fenestra for Nanotyrannus stayed in the center of the antorbital fossa  (p. 26). The maxillary fenestra also doesn't change shape during ontogeny.

Baby T. rex RSM P2347.1's Maxilla (Holtz's Twitter page) (Scale bar is 10 cm):

Large maxillary fenestra right on the maxillary strut/antorbital fossa.

14-year old juvenile T. rex "Tinker" skull (Christies):

Large maxillary fenestra that is right on the maxillary strut/antorbital fossa.

T. rex "Duffy" (subadult or juvenile) skull (right side) (BHIGR):

Maxillary fenestra is large and right on the maxillary strut/antorbital fossa.

Subadult T. rex specimen TMM 41436-1's maxilla (Wick, 2014, Figure 1) (Scale bar is 10 cm):
Maxillary fenestra is huge and right on the maxillary strut/antorbital fossa.
Adult T. rex CM 9380 (26 years old) maxilla (Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014, Figure 2) (Scale bar is 5 cm):

Maxilla pic. from Michael Deak's Twitter post:

Notice how the maxillary fenestra is closer to the maxillary strut/antorbital fossa, just like in the baby, and juvenile, T. rex specimens listed above.

Baby Tarbosaurus specimen MPC-D 107/7's skull (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, pp. 499):

Maxilla (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 505):

Larger Tarbosaurus Specimen ZPAL MgD-I/4 Skull (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, p. 165 Figure 1):

Maxilla (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, Figure 4):
The maxillary strut is light.

Growth stage of Tarbosaurus (Credit goes to Ville Sinkkonen. Photo was presented by Holtz on 2/16/21):

Notice that the maxillary fenestra stays near the antorbital fossa all throughout ontogeny. 

Daspletosaurus horneri holotype skull (Carr et al., 2017, Figure 1 A) (Scale bar is 10 cm):

Daspletosaurus horneri growth stage (Carr et al., 2017, Figure 3):

Maxillary fenestra stays near the maxillary strut/antorbital fossa throughout ontogeny, just like T. rex's and Tarbosaurus'.

CMNH 7541's Skull (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 135 Figure 15):

"Jane's" Maxilla (Peterson, 2019, Figure 6) (Scale bars are 10 cm):

BHI 6437's (Subadult) Skull (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs):

Appalachiosaurus' maxilla (Carr et al., 2005, p. 124):

Jinbeisaurus' maxilla (Wu et al., 2019, p. 4 Figure 3 A-D):

Gorgosaurus' ontogeny chart (Voris, 2018, p. 80):

Juvenile (A) and adult (B) Gorgosaurus maxillae (Voris, 2018, p. 83):
The maxillary fenestra never changes position during ontogeny.

Multiple Gorgosaurus maxillas from different ontogenetic stages (Voris et al., 2022, Figure 3):
The maxillary fenestra never changes position during ontogeny.

Albertosaurus skulls from Paleofile:
NMC 5600 (Holotype):

NMC 5601 (Paratype):
RTMP 1981.10.1:
Albertosaurus specimen TMP 1989.17.53's maxilla (Bell and Currie, 2014, Figure 2):
The maxillary fenestra is in the same position in all four specimens.

In all five of these genera, the maxillary fenestra is farther away from the maxillary strut and closer to the antorbital fenestra.

Maxillary fenestrae positions in several tyrannosaurid genera (Currie, 2003, p. 195 Figure 3):

Juvenile Albertosaurus specimen TMP 86.64.1's (C) maxillary fenestra is closer to the antorbital fenestra, just like the other specimens listed in this post. Tarbosaurus' stayed near the maxillary strut during its entire lifetime. Also, contra Currie (2003) and Yun (2015), Currie (2003) shows the maxillary fenestrae for these different genera stay either small, or large, throughout ontogeny. Of course, as the animal gets larger the maxillary fenestra would get bigger too, but that's because of the size as the animal. No tremendous change from small to large maxillary fenestrae occurs in these genera during ontogeny. I've already went over this earlier in the post.

Megaraptor's maxilla (Porfiri et al., 2014, p. 41 Figure 5):

Megaraptor has a deep maxillary strut, but the maxillary fenestra is closer to the beginning of the strut.

Alioramus altai Holotype Skull (Brusatte et al., 2009, pg. 17262 Figure 1):

Alioramus (or Qianzhousaurus) sinensis Holotype Skull (Lu et al., 2014, Figure 1):

The maxillary strut is deep, but the maxillary fenestra is close to the maxillary strut.

Larger Alioramus remotus skull (Bonhams):
Right side:

Left side:

Lythronax's maxilla (Loewen et al., 2013, Figure 2):

The maxillary fenestra is closer to the antorbital fenestra because it possesses a premaxillary fenestra.

Teratophoneus' maxilla (Loewen et al., 2013, Figure 3):

Drawing showing discovered skull parts (Loewen et al., 2013, Figure 3):

This individual was a subadult too (Loewen et al., 2013, Results). Just like Lythronax, the maxillary strut is light, but the maxillary fenestra is small and closer to the antorbital fossa.

**3. Maxillary strut tips down, and triangular, at the front of the maxilla.
The maxillary strut, at the front, dips down, forming a triangular-shaped body near the beginning of the maxilla. This can be seen in all Nanotyrannus specimens with a maxilla. This can also be seen in Gorgosaurus, Albertosaurus, Jinbeisaurus, and Alioramus. T. rex and Tarbosaurus did not have this feature in their struts. In fact, their struts are so straight that you could draw a straight line through it and cut it in half. The front of the struts in those two species are also circular.

Nanotyrannus CMNH 7541's Skull (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 135 Figure 15):

"Jane's" Maxilla (Peterson, 2019, Figure 6) (Scale bars are 10 cm):

BHI 6437's (Subadult) Skull (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs):

Juvenile (A) and adult (B) Gorgosaurus maxillae (Voris, 2018, p. 83):

Multiple Gorgosaurus maxillas from different ontogenetic stages (Voris et al., 2022, Figure 3):

Albertosaurus skulls from Paleofile:
NMC 5600 (Holotype):

NMC 5601 (Paratype):

RTMP 1981.10.1:

Albertosaurus specimen TMP 1989.17.53's maxilla (Bell and Currie, 2014, Figure 2):

Jinbeisaurus' maxilla (Wu et al., 2019, p. 4 Figure 3 A-D):

Alioramus altai Holotype Skull (Brusatte et al., 2009, pg. 17262 Figure 1):

Alioramus (or Qianzhousaurus) sinensis Holotype Skull (Lu et al., 2014, Figure 1):

The triangular-shaped, and down-sloping, beginning of the maxillary strut seems to stay the same throughout Gorgosaurus' ontogeny, and is present in the baby Alioramus altai's, and the supposed adult Qiazhousaurus/Alioramus sinensis', maxillary struts as well. This is not an ontogenetic change.

Baby T. rex RSM P2347.1's Maxilla (Holtz's Twitter page) (Scale bar is 10 cm):

14-year old juvenile T. rex "Tinker" skull (Christies):

T. rex "Duffy" (subadult or juvenile) skull (right side) (BHIGR):

Subadult T. rex specimen TMM 41436-1's maxilla (Wick, 2014, Figure 1) (Scale bar is 10 cm):


Adult T. rex CM 9380 (26 years old) maxilla (Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014, Figure 2) (Scale bar is 5 cm):

Maxilla pic. from Michael Deak's Twitter post:

Baby Tarbosaurus specimen MPC-D 107/7's skull (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, pp. 499):

Maxilla (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 505):

Larger Tarbosaurus Specimen ZPAL MgD-I/4 Skull (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, p. 165 Figure 1):

Maxilla (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, Figure 4):
Growth stage of Tarbosaurus (Credit goes to Ville Sinkkonen. Photo was presented by Holtz on 2/16/21):

For both genera, the beginning of the maxillary strut stays oval in shape near the front of the maxilla. It also stays straight.

**3. Small maxillary fenestra.

Nanotyrannus has a small maxillary fenestra (small hole) inside of the maxillary strut. This is present in CMNH 7541 (Dalman et al., 2018, Figure 15 D), "Jane" (Peterson, 2019, Figure 6), "Zuri" (SWAU), and BHI 6437 (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs). Gorgosaurus (Voris, 2018, p. 83) (voris et al., 2022, Figure 3) and Appalachiosaurus has this too (Carr et al., 2005, p. 124). Megaraptor also shares this characteristic (Porfiri et al., 2014, p. 41 Figure 5), and Jinbeisaurus (Wu et al., 2019, p. 4)

T. rex’s fenestra is large throughout its lifetime, as seen in RSM P2347.1's (RSM photo from Holtz's 
Twitter page), BHI 3033's ("Stan") (18 years old) (Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014, Figure 2 C)and CM 9380 (26 years old) (Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014, Figure 2 A-B).

Juvenile T. rex RSM P2347.1's Maxilla (Holtz's Twitter page) (Scale bar is 10 cm):

14-year old juvenile T. rex "Tinker" skull (Christies):

T. rex "Duffy" (subadult or juvenile) skull (right side) (BHIGR):
Subadult T. rex specimen TMM 41436-1's maxilla (Wick, 2014, Figure 1) (Scale bar is 10 cm):

T. rex CM 9380 (26 years old) maxilla (Hendrickx and Mateus, 2014, Figure 2) (Scale bar is 5 cm):

Maxilla pic. from Michael Deak's Twitter post:

Maxillary fenestra stays large throughout ontogeny. It never increases or decreases.

CMNH 7541's Skull (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 135 Figure 15):
"Jane's" Maxilla (Peterson, 2019, Figure 6) (Scale bars are 10 cm):

BHI 6437's (Subadult) Skull (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs):

Juvenile (A) and adult (B) Gorgosaurus maxillae (Voris, 2018, p. 83):

Multiple Gorgosaurus maxillas from different ontogenetic stages (Voris et al., 2022, Figure 3):

Appalachiosaurus' maxilla (Carr et al., 2005, p. 124):

Jinbeisaurus' maxilla (Wu et al., 2019, p. 4 Figure 3 A-D):

Juvenile Megaraptor's maxilla (Porfiri et al., 2014, p. 41 Figure 5):

4. Lacrimal shape.
Lacrimal is shaped like Gorgosaurus' (Voris, 2018, p. 86) and Appalachiosaurus' (Carr et al., 2005, p. 122). This is seen in "Jane" (Larson, 2013, p. 29 Figure 2.10), "Zuri" 
(SWAU, HRS08496), and a private specimen from the FossilForum. Dalman told me that he believes that Nanotyrannus is an albertosaurinae (pers. comm.), and the lacrimal kind of goes in that direction. However, Nanotyrannus' lacrimal is also similar to Appalachiosaurus too.

Baby and juvenile T. rex lacrimals may be shaped differently ("Baby Bob's" skull fragments from FossilForum) (RSM photo from Holtz's Twitter page). RSM's may have a lacrimal horn, based on my initial observation (check Brusatte et al., 2009, Figure 1; Description and Comparisons, para. 2). Lacrimal horn may also be called the cornual process (Voris, 2018, p. 86). Juvenile T. rex specimen LACM 23845 doesn't have this lacrimal horn, or cornual process, anymore (Carr and Williamson, 2004, p. 497) (Olshevsky, 1995, p. 3). It would seem that T. rex would have lost its lacrimal horn by the age of 14.

Tarbosaurus specimen MCP 107/7's lacrimal was shaped like Nanotyrannus' (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 13). Juvenile specimen MCP-107/14's lacrimal (Figure 8 E) may have a lacrimal with a horn on it. One specimen, GIN 100/66, has a lacrimal shaped like Nanotyrannus' and a horn is on it (Currie, 2003, p. 200) (Yun, 2015, p. 4).

 Alioramus (or Alioramus and Qiazhousaurus) is an example of a genus that still retains its lacrimal horn throughout ontogeny (Brusatte et al., 2009, Figure 1) (Lu et al., 2014, Figure 1). Nanotyrannus may or may not have kept its lacrimal horn, but if BHI 6437 is a subadult, then it did. 

Gorgosaurus' lacrimal gets more rugose as it grew older (Voris, 2018, p. 86).

Lacrimal shape changed during ontogeny. Tarbosaurus', and more than likely T. rex's, lacrimals resembled tyrannosaurid and tyrannosaurine lacrimals during their baby and juvenile years, so using lacrimal shape as a characteristic to separate Nanotyrannus from T. rex would not work. I would imagine that Nanotyrannus' lacrimal would have looked similarly to Appalachiosaurus' or Gorgosaurus'.

Nanotyrannus "Zuri's" lacrimal (13 years old) (SWAUHRS08496):

T. rex "Baby Bob" skull fragments (FossilForum):

The shape of the lacrimal tip fragment is very similar to the adults.

T. rex RSM P.2990.1's (13-15 years old) lacrimal (Holtz's Twitter page):

There seems to be a lacrimal horn/cornual process still present on this specimen, right above the pneumatopore.

Baby Tarbosaurus specimen MCP 107/7's lacrimal (
Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 10 Figure 8 E): 

Juvenile Tarbosaurus specimen MCP-107/14's lacrimal (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 10 Figure 8 F):

T. rex LACM 23845's (14-16 years old) preserved skull bones drawing (Olshevsky, 1995, p. 3):
Unlike RSM, LACM's lacrimal horn is gone. 

T. rex "Stan's" (18 years old) (A), Gorgosaurus' (B), Nanotyrannus "Jane's" (C), lacrimals (Larson, 2013, p. 30 Figure 2.10):
Gorgosaurus lacrimal changes throughout ontogeny (Voris, 2018, p. 86):
Lacrimal morphology seems to have stayed about the same throughout ontogeny.

Appalachiosaurus' lacrimal (Carr et al., 2005, p. 122) ("Pneumatic recess of the lacrimal" is the large hole, and it is comparable in morphology to "Jane's," as shown above):

Nanotyrannus BHI 6437's skull (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs):

Nanotyrannus skull from Fossil Forum:

**5. Wide interior pneumatopore inside the lacrimal.

Nanotyrannus' lacrimal has s wide pneumatopore (hole) inside it, and this is seen in "Jane" (Larson, 2013, p. 29 Figure 2.10), "Zuri" (SWAU, HRS08496), and especially BHI 6437 (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs). A juvenile T. rex’s pneumatopore in its lacrimal is skinny. RSM P.2990.1, a 13-15-year old individual (Dalman, pers. comm.) (Carr, 2020, Figure 12 Number 6), has a lacrimal identical to an adult's (photo from Holtz's Twitter account). LACM 23845, a 16-year old T. rex (Carr, 2020, Figure 16 Number 8), has a fragmentary lacrimal, but it appears to be shaped the same as the adults' (Olshevsky, 1995, p. 3) (Carr and Williamson, 2004, p. 500 Figure 10), but the pneumatopore isn't there. 

However, baby Tarbosaurus specimen MCP 107/7's lacrimal has a somewhat large pneumatopore in it (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, Figure 8 E). However, the juvenile individual MCP 107/14's is skinny, as in the adults (Figure 8 F). It could be speculated that T. rex's lacrimal pneumatopore went through a similar change when it went from being a baby to a juvenile. We already see something akin to this in 
RSM P.2990.1.

Appalachiosaurus' pneumatopore inside its lacrimal is wide (Carr et al., 2005, p. 122). "Baby Bob" has the tip of its lacrimal preserved, but the pneumatopore isn't preserved. Gorgosaurus also has a wide pneumatopore in its lacrimal (Larson, 2013, p. 30 Figure 2.10). It seems that tyrannosauroids and tyrannosaurids had large pneumatopores in their lacrimals during their entire lifetimes, but tyrannosaurinae had theirs get skinnier during ontogeny.

Nanotyrannus "Zuri's" lacrimal (13 years old) (SWAUHRS08496):

T. rex RSM P.2990.1's (13-15 years old) lacrimal (Holtz's Twitter page):

Baby Tarbosaurus specimen MCP 107/7's lacrimal (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 10 Figure 8 E): 

Juvenile T. bataar specimen MCP-107/14's lacrimal (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 10 Figure 8 F):

We can see that Tarbosaurus' pneumatopore in its lacrimal get skinnier when it turned into a juvenile

T. rex
"Stan's" (18 years old) (A), Gorgosaurus' (B), Nanotyrannus "Jane's" (C), lacrimals (Larson, 2013, p. 30 Figure 2.10):
Gorgosaurus lacrimal changes throughout ontogeny (Voris, 2018, p. 86):
Pneumatopore stayed large throughout the animal's life.

Appalachiosaurus' lacrimal (Carr et al., 2005, p. 122) ("Pneumatic recess of the lacrimal" is the large hole, and it is comparable in morphology to "Jane's," as shown above):

Nanotyrannus BHI 6437's skull (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs):

Nanotyrannus skull from Fossil Forum:

6. Multiple large rugose bumps on lacrimal.
Lacrimal has rugose bumps on the dorsal (top). This is seen in "Jane" 
(Larson, 2013, p. 29 Figure 2.10), and "Zuri" (SWAU, HRS08496). It also seems to be present in BHI 6437 (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs). Gorgosaurus has this too (Larson, 2013, p. 30 Figure 2.10). Juvenile T. rex specimens don't seem to have this (RSM photo from Holtz's Twitter page) (Olshevsky, 1995, p. 3) (Carr and Williamson, 2004, p. 500 Figure 10) (Larson, 2013, p. 29 Figure 2.10; p. 47 Figure 2.21). A large Tarbosaurus specimen does have rugose lacrimals, but they're not as large as Nanotyrannus' or Gorgosaurus' (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, p. 170 Figure B). 

Nanotyrannus "Zuri's" lacrimal (13 years old) (SWAUHRS08496):

T. rex RSM P.2990.1's (13-15 years old) lacrimal (Holtz's Twitter page):

Baby Tarbosaurus specimen MCP 107/7's lacrimal (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 10 Figure 8 E): 

Juvenile T. bataar specimen MCP-107/7's lacrimal (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 10 Figure 8 F):

T. rex LACM 23845's (14 years old) preserved skull bones drawing (Olshevsky, 1995, p. 3):
T. rex "Stan's" (18 years old) (A), Gorgosaurus' (B), Nanotyrannus "Jane's" (C), lacrimals (Larson, 2013, p. 30 Figure 2.10):
Gorgosaurus lacrimal changes throughout ontogeny (Voris, 2018, p. 86):
It seems that the rugosities on the lacrimal increase with age for Gorgosaurus.

Nanotyrannus BHI 6437's skull (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs):

Nanotyrannus skull from Fossil Forum:

7. Multiple pneumatopores (holes) in lacrimal.
Possibly two-four pneumatopores (small holes) are inside the lacrimal (excluding the hole always featured in the lacrimal). This is seen in "Jane" (Larson, 2013, p. 47 Figure 2.21), "Zuri" (SWAU, 
HRS08496), and BHI 6437 (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs). This is not seen in T. rex specimens RSM P.2990.1 (photo from Holtz's Twitter account), or "Stan" (Larson, 2013, p. 47 Figure 2.21).

"Jane's" and "Stan's" lacrimals (Larson, 2013, p. 47 Figure 2.21):

Note: Arrows point to the number of pneumatopores. The third one (near the end of the lacrimal) is usually seen in all tyrannosauroids. The first two are not. "Zuri" had about four on its lacrimal (not including the typical pneumatopore located in the lacrimal). BHI 6437 has about 2, excluding the typical one.

Admittedly, these multiple pneuatopores could be juvenile characteristics, since "Zuri" and "Jane" are only 13 years old. For now, I do not see this as being an autapomorphy.

**8. Premaxillary tooth morphology:
It seems that T. rex's premaxillary tooth morphology stayed the same throughout its lifetime. In Stein (2021), there is a T. rex tooth that is identical to subadult, and adult, T. rex premaxillary teeth (Stein, 2021, p. 39 Figure 17, B). However, the specimen, TD-13-251, is small. It seems that the specimen could be a baby or a juvenile. Next to it, Stein shows a Nanotyrannus premaxillary tooth, TD-13-247, that is almost the same size as TD-13-251. This could be a baby or juvenile Nanotyrannus specimen.

Baby or juvenile T. rex premaxillary tooth TD-13-251 (Stein, 2021, p. 39 Figure 17, B):

Baby or juvenile T. rex premaxillary tooth TD-13-251, and baby or juvenile Nanotyrannus premaxillary tooth TD-13-247 (Stein, 2021, p. 39 Figure 17, B and C):
T. rex premaxillary tooth (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 132 Figure 10):
Subadult T. rex specimen "Stan's" premaxillary teeth (numbers 1 and 3) (Smith, 2005, p. 870 Figure 3 B, both in lingual/posterior views):
We can see that T. rex's premaxillary teeth seem to stay very wide throughout the animal's life. The ridges, with serrations on them, are located on the sides/lateral views of the teeth, and they don't seem to reach the base of the tooth (Smith, 2005, pp. 868-870, Figure 3, B; pp. 879-880). As for Nanotyrannus, the premaxillary teeth, and first maxillary tooth, have ridges on the posterior end of the teeth that are opposite of each other. Sometimes they either lack, or have very few, serrations (Carpenter, 1982, p. 130) (Molnar, 1978, p. 77) (Bakker et al., 1988, p. 24) (Larson, 2013, pp. 33-35). Interestingly, Nanotyrannus' ridges seem to meet the base of the teeth (pers. obs. in Molnar, 1978, p. 76 Figure 5, A; Carpenter, 1982, p. 128 Figure 7; Larson, 2013, p. 35 Figure 2.14), which is unseen in T. rex's

Nanotyrannus specimen LACM 28471 first and second maxillary teeth (Molnar, 1978, p. 76 Figure 5, A and C):
Note: Premaxillary tooth is the first maxillary tooth (Carr and Williamson, 2004, p. 489). Notice that the ridges reach the base of the tooth.

UCMP 124406 tooth ("Aublysodon") (Carpenter, 1982, p. 128 Figure 7):
This tooth matches LACM 28471's first maxillary tooth, so I'm placing it as Nanotyrannus. The ridges also reach the base, and the ridges are located on the posterior end of the tooth (Figure 7, A).

T. rex's premaxillary teeth also lack a vertical/lingual/posterior ridge that runs down the middle of the tooth on the rear of it (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 134). One tyrannosauroid premaxillary tooth from Zanno et al., (2015) has this same feature, along with the ridges on the posterior end of the tooth that reach the base (pp. 132 and 134, Figure 2, G). The authors assigned the tooth to T. rex, but I'll assign it to Nanotyrannus. this ridge also seems to be visible in UCMP 124406, so it seems that Nanotyrannus had the posterior ridge on its premaxillary teeth, unlike T. rex. Gorgosaurus also has this ridge on the posterior side of its premaxillary teeth, and it's on the juvenile and adult specimens 
(Voris et al., 2022, Systematic Paleontology, Description of Juvenile Gorgosaurus Skulls, Dentition, para. 2). Seems that the lingual/posterior ridge doesn't disappear during ontogeny. 

Baby Nanotyrannus premaxillary tooth FMNH PR 2902 (Zanno et al., 2015, p. 134 Figure 2, G). Scale bar is 1 mm:

Gorgosaurus' lingual/posterior ridge on its teeth (Voris et al., 2022, Systematic Paleontology, Description of Juvenile Gorgosaurus Skulls, Dentition, para. 2):

Note: They said that juvenile T. rex had this because they lumped Nanotyrannus into T. rex

Some tyrannosauroid premaxillary teeth, YPM VPPU 023387 and 023475, from Dalman et al., (2018), have the groove on them as well, while one tooth, YPM VPPU 023469, doesn't and matches the morphology of T. rex's premaxillary teeth (p. 128 Figure 3; p. 134). This is interesting because, not only do we have some evidence that points to T. rex being in the Campanian-aged Two Medicine Formation (p. 126), but Nanotyrannus' premaxillary teeth matches another tyrannosauroid that are different from T. rex's

**9. First maxillary tooth.
First maxillary tooth is incisiform (small and shaped like a premaxillary tooth), D-shaped in cross-section, and are either lacking, or have no, serrations. If there are any serrations, they are located on the sides of the tooth connected to ridges. This is something that Gorgosaurus had, but not T. rex (Larson, 2013, pp. 33-35) (Larson's Twitter post) (Bakker et al., 1988, p. 24) (Molnar, 1978, p. 77). The Dryptosaurus holotype, Alioramus altai, and Jinbeisaurus, also have an incisiform first maxillary tooth (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 9) (Cope, 1869, pp. 100-101) (Carpenter et al., 1997, p. 562) (Wu et al., 2019, p. 9). The fact that Dryptosaurus has this means that tooth morphology doesn't always change during ontogeny, since the Dryptosaurus holotype is presumed to be an adult (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 15). If Nanotyrannus is a Dryptosaurus, then the first maxillary tooth would have stayed incisiform.

Gorgosaurus had incisiform premaxillary, and first maxillary, teeth throughout its lifetime and they never changed form during ontogeny (Voris et al., 2022, Systematic Paleontology, Description of Juvenile Gorgosaurus Skulls, Dentition, para. 2):

Note: They said that juvenile T. rex had this because they lumped Nanotyrannus into T. rex

Baby Tarbosaurus specimen MCP 107/7's first maxillary tooth is serrated (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 17). Tsuihiji et al. do not mention the specimen's tooth as being incisiform.

There is a baby tyrannosaur tooth, UCMP 119853,  from either the Hell Creek or Lance Formation, that is ascribed to being a first maxillary tooth, is serrated, and is wide and robust (Carpenter, 1982, pp. 128 Figure 5 and 130). This could only come from a baby T. rex, especially since it resembles Tarbosaurus' more than Nanotyrannus'. Carpenter does mention that this tooth resembles an incisiform nature, but Bakker et al., (1988) (p. 24) and Larson (2013) (p. 34) say that T. rex and Tarbosaurus do not have an incisiform first maxillary tooth.

To make sure that UCMP 119853 was a first maxillary tooth, I read Smith (2005). Smith said that the first maxillary tooth has serrations on the sides of it, is larger than the premaxillary teeth, and has an oval-shaped base (pp. 872 and 875). It has one of the largest crowns (length, I assume), having almost the same length as the fourth tooth in the dentary (p. 872). The fourth dentary tooth is the largest tooth in the dentary (p. 876). As for the location of the serrations, the fourth dentary tooth has them on the anterior (front) and posterior (back) views of it, unlike in the first maxillary tooth. "Stan's" fourth dentary tooth varies slightly, with the serrations towards the bottom of the tooth appearing on the sides (pp. 875-877; p. 879 Figure 13 D, F-G; p. 880 Figure 14 A). This to me supports UCMP 119853 as being a first maxillary tooth. Having a D-shaped cross section may also support this too (Carpenter, 1984, p. 130). Tarbosaurus' first maxillary tooth is the same as T. rex's (Smith, 2005, p. 872).

Samman et al., (2005) said that the first two maxillary, and dentary, teeth in tyrannosaurs are more rounded in cross-section, and are either incisiform or sub-incisiform (p. 762). It seems that Carpenter may be right about the first maxillary tooth being slightly incisiform. Samman et al. also said that T. rex's mesial (anterior/front) serrations on its maxillary teeth do not reach the base of the tooth (pp. 762 and 768). This is also seen on UCMP 119853 in Figure 5 A in Carpenter (1982). 

Interestingly, Carr and Williamson (2004) said that young juvenile T. rex specimens had no serrations ("nondenticulation") on the first maxillary tooth (p. 517) (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 513). This is because he used the tyrannosauroid specimen LACM 23871. This specimen also had a small incisiform first maxillary tooth, just like "Jane" (p. 489). Larson (2013) placed this specimen in the genus Nanotyrannus (pp. 17, 21, 33-34). Larson also said that "Jane" had serrations on the first maxillary tooth (Larson's Twitter post), but they are lacking (Larson, 2013, pp. 33-35). If Carr and Williamson (2004) are correct in saying that LACM 23841 didn't have serrations on the first maxillary tooth, then Nanotyrannus did not have, or had very few, serrations on its first maxillary tooth. However, we can clearly see many serrations on 
UCMP 119853.  

Tyrannosaur tooth (ascribed to T. rex in this post based on comparison with Tarbosaurus) from either Hell Creek or Lance Formation (Carpenter, 1982):
P. 128 Figure 5 (A is side view and B is the posterior (back) view). scale bar is 2 mm:

P. 130:

Subadult T. rex "Stan's" 4th premaxillary and 1st maxillary teeth (Smith, 2005, p. 875 Figure 8 F-G; both are side views) (Arrows indicate serrations):

Smith (2005) said that the first maxillary tooth is longer than the premaxillary teeth:
P. 872:
P. 875:
The serrations on the first maxilla tooth are on the side of the tooth (F), as in the baby tooth from Carpenter (1982) (Figure 5 A). This proves that the baby tooth more than likely comes from T. rex.

 (D), T. rex (A and C), and Gorgosaurus' (B), first maxillary teeth (Larson, 2013, p. 35 Figure 2.14):
"Jane's" first maxillary tooth (posterior/rear view):
Baby T. rex UCMP 119853 
first maxillary tooth:
Nanotyrannus specimen LACM 28471 first and second maxillary teeth (Molnar, 1978, p. 76 Figure 5, A and C):
Note: Premaxillary tooth is the first maxillary tooth (Carr and Williamson, 2004, p. 489).

We can also see ridges on the sides of "Jane's," and LACM 28471's, first maxillary teeth where the serrations are (Larson's Twitter post) (Molnar, 1978, p. 76 Figure 5), while the baby T. rex's doesn't have them. From what I've found, these ridges are also on Gorgosaurus' premaxillary, and first maxillary, teeth (Voris et al., 2022, Systematic Paleontology, Description of Juvenile Gorgosaurus Skulls, Dentition, para. 2) (Lambe, 1917, p. 19).

Subadult T. rex specimen "Stan's" premaxillary teeth (numbers 1 and 3) (Smith, 2005, p. 870 Figure 3 B, both in lingual/posterior views):
We can see that the premaxillary teeth in T. rex has the ridges with serrations on the lateral/side views, but not on the first maxillary tooth (Figure 8 F-G). With this in mind, I am ascribing the first maxillary tooth from Carpenter (1982) to T. rex. This shows that T. rex's first maxillary tooth is different from Nanotyrannus', contra Voris et al., (2022).

Dalman told me that there is a new tyrannosaur from the Fruitland Formation that has incisiform teeth as well (pers. comm.):

It seems that Nanotyrannus could be related to this new species, along with Dryptosaurus and Alioramus.

Update (5/31/22): I found something very interesting. Carr (2020) said that the first two maxillary teeth are incisiform, and the first two dentary teeth are "subconical" (p. 48, Bite force and maturity: Tooth morphology). Alioramus' first two maxillary teeth are also incisiform (Brusatte et al., 2012, p. 24). Seems that Nanotyrannus has more in common with Alioramus the more I research this genus.

***10. Distal maxillary serrations:
On the distal (posterior) side of its maxillary teeth, Dryptosaurus has interdenticle spaces in between the serrations/denticles, and the denticles do not meet at the top. This is said to be an autopomorphy for the genus (Carpenter et al., 1997, pp. 561-563). However, Nanotyrannus has this too. This can bee seen on the Nanotyrannus specimen DSTRI from Armitage (2022). T. rex doesn't share this characteristic. Also, T. rex's serrations are hourglass-shaped. Both Dryptosaurus and Nanotyrannus have either rectangular-shaped, or sickle-shaped, serrations.

Maxillary tooth of Dryptosaurus aquilunguis holotype ANSP 9995 (Carpenter et al., 1997, p. 563 Figure 2):

Maxillary tooth of cf. Dryptosaurus specimen NJSM 12436 (Brownstein, 2018, Figure 2 number 8):

Maxillary tooth of Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis specimen DSTRI (Armitage, 2022, Figure 7D [DSTRI831 Mz]):

Maxillary tooth of T. rex specimen FMNH PR 2081 ("Sue") (Hendrickx et al., 2019, Figure 21 number 8):

A comparison of the distal maxillary teeth serrations/denticles of Dryptosaurus (A and B), 

Nanotyrannus (C), and T. rex (D). Notice that the Dryptosaurus and Nanotyrannus serrations connect at the bottom (green arrows), but have interdenticle spaces in between them that prevent them from reconnecting at the top (light blue arrows). T. rex's serrations have space in the middle of the serrations (light blue arrows), but they reconnect at the top (red arrows). Arrows were placed there by me:

A is the Dryptosaurus aquilunguis holotype specimen ANSP 9995 from Carpenter et al., (1997) (Figure 2B). B is cf. Dryptosaurus specimen NJSM 12436 from Brownstein (2018) (Figure 2 number 8). C is Nanotyrannus specimen DSTRI from Armitage (2022) (Figure 7D [DSTRI831 Mz]). D is Tyrannosaurus specimen FMNH PR 2081 from Hendrickx et al., (2019) (Figure 21 number 8). 

*11. Pinched maxillary teeth:

Nanotyrannus has maxillary teeth that are pinched in on the labial and lingual sides (Bakker et al., 1988, p. 22 Figure 12): 

cf. Dryptosaurus specimen NJSM 16601 has a maxillary tooth that is pinched inwards on the labial and lingual sides (green arrows) (Brownstein, 2018, Figure 2 number 5):

12. Shape of the cross-sections of the teeth.

Bakker et al., (1988) showed cross-sections of the maxillary teeth in Nanotyrannus. They didn't belong to the holotype specimen, but they matched the maxillary teeth in the holotype so the authors ascribed the teeth to Nanotyrannus (p. p. 22 Figure 12; p. 24). The first tooth has a mainly oval-shaped cross-section, but with a triangle-shaped edge on each side of the tooth. The second tooth has a cross-section with pinched sides, with the front being rounded and the rear being triangular. 

Nanotyrannus lancensis maxillary teeth (Bakker et al., 1988, p. 22 Figure 12) Scale bar is 2 cm:

When it comes to T. rex, its maxillary teeth seems to be more wide and circular-shaped, with the rear being somewhat triangular in shape. This is the case with a juvenile T. rex tooth that I was graciously offered to by Stein (pers. comm.).

Juvenile T. rex maxillary tooth TD-15-022 (Stein, pers. comm., 5/9/22):

Note: This is a maxillary tooth because the anterior serrations reach the middle of the tooth and not the base, which is typical for T. rex:
Now, Dr. Holtz and Stein both told me that it's easy to get Dakotaraptor and Nanotyrannus teeth confused with one another (pers. comm.). However, Dakotaraptor specimen TD-15-094 also has an "almond-shaped," or oval-shaped, cross-section (Stein, pers. comm., 5/9/22):

Nanotyrannus also has oval-shaped cross-sections, but also the triangle-shaped endings as seen in Bakker et al., (1988). These endings are not seen in the oval cross-sections of Dakotaraptor's tooth. I would make that a characteristic to help identify, and separate, Dakotaraptor's teeth from Nanotyrannus'. It may not completely resolve the identification problem, but I think it could be a start though.

As for Dryptosaurus, I was able to find two cross-sections of its teeth in Brownstein (2018):

NJSM 13095 (Brownstein, 2018, Figure 2, 13):

NJSM 16601, (Brownstein, 2018, Figure 2, 5):

NJSM 13095's cross-section is oval-shaped with apparent triangle-shaped endings, albeit the anterior ending doesn't seem to be preserved. The morphology does seem to indicate that it might have been there. 
NJSM 16601's cross-section seems to be pinched, which is more visible in the interior of the tooth. The anterior, while not preserved entirely, seems to have been triangular in shape as well. So far, these teeth match Nanotyrannus' in morphology. 

Brochu (2003) said that the
 Nanotyrannus holotype specimen CMNH 7541 has "circular" cross-sections (p. 3). Both Cope (1869) and Brusatte et al., (2011) said that Dryptosaurus' alveoli and teeth are oval in shape (Cope, 1869, p. 101) (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 12). However, Dryptosaurus' maxillary teeth were also ziphodont and labiolingually-compressed (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 8). Carr (2020) said that Nanotyrannus also had "ziphiform" teeth (p. 48, Bite force and maturity: Tooth morphology). Seems that, if Nanotyrannus was Dryptosaurus, the teeth would have stayed ziphodont throughout the genus' lifetime.

One final note: In the documentary Dino Death Match (National Geographic), there are a couple of pictures of some Nanotyrannus teeth. Their cross sections are shown, and they appear to be triangular in shape. This is similar to an Appalachiosaurus tooth I found online. It seems that Nanotyrannus had tooth cross-sections similar to Dryptosaurus, as well as Appalachiosaurus.

Nanotyrannus tooth cross section (Dino Death Match):
Appalachiosaurus specimen PV 8826's tooth cross section with red lines showing the triangular shape of the cross section (The Charleston Museum, Appalachiosaurus, Dinosaur tooth):

Update (10/1/22):
Both Professor Holtz and Sebastian Dalman confirmed that 
UCMP 119853 was a first maxillary tooth!

**13. Tooth loss or increase?

Long story short: Tyrannosauroids DID NOT lose teeth during ontogeny. I wrote a post on this subject here:

Here's what I originally wrote on the topic for this post:
Nanotyrannus' maxilla has 15-16 teeth 
(Bakker et al., 1988, p. 9; Figure 3) (Larson, 2013, p. 37). 
Specimen BHI 6437 ("Bloody Mary") might have 17 (personal observation). The d
entary has 16-17 teeth. Carr has stated that T. rex lost teeth during ontogeny (1999) (2020), but interestingly, Currie (2003) and Tsuihiji et al., (2011) said that tooth loss does not occur in ontogeny (Currie, 2003, p. 196 Figure 5; p. 224) (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, Abstract; pp. 18-19). Tsuihiji et al. came to this conclusion after studying a baby, and adult, Tarbosaurus specimens (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, Abstract; pp. 18-19). Deak and McKenzie (2016) say that there are 12 teeth in 4-year old juvenile T. rex specimen "Baby Bob's" dentary, like an adult's (slide. 11). Dalman stated this too (pers. comm.):

Carr et al., (2017) even showed that Daspletosaurus "horneri" did not lose teeth (at least) in the dentary, which stayed at 17 throughout its lifetime (“Discussion: Ontogenetic tooth count reduction,” para. 1-3). 

Dalman also told me that Daspletosaurus did not lose teeth with age. He based this on a bone bed he and his team are digging up in the Two Medicine Formation, and there are multiple individuals of various sizes and ages. Little, to no, tooth loss have been reported, especially in the dentary:

I'm starting to think that the dentary is the best place to look for tooth counts.

Here's a list of T. rex specimens with their ages and tooth counts:

RSM P2347.1:
Age: Unknown. Maybe 4 or younger.
Maxilla: Teeth were not found, but reconstruction shows that 13 can fit.

RSM P2347.1's maxilla and reconstructed skull (Jack Milligan's Twitter page):

2. "Baby Bob": 
Age: 4.
Dentary tooth count: 12.
Source: Deak and McKenzie (2016) (slide 12), Dalman (pers. comm.), Michael Deak's Twitter post.

"Baby Bob" Dentary (Deak and McKenzie, 2016, slide 12):

"Baby Bob's" age (Michael Deak's Twitter post):

3. BHI 6439:
Age: 13 (estimated) (dentary and tooth row is the same size as "Jane's"). 
Dentary tooth count: 13.
Sources: Dalman (pers. comm.), Peter Larson's Twitter page.

Note: Dalman says that the dentary is the same size as "Jane's," with the same dentary tooth row length. This could mean that it is the same age, and even size, as "Jane," as hinted at by Sebastian Dalman (pers. comm.).
Sources: Sebastian Dalman (personal communication), Peter Larson's Twitter page.

Nanotyrannus "Jane's" (top) and baby T. rex specimen BHI 6439's (bottom's) dentaries (interior) (photo from Peter Larson's Twitter page):

Note: Lingual bar covers the first two teeth/alveoli on BHI 6439's dentary, and in T. rex overall. "Jane's" only covers the first alveoli (Dalman, pers. comm.) (Dalman and Lucas, 2016, p. 23).

Top view (pic. provided by Dalman):

Dentary length (pic. given to me from Dalman):

4. 'Tinker":
Age: 14.
Maxilla (Left): 11.
Dentary: 12-13:
-Right dentary pic. from Sebastian Dalman: 12 teeth.
-Left dentary (Skull cast pic. from Sebastian Dalman): 13.

Sources: Erickson et al., (2006) (Supplementary Materials, p. 13), Sebastian Dalman (pers. comm.).
-Others: (Prehistoric Planet Store, Tinker the Juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex, skull) (Wyoming Dinosaur Ranch), (Angelfire).

"Tinker's" Dentary (photo belongs to Dalman) (Measuring tape is presumably in inches):

5. BHI 3033 ("Stan"):
Age: 18.
Maxillary tooth count: 11.
Dentary tooth count: 13.
Sources: Erickson et al., (2006) (Supplementary Materials, p. 13), 
Hendrickx and Mateus (2014) (Figure 2 C), Dalman and Lucas (2016) (p. 25), Larson (2013) (p. 37).

"Stan's" dentary (Dalman and Lucas, 2016, p. 25):

Note: Lingual bar covers the first two alveoli/teeth, just like in BHI 6439's dentary, but not in "Jane's."

CM 79057 ("Samson") and PARC-TD-11-094/FDM-xx?:

-"Samson": 23.
-PARC-TD-11-094/FDM-xx?: Estimated to be an adult.

-"Samson": 13.
-PARC: Unknown.
Dentaries (Both): 15.
Sources: Erickson et al., (2006) (Supplementary Materials, p. 14), Deak and McKenzie (2016) (slide 13), Stein (2021) (p. 36).

"Samson" dentary and tooth count (Deak and McKenzie, 2016, slide 9; from Horner, 2011):

PARC-TD-11-094/FDM-xx? dentary (Stein, 2021, p. 37, Figure 16):

Note: First two alveoli are covered by the lingual bar (A).

Stein's statement on the dentary having 14-15 tooth positions (Stein, 2021, p. 36):

PARC-TD-11-094/FDM-xx? with arrows showing 15 teeth (Kawabe and Hattori, 2021; photo from Randall, 2021):

It seems that T. rex's tooth count either stays constant, or increases in number, throughout its lifetime. There doesn't seem to be any need, during T. rex's ontogeny, in which it needed to grow more, and then lose, teeth. Dalman told me this as well:

Here's a tooth count for Nanotyrannus:

1. "Cassi":
Age: Unknown, but dentary size suggests that it's a baby/juvenile.
-Length: About 30 cm.
-Tooth Count: 16-17 (first tooth may be small).

"Cassi's" dentaries (Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27) (Scale bar is 5 cm):
Dalman on "Cassi" (10/28/21):
2. New specimen from Dino Lab Inc.:
Age: Unknown, but probably 4 since its dentary is 22 inches. This is the same as "Baby Bob's."
Tooth Count: Unknown.

Dino Lab Inc. specimen (photos provided by Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27):
Dino Lab Inc. on the specimen's dentary length:
We now have a Nanotyrannus specimen that is the same size as "Baby Bob."

3. CMNH 7541:
Age: 7.
Dentary: 16.
Sources: Witmer and Ridgely (2010a) (pp. 76 and 78), Deak and McKenzie (2016) (slide 12).

CMNH 7541's dentary and tooth count (Deak and McKenzie, 2016, slide 12) (from Witmer and Ridgely, 2010a, 
pp. 76 and 78):
3. "Zuri":
Age: 13.
Sources: Griffin (2014) (Abstract), Woodward (pers. comm.), Dalman (pers. comm.), SWAU (HRS08486).

"Zuri's" dentary (SWAU, HRS08486) (16 alveoli in total):
Note: Lingual bar covers the first alveoli, just like "Jane's."

4. BMRP 2002.4.1 ("Jane"):
Age: 13.
Maxilla: 15-16.
Dentary: 17.
Source: Larson (2013) (
Abstract; p. 37 Table 2.3 C), Horner (2011), Deak and McKenzie (2016) (slide 9), Burnham et al., (2016) (Abstract).

"Jane's" dentary and tooth count (Deak and McKenzie, 2016, slide 9) (from Horner, 2011):
5. BHI 6437 ("Bloody Mary"):
Age: Subadult.
Maxilla: 17 or 18 (pers. obs.) (16-18 have been estimated).
Tyrannosauroidea central: Tyrannoethics: The naturalist T. rex and the and the T. rex list of shame, updated (2015), personal observation, Rosen (2014), Bonhams: Mortal combat: The Carnivore.

BHI 6437's maxilla (Dino Death Match, 1:12):
No sign of tooth loss in Nanotyrannus either, but rather it seems to increase. Tooth loss did not occur in tyrannosauroids. It either stayed the same, or even increased in number. 

Currie (2003) graphed the maxillary tooth row length and compared the tooth count of multiple tyrannosauroid genera (p. 196 Figure 5).

Tyrannosaurid Tooth Count Chart (Currie, 2003, p. 196 Figure 5):

All genera in the graph, including T. rex, had a tooth count in the maxilla that either stayed the same or increased.

Currie (2011) reiterated his findings from his 2003 paper. There was no sign of tooth loss in tyrannosaurs based on the size of the individual (Abstract):
Larson, and Mortimer from The Theropod Database Blog, says that AllosaurusCoelophysis, Ceratosaurus, Majungasaurus, and therizinosauroids, did not lose teeth throughout ontogeny (Larson, 2013, p. 35) (Mortimer, 2013, 
"Validity of Nanotyrannus," "#X," para. 2). Mortimer says their tooth count was "stable or increasing." She also questions whether or not CMNH and "Jane" are special cases in terms of T. rex's tooth count, saying that this "strains the possibility," ("#X," para. 2). Tsuihiji et al., (2011) said that, based on the discovery of a juvenile Tarbosaurus specimen, said that no tyrannosaurids lost teeth throughout ontogeny (Abstract).

I don't think tooth loss occurred during ontogeny for tyrannosaurs. Tooth count seemed to be stable, or even increased. 

**14. Lingual bar on the interior side of dentary connects to the first tooth/alveoli.
To me, this is possibly the second most important trait that differentiates T. rex from Nanotyrannus. T. rex's, Tarbosaurus', Zhuchengtyrannus, Daspletosaurus', and Lythronax's, lingual bars cover the first two alveoli 
(Dalman and Lucas, 2017, pp. 23-24) (Dalman and Lucas, 2018) (Dalman, pers. comm.). We don't see this in "Jane's," or "Zuri's," dentaries. Juvenile T. rex specimen BHI 6439 clearly shows its groove covering its first two alveoli, compared to "Jane's" which only covers the first alveoli (Peter Larson's Twitter post) (Dalman and Lucas, 2017, pp. 23-24) (Dalman and Lucas, 2018) (Dalman, pers. comm.)This is also seen in Appalachiosaurus (Pillion, 2021), and Gorgosaurus specimen TMP 1994.143.1 (Currie, 2003, p. 218 Figure 33) (Voris et al., 2019, Figure 1 B). Both of these specimens are young too. The Appalachiosaurus specimen is a subadult (Carr et al., 2005, pp. 119-121), and the Gorgosaurus specimen is a juvenile (Voris et al., 2019). However, one adult specimen of Gorgosaurus also has this trait (Dalman and Lucas, 2017p. 17 Figure 1 B). It seems that basal tyrannosauroids have this trait, but tyrannosaurine do not (Loewen et al., 2013, Figure 6).

Appalachiosaurus' dentary (Pillion, 2021):
You can see the lingual bar covering the first alveoli because it goes all the way up to the very tip of the dentary. Special thanks to Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27 for the link.

Juvenile Gorgosaurus specimen TMP 1994.143.1:
Currie (2003) (P. 218 Figure 33):
Voris et al., (2019) (Figure 1 B):
The lingual bar is covering the first alveoli, just as in Nanotyrannus and Appalachiosaurus.

Adult Gorgosaurus dentary (Dalman and Lucas, 2017p. 17 Figure 1 B) ("lb" and "aslb" are the lingual bar and anterior lingual bar):
The lingual bar doesn't seem to change positions during ontogeny.

Jinbeisaurus may have had the lingual bar covering the first alveoli, since its maxillary strut is deep like Nanotyrannus' and Appalachiosaurus', but the tip of the dentary is damaged (Wu et al., 2019, p. 5 Figure 4 C-H):

It is also interesting to note that Jinbeisaurus is placed phylogenetically close to Dryptosaurus, and other more primitive tyrannosauroids than to the tyrannosaurids and tyrannosaurine. Dr. Carr was also a part of that paper. 

Jinbeisaurus' phylogenetic tree (Wu et al., 2019, Figure 8):

Nanotyrannus "Jane's" (top) and baby T. rex specimen BHI 6439's (bottom's) dentaries (interior) (photo from Peter Larson's Twitter page):

Note: Lingual bar covers the first two teeth/alveoli on BHI 6439's dentary, and in T. rex overall. "Jane's" only covers the first alveoli (Dalman, pers. comm.) (Dalman and Lucas, 2016, p. 23).

"Jane's" lingual bar (Dalman and Lucas, 2017, p. 24 Figure 9, B'):

You can see the lingual covering the first alveoli much better here.

Baby T. rex specimen "Baby Bob" dentary (Photo sent to me by Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27):

The lingual bar (what's preserved of it) covers the first two alveoli, as in BHI 6439.

Subadult T. rex "Stan's" dentary (Dalman and Lucas, 2016, p. 25):

Note: Lingual bar covers the first two alveoli/teeth, just like in BHI 6439's dentary, but not in "Jane's."

*15. Skinny dentary:

Brusatte et al., (2009) state that Alioramus has a "shallow dentary" (Description and Comparisons, para. 6). I'm guessing that this means that Alioramus' dentary is skinny. When compared to baby T. rex specimen BHI 6439, Nanotyrannus specimen "Jane' and BHI 6437 have extremely skinny dentaries.

Alioramus altai Holotype Skull (Brusatte et al., 2009, pg. 17262 Figure 1):

Nanotyrannus "Jane's" (top) and baby T. rex specimen BHI 6439's (bottom's) dentaries (interior) (photo from Peter Larson's Twitter page):

Nanotyrannus BHI 6437's skull (Bonhams, Dueling dinosaurs):

BHI 6437's dentary is extremely skinny, and shaped a lot like Alioramus'.

The fragment of Dryptosaurus' dentary show that could have been very skinny as well (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 11 Figure 4):

16. Pneumatic foramen on quadrujugal.
Pneumatic foramen (small hole) on the quadrujugal that is not present on T. rex’s (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 19) (Larson, 2013, p. 45 Figure 2.19). Tsuihiji et al. also says that this is not present in Tarbosaurus (both young and old), nor in tyrannosaurids in general (p. 19). Daspletosaurus horneri does have this (Carr et al., 2017, Diagnosis, para. 2). Interestingly, Daspletosaurus horneri has 17 teeth in its dentary as well. I wonder if there is a close relationship between it and Nanotyrannus? Mainly, this pneumatic foramen is not present on T. rex

Update (10/13-17/21):
Sebastain Dalman says that Daspletosaurus horneri does not have this foramen. It's the result of damaged bone surface (personal communication). Also, he told me that "Zuri" does not have this trait. This might be a result of ontogeny, but I'll have to look this up later. Therefore, T. rex, T. bataar, and Daspletosaurus horneri, did not have this trait. It seems to be an autapomorphic trait for Nanotyrannus, albeit maybe for the younger individuals, but this is inconclusive:

Of course, this could be a sign the foramen being a juvenile trait when "Zuri" grew into an adult T. rex. However, this doesn't change the fact that "Jane," another 13-year old Nanotyrannus, does have this foramen. Maybe individual variation could account for this? 

As far as I'm concerned, "Zuri" not having the foramen on its quadrajugal signifies either the individual being of a slightly older status than "Jane," or is a result of individual variation.

"Jane's" (left) and "Stan's" quadrujugals (Larson, 2013, p. 29 Figure 2.9):

"Zuri's" quadrujugal (SWAU, HRS08440) (No foramen present):

I will conclude that this is a juvenile characteristic.

17. Endocast is shaped differently from T. rex's.
I've noted before in my "What IF: Are Nanotyrannus and Alioramus Juvenile Tyrannosaurus?" that the endocast of Nanotyrannus is shaped differently from T. rex's, but Dr. Holtz says that the brain of theropods changed throughout ontogeny. I even found a paper saying that birds' brains change throughout ontogeny too, and since birds are dinosaurs, then Nanotyrannus' brain should have changed shape as it matured into a full-grown T. rex. But to be fair, Brusatte et al., (2009) used Alioramus' endocast to support it as being a separate genus from Tarbosaurus. I declared that Alioramus' endocast could not support it as a separate genus because it was a juvenile, and its endocast would have changed as it matured, presumably, into an adult Tarbosaurus. If we're going to be fair, then we need to keep Nanotyrannus' endocast in mind when debating whether or not it is a valid genus. We can't support one thing being valid, and be bias towards another being invalid. Professor Holtz also said that Nanotyrannus' brain became damaged when its skull got squished during preservation, but we'll get to that in a minute.

I'm a little hesitant in saying this because the argument that Nanotyrannus' endocast was damaged during preservation, and that it would turn into looking like a normal T. rex's when it matured, sounds very convincing. I used this logic before for Alioramus' endocast, which admittedly, looks very similar to Tarbosaurus'. However, people use Alioramus' higher tooth count, nasal bumps, jugal horn, and other traits on the skull, for example, to separate it from Tarbosaurus. Even if Nanotyrannus' endocast would change as it matured, does it mean that its endocast was damaged during preservation? I originally thought so, but Deak and McKenzie (2016) might've counteracted this argument with the T. rex specimen "Sue." Her skull was squished during preservation, but Deak and McKenzie say that "Sue's" endocast looks identical to other T. rex specimens whose skulls were not damaged during preservation (slide 6). I forgot that "Sue's" skull was crushed. If its brain still preserved its original shape after its skull was deformed, then I can't say for certain that Nanotyrannus' endocast was damaged when the skull was crushed during preservation. Once again, I think the same excuses given to Alioramus can be given to Nanotyrannus, even if we dismiss the endocast: Higher tooth count with the first maxillary tooth being an incisiform like Gorgosaurus' that is not seen in other juvenile T. rex specimens, a wide "T"-shaped lacrimal with three pneumatic foramen (holes) inside it not seen in juvenile/subadult T. rex specimens, a deep maxillary strut not present in juvenile T. rex specimens, a pneumatopore (hole) on the quadrujugal not seen in T. rex, etc. 

T. rex "Sue's" crushed skull and endocast (right) compared to a normal T. rex skull and endocast (Deak and McKenzie, 2016, slide 6):

T. rex "Sue's" crushed skull (Brochu, 2003, p. 15):

T. rex "Sue's," and Nanotyrannus CMNH's, endocasts (Deak and McKenzie, 2016, slide 5):

T. rex (Left) and Nanotyrannus (Right) Endocasts (Dino Death Match, 29:20):Kawabe et al., (2015) says that chicken brains change shape during ontogeny, and this seems to have happened for dinosaurs ("Abstract;" "Discussion: Implications for paleontology," para. 1). So until we get more juvenile T. rex, and Nanotyrannus, endocasts scanned, I will not include the endocast morphology as an autapomorphy. 

I forgot about this though: Here's an endocast from a juvenile T. rex (Dinosaurs: Inside and Out: S1E3: "The Killer Elite," 14:14):

Neal Larson is the one that said that this is a juvenile T. rex's endocast. However, on the Prehistoric Store's website, I found another T. rex endocast that looks identical to it. However, it's described as being an adult endocast. 

Adult T. rex endocast from Prehistoric Store:

This can go in two directions: Firstly, this is the same endocast from the documentary and it belongs to an adult T. rex. On the other hand, this means that a juvenile T. rex's endocasts resembles more like the adults' rather than Nanotyrannus'

*18. Extremely rugose nasals.
Extremely rugose nasals usually occur in more mature T. rex specimens, as seen in the adult specimen "Scotty" (Persons IV et al., 2019, p. 659): 
Juveniles/subadults have fewer, and smaller, nasal rugosities, and this is seen in LACM 23845, a 14-16-year old individual (Molnar, 1980, p. 103):
However, 13-year old Nanotyrannus specimen "Zuri" has extremely rugose nasals (SWAU, HRS08423). Alioramus (all 3) specimens have pronounced bumps on their nasals 
(Paleofile, Alioramus) (Brusatte et al., 2012, p. 25 Figure 10 D) (Lu et al., 2014, Figure 1). "Zuri's" bumps are smaller than Alioramus', and so are Appalachiosaurus', but this is a trait seen in Alioramus and Appalachiosaurus (Carr et al., 2005, pp. 120-122)

Nanotyrannus "Zuri's" nasals (Side/Lateral view to show bumps) (SWAU, HRS08423):
Description of "Zuri's" nasals from SWAU:
nasals (Carr et al., 2005, p. 122):

Note: Notice that Appalachiosaurus' bumps are the same size as "Zuri's."

Alioramus altai's (Brusatte et al., 2012, p. 25 Figure 10 D) (Scale bar is 5 cm):

Alioramus remotus Holotype Skull (Paleofile, Alioramus): 

Alioramus (or Qianzhousaurus) sinensis holotype skull (mature individual) (Lu et al., 2014, Figure 1):

19. Lacrimal processes on the nasals.

T. rex has two "horns," called lacrimal processes, on the end of the nasals (Hurum and Sabbath, 2003, p. 169 Figure 5 B). These processes fuse the nasals to the lacrimals. Nanotyrannus specimen "Zuri" has the best preserved nasals that I can find for Nanotyrannus. As far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be any lacrimal processes on either side of its nasals (SWAU, HRS08423). However, after talking to Sebastian Dalman about this, he said that both "Jane" and "Zuri" had lacrimal processes on their nasals (pers. comm.). "Jane's" nasals have been reconstructed with lacrimal processes (Carr, 2020, Supplementary Information, Figure 7), but admittedly this becomes less apparent in Figure 10. He reconstructed CMNH 7541 without the processes (Figure 6). Supposedly, the processes appear as the animal grows older (Figure 7). After inspecting the nasal and lacrimal bones of "Jane" myself, there does appear to be a notch for the nasal's lacrimal processes at the beginning of the lacrimal (Todd Johnson's Facebook posts). BHI 6437's rear end of its nasals are crunched, so it's hard to tell if it had the lacrimal processes. Since "Jane" and "Zuri" had the lacrimal processes, it seem more than likely that BH 6437 had them as well. 

Interestingly, Gorgosaurus had the lacrimal processes on its nasals throughout its lifetime (Voris, 2018, p. 80). 
This leads me to believe that Nanotyrannus had lacrimal processes throughout its lifetime as well and not just when it grew older during ontogeny, contra Carr (2020). Interestingly, Tarbosaurus, a tyrannosaurinae closely related to T. rex, does not (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, p. 169 Figure 5). Bistahieversor had these as well (Carr et al., 2010, p. 2 Figure 1, A). Bistahieversor had the lingual bar covering the first alveoli on the interior side of its dentary (Dalman and Lucas, 2017, pp. 23 and 24 Figure 9, A), and the maxillary fenestra was closer to the antorbital fenestra rather than the maxillary strut (Carr et al., 2010, p. 2 Figure 1), so this would make it a basal tyrannosauroid or tyrannosaurid. It seems that the presence, or absence, of the lacrimal processes vary in the genera of the tyrannosauroidea. 

Tarbosaurus (A3) and Tyrannosaurus (B) nasals (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, p. 169 Figure 5):

T. rex's nasals have the lacrimal processes, but not Tarbosaurus.

 "Zuri" nasals (SWAU, 
HRS08423) (Side/Lateral view):
Bottom view:
Top view of the end of the nasals:
Bottom view of the end of the nasals:
Dalman said that the lacrimal processes were probably lost during preservation (pers. comm.):

Appalachiosaurus does have "articular surfaces for the lacrimal" (Carr et al., 2005, pp. 121-122). On p. 123, a drawing of the skull shows the articular surfaces are indeed the lacrimal processes. So, both
Nanotyrannus and Appalachiosaurus have lacrimal processes/articular surfaces for the lacrimals.

Appalachiosaurus' nasals (Carr et al., 2005, p. 122):
Bistahieversor skulls (adult on top, juvenile on bottom) (Carr et al., 2010, p. 2 Figure 10). Scale bar is 50 cm. The lacrimal processes are preserved on the adult skull better:
Alioramus altai's nasals are extremely similar to Nanotyrannus'. More importantly, the end of the nasals in both genera are wide, and there are no lacrimal processes at the end of them. The large width seems to be a baby and juvenile characteristic, given the young ages of the two specimens (see Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 3 Figure 2), but still, no lacrimal processes are present in either specimens.

Baby Tarbosaurus specimen MPC-D 107/7's nasals (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 3 Figure 2):
The nasals are wide towards the middle-end, so the large width at the end of the nsasals seems to be a juvenile characteristic. However, there are no lacrimal processes in MPC-107/7, just like in the older Tarbosaurus specimen ZPAL MgD-I/4 (Hurum and Sabath, 2003, p. 169 Figure 5).

Alioramus altai's nasals (Brusatte et al., 2012, p. 25 Figure 10):

Gorgosaurus' ontogeny chart (Voris, 2018, p. 80):

The lacrimal processes are present on the specimens that have it preserved, so they are present throughout the animal's lifetime. Using Gorgosaurus as an example, if juvenile Nanotyrannus specimens don't have the lacrimal processes, then the adults won't have them either.

Juvenile Gorgosaurus specimen TMP 2009.12.14's skull drawing (Voris, 2018, p. 81 Figure 3.3). Scale bar is 5 cm. Lacrimal process is present here:
This specimen is younger than the 10-year old TMP 1994.143.1 (Voris, 2018, p. 80) (Erickson et al., 2006, Supplementary Materials, p. 15).

Juvenile Gorgosaurus specimen TMP 94.143.01 skull drawing with lacrimal processes (p. 80):
Older specimen USNM 12814 skull drawing with lacrimal processes (p. 80):
All three of these specimens, with different ages, have the lacrimal processes preserved. It seems that the lacrimal processes are present in tyrannosauroids throughout their lifespans, if the genus in question had them to begin with. 

**20. Nanotyrannus' skull width:
It has been said that Nanotyrannus' skull width is large, which would make it consistent in being a juvenile T. rex (Currie, 2003, p. 223) (Longrich et al., 2010, p. 4). However, after checking this out for myself, it seems that Nanotyrannus' skull is not that wide, even compared to a juvenile Albertosaurus specimen with a smaller skull.

In Peterson et al., (2009), I measured a cast of "Jane's" skull and got a width of 36 cm (at best), with a top/dorsal-view skull length of 80.5 cm (at best) (p. 782 Figure 3). Compared to other tyrannosaurs, like the juvenile Albertosaurus that I mentioned, catalogued as CMN 5601 (Tanke and Currie, 2010, pp. 1199 and 1201 Figure 2) (Check Lambe, 1904, pp. 26 and 28), it has a skull width/"breadth" of 41.2 cm with a skull length of 61 cm (Lambe, 1904, p. 12). The left side of CMN 5601's snout, the maxilla, has folded over, but the posterior end of the skull is in good condition (Lambe, 1904, pp. 7 and 26), and the overall condition of the skull seems good enough (Tanke and Currie, 2010, p. 1199), so I don't think that the posterior end experienced any crushing, or some other force, that was exerted onto it to alter its width. Teratophoneus' skull width is about 25-30 cm, and Lythronax has a skull width of over 50 cm (Loewen et al., 2013, Figures 2 and 3). Russell (1970) gave a skull width of 42.5 cm ("across the quadratojugals"), and a skull length of 104 cm, for the Daspletosaurus holotype (p. 25). 

would make a great contender for being a second species of Tyrannosaurus. As for Nanotyrannus, its skull width is closer to Teratophoneus', Albertosaurus', and Daspltosaurus', rather than T. rex's and Lythronax's. Currie (2003) gives a width of 21 cm ("across the postorbitals"), and a skull a length of 60 cm, for the Nanotyrannus holotype specimen  CMNH 7541's skull (p. 223). This is still smaller for the juvenile Albertosaurus', Teratophoneus', and Daspletosaurus', skull's width. I estimate that an adult Nanotyrannus specimen would have a skull width of about 40 or so cm.

Nanotyrannus "Jane" (Peterson et al., 2009, p. 782 Figure 3). Scale bar is 10 cm:

Teratophoneus' skull (Loewen et al., 2013, Figure 30. Scale bars are 10 cm, but 50 cm for N):
Lythronax's skull (Loewen et al., 2013, Figure 2). Scale bars are 10 cm, but 50 cm for B:
Nanotyrannus' skull is similar to Appalachiosaurus' and Dryptosaurus'.
Black (2010) had an interview with Tyler Keillor, a paleo-artist, and he stated that "Jane" had a skull similar to Appalachiosaurus, Dryptosaurus' limited skull bones seem to have been similar to Appalachiosaurus' skull as well, and that "Jane's" bones were similar in size to Dryptosaurus'. Keillor then stated that he used "Jane's" head to help recreate Dryptosaurus' skull:
Dryptosaurus skull reconstruction by Tyler Keillor (Black, 2010):
**22. Humerus morphology.
The humerus of Nanotyrannus matches the morphology of Dryptosaurus'. Unlike every other tyrannosaur, both Nanotyrannus' and Dryptosaurus' humeri are short (Brusatte et al., 2011, Abstract), and are either about the size size as, or shorter than, the radius and the ulna. This is seen in BHI 6437 and UCRC PV-1. The top of the humerus in "Jane" is morphologically identical to Dryptosaurus' (Photo from Holtz's Twitter post) (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. ).

Photo of "Jane's" and "Sue's" humeri (Holtz's Twitter post):
Dryptosaurus' humerus (Brusatte et al., (20110 (p. 19):
Notice how the top of "Jane's" humerus is shaped identically to Dryptosaurus', and not "Sue's." In "Sue's" humerus, the top is projecting upwards with a smooth hump. "Jane's" humerus has three or so bumps on the top of it. While lacking in the top part of the humerus, we can still see bumps on Dryptosaurus' humerus in A-C. 

Nanotyrannus BHI 6437 (bottom) and T. rex "Wyrex" arm bones (Alexander Jack Lund's Twitter post). Original drawing is by GetAwayTrike (Holtz, pers. comm.):
Juvenile T. rex UCRC-PV1's arm (Peter Larson's Twitter page):
BHI 6437's humerus is morphologically identical to "Jane's" and Dryptosaurus'. Notice how different it is in morphology compared to "Wyrex's" and "Sue's." It appears to have the three distinctive bumps on the top of the humerus, as in "Jane's" and Dryptosaurus'. UCRC-PV 1's humerus is longer than its radius and ulna, unlike in BHI 6437 but as in "Wyrex."

Daspletosaurus torosus' humerus is similar to T. rex's rather than Nanotyrannus' or Dryptosaurus' 
(Russell, 1970, p. 34 Plate 4) (Scale bar is 5 cm):
Baby Tarbosaurus specimen MCP 107/7's arms are small, and the humerus appears larger than the radius and ulna (pic given to me by Dr. Lawrence Witmer; original pic is in Tsuihiji et al., 2011, p. 2 Figure 1 A):
Close up of the arm:
T. rex's, Daspletosaurus', and Tarbosaurus' humeri show that tyrannosaurinae humeri are morphologically different from tyrannosauroidea like Dryptosaurus and Nanotyrannus, even when they're babies.

Some people think that Nanotyrannus is an albertosaurine, like Dalman and Larson. Gorgosaurus' humerus is twice the length of its ulna (Lambe, 1914, p. 14). This is the opposite for 
Nanotyrannus and Dryptosaurus. Lambe (1917) gives a length of 32.4 cm for the humerus, 15.6 cm for the radius, and 18.0 cm for the ulna (pp. 51-52). 

Update (11/3/22):
T. rex specimen MOR 555/USNM 555000 (40 feet/12.2 meters) does have a relatively complete arm and scapula. It was shown in the dinosaur show Paleoworld: "The Legendary T. rex" (scale bar is 21 cm):
As shown in the baby/juvenile T. rex specimen UCRC-PV1 (26 feet/8.0 meters), the humerus is twice as long as the radius and ulna:
T. rex's humerus didn't start off being about the same length as the radius and ulna and then grew longer. It was always longer than the radius and ulna. This is also seen in the 2-3-year old baby Tarbosaurus/Tyrannosaurus bataar specimen MCP 107/7, 

***23. Elongated manual phalanx 1-1 and unguals.
Manus (hand) bones, and unguals (claws), are longer than T. rex's (Stein, 2021, pp. 40 and 43) (Larson's 
Twitter page(SWAU, HRS15001) (MOR FaceBook's page). LACM 23845, a juvenile/subadult at 14-16 years of age, has small arms (Paul, 1988, pp. 334 and 336) (Olshevsky, 1995, p. 4), or match the proportions of Albertosaurus (probably meaning Gorgosaurus(Molnar, 1980, p. 106). This can also be seen in UCRC-PV 1. My measurement of UCRC's phalanx 1-1 is 6.8 cm. There is a smaller Tarbosaurus specimen (humerus is 27.1 cm long, and the femur is 101.1 cm long) that has a 5.4-cm long phalanx 1-1 (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 47 Table 3). Therefore, T. rex had short arms when it was young just like Tarbosaurus did, and the giant hand bones of Nanotyrannus seems to be a significant autopomorphy.

Stein (2021) describing the differences between T. rex and Nanotyrannus manual unguals (p. 40):

Nanotyrannus hand claw (Stein, 2021, p. 43):

Nanotyrannus and T. rex hand bones (Larson's Twitter):

Note: "Zuri's" deformed manus claw is in the second row, number four from the top. Sebastian Dalman also gave me the same picture. That Nanotyrannus hand on the far right is larger than any of the other T. rex hands in the pic.

Nanotyrannus "Zuri's" (13 years old) Hand Claw (SWAU, HRS15001) (side view) (Recorded length is 10.8 cm from SWAU):

Top view (Thickness [side to side] is 3.5 cm, according to SWAU):
Bottom view:
Subadult Nanotyrannus BHI 6437's complete arm 
(Pantuso, 2019):
T. rex LACM 23845's finger bones (Molnar, 1980, p. 105 Figure 3):

LACM 23845's manual ungual (hand) claw (top view) (Los Angeles Natural History Museum):

Side view:

Update (10/27/21):
Carr and Williamson (2004) (p. 511), and Dalman (pers. comm.), said that the claw is a pes (foot) claw.

Carr and Williamson (2004) on LACM 23845's pes ungual/claw (p. 511):

Dalman on LACM 23845's pes ungual (10/27/21):

UCRC-PV1 now has the most complete T. rex arm ever found. From what I also know, MOR 980 is the second best one (pic shown below from MOR's facebook page). However, regarding the arm bones of LACM that we do have, the left ulna and metacarpal, it has been stated that the arms are small (Paul, 1988, pp. 334 and 336) (Olshevsky, 1995, p. 4), or match the proportions of Albertosaurus (probably meaning Gorgosaurus(Molnar, 1980, p. 106)NanotyrannusDryptosaurus, and Megaraptor, had long arms. LACM, and UCRC, show that T. rex's arms grew during ontogeny.

FMNH 2081's ("Sue's") hand was not recovered with the skeleton (Brochu, 2003, pp. 100 and 103), and Dr. Holtz told me this as well (pers. comm.), so that this with a grain of salt:

Brochu (2003) on "Sue's" supposed wrist and manual ungual:
P. 100:

P. 103:

Instead, I will be using other specimens:

Juvenile T. rex UCRC-PV1's arm (Peter Larson's Twitter page):
Hand (Fran Vidakovic's Twitter post). Scale bar is 10 cm:
Manual phalanx 1-1: 6.8 cm (at best) (Measured on 11/20/21).

Manual ungual 2 claw (Fran Vidakovic's
 Twitter post):

Description of specimen by Larson on his Twitter account:
Larson and Carpenter (2008) wrote about the specimen. Catalogued as UCRC PV1, it was discovered in 1950, and excavated by Paul Sereno and his team in 2001. The specimen is in the University of Chicago. Sereno is quoted as saying that the specimen has both complete forelimbs (p. 41):

This specimen hasn't been described yet, so I can see why most Paleontologists have ignored this specimen.

Adult T. rex MOR 980 (MOR FaceBook's page) (Dark colors indicate the real bones):
Tyrannosauroid limb proportions (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 47 Table 3):
Interestingly, Brochu (2003) reports some hand bones from the site where "Sue" was collected, but they were not collected in situ (at the same time as) the rest of the skeleton (pp. 100 and 103). Dr. Holtz says that these may not pertain to "Sue," so I'm a bit skeptical in including this. However, Dalman told me that this is "Sue's" manus ungual (pers. comm.). This might be an actual T. rex hand claw, but I will remain cautious. The tip of the claw is gone, but the rest of it is intact (pp. 101 and 103). This claw does not appear to match any other theropod in the Hell Creek Formation (pers. obs. from Stein, 2021, p. 43), so I'm inclined to believe that this might be a T. rex hand claw. I still retain some skepticism after what Professor Holtz told me.

Possible T. rex ("Sue's?") manus (hand) claw (Brochu, 2003, p. 101) (Scale bar is 5 cm):
Here's another picture of a complete juvenile T. rex finger (Don Glut's Dinosaurs):
I've found a pic of this claw on the internet before, but I didn't trust it. However, paleontologist Don Glut posted it on his website, so I guess it's trustworthy. 

T. rex manual ungual (PaleoAdventures):
Size of claw:
Nanotyrannus manual ungual (Stein, 2021, p. 43) (Also seen in PaleoAdventure's website):

These two claws seem to be close in size. You can see how robust T. rex's hand claws are compared to Nanotyrannus'

Nanotyrannus' hand looks really weird for it to be a T. rex's, especially when compared to UCRC's and LACM's hand bones. Paul said that Nanotyrannus could be related to Dryptosaurus (DML.CMNH.Org, 
Re: [dinosaur] The Dueling tyrannosaurid is not, repeat is not, Tyrannosaurus), but when I asked Dalman about this, he said that we need more Dryptosaurus bones first (pers. comm.). I'll keep all of this in mind, but as I've noted before in this post, Nanotyrannus shares a lot of traits similar to Dryptosaurus' and Appalachiosaurus'. I think Nanotyrannus may be a primitive tyrannosauroid related to Dryptosaurus and Appalachiosaurus, or it even might be Dryptosaurus. However, I do not think it is a tyrannosaurine, or even a tyrannosaurid.

Left to right: manual phalanx 1-1 bones of GorgosaurusNanotyrannus BHI 6437, T. rex specimens MOR 980, and subadult (16 years old) TCM 2001.90.1 ("Bucky") (Peter Larson's Twitter post):
T. rex manual phalanx 1-1 sizes (Persons IV et al., 2019, p. 669 Table 1):
They're all smaller than Dryptosaurus' and Nanotyrannus', and that includes "Scotty," the largest most complete specimen. I got a measurement of 9.2 cm (at best0 for "Bucky's" manual phalanx 1-1 bone. Based on this, MOR 980, and the smaller LACM 23845, UCRC-PV 1, and "Bucky," T. rex's manual phalanx 1-1 is smaller than Nanotyrannus', and this is seen throughout ontogeny. The only explanation that I can account for this difference is that, if Nanotyrannus is a juvenile T. rex, then T. rex's hands shrunk during ontogeny. I honestly don't see why that would happen, and we don't see this using the specimens that I just named.

According to Brusatte et al., (2011), Dryptosaurus' manual phalanx 1-1 is long (14.8 cm as preserved, but 16.0 estimated when complete) (p. 20 Table 2), just like BHI 6437's. A manual ungual is 17.6 cm long, but it's unknown as to which hand this claw belonged to (p. 21). Based on a comparison with "Petey," this ungual/claw could be the claw from the second finger. In addition to. a small humerus, Dryptosaurus also has a large hand (Brusatte et al., 2011, Abstract). This is seen in "Jane" and BHI 6437.

Dryptosaurus' hand bones (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 22 Figure 12):

"Petey's" manual ungual 2 (bottom) compared to a T. rex's ("Darwin") (Peter Larson's Twitter page):
T. rex UCRC-PV 1's manual ungual 2 claw (Fran Vidakovic's Twitter post):
As you can see here, the manual ungual 2 claw's morphology is different from "Petey's" and the Dryptosaurus holotype's.

UCRC-PV 1's Hand (Fran Vidakovic's 
Twitter post). Scale bar is 10 cm:
A relatively complete Albertosaurus sarcophagus hand was shown in Mallon et al., (2019) (Figure 8). It's manual unguals are short, and phalanx 1-1 is skinnier and shorter, than BHI 6437's and "Petey's":

Daspletosaurus torosus' arm is identical to Albertosaurus' and T. rex's (Russell, 1970, p. 34 Plate 4) (Scale bar is 5 cm):
Both Albertosaurus, and Daspletosaurus, have identical hands and arms to T. rex specimen UCRC PV1's arm and hand. I don't think I can place Nanotyrannus as an albertosaurine, or even keep the name Nanotyrannus. It might be Dryptosaurus.

Megaraptor also shares a long phalanx 1-1 bone (Novas et al., 2016, p. 56 and p. 53 Figure 3):
P. 56:
P. 53 Figure 3:
Update (5/11/22):
I found a pic of an T. rex specimen's manual phalanx 1-1 and its ungual compared to a Nanotyrannus' manual ungual 1. The T. rex specimen, "Victoria," was a subadult at 40 feet in length, and between 18-25 years old (Strickland, 2019, para. 4-5). This specimen was the same size as "Stan," so I imagine it was 18 years old when it died.

T. rex "Victoria" age (Strickland, 2019, para. 4):
T. rex "Victoria" body length (Strickland, 2019, para. 5):
T. rex "Victoria's" manual phalanx 1-1 and ungual 1 compared to a Nanotyrnnus' manual ungual 1 (Pangea Fossils Facebook post): 
The Nanotyrannus' manual ungual 1 is the same size as the entire T. rex finger! The only way that Nanotyrannus' arms would turn into T. rex's was if they shrunk during ontogeny. There's no tyrannosaur that I've found that demonstrate that this happened. The arm bones that we do have of T. rex's show that the arms grew during ontogeny, not shrink. See the manual phalanx 1-1 lengths from 
Persons IV et al., (2019) (p. 669 Table 1) above. 

The humerus of T. rex also show that the arms grew during ontogeny. Check out my post here:

As far as I'm concerned, the arms of Nanotyrannus demonstrate that it is a different genus from T. rex.

Update (2/2/23-7/26/24):

In his 2022 preprint, Paul (2022) said that the arms of the Nanotyrannus specimen "NCMNS 'Bloody Mary'" is "longer than the femur, which is not observed in any other Campanian/Maastrichtian tyrannosaur/ids except Dryptosaurus." He also states that the arm of "Bloody Mary" is "literally as long of that as its supposed grownup T. imperator holotype, while the similar hand of another small tyrannosaurid is even longer. That does not happen in ontogeny," (p. 67). This can be seen in Figure 13 (p. 68):

Both Nanotyrannus specimens, NCMNS "Bloody Mary" and "Jodi," have hands larger than Tyrannosaurus specimen FMNH pR 2081 ("Sue"). In fact, Paul is right in saying that "Jodi's" hand is rivaling "Bloody Mary's" in size. It looks slightly larger than "Bloody Mary's!" Best of all, Paul said that the morphology of Nanotyrannus' arm is only comparable to Dryptosaurus' arm!

Extra note:
1.) Regarding note 3, this is evident in T. bataar and T. rex. The 2-3-year old T. bataar specimen MPC-D 107/7 had a small arm and hand (Tsuihiji et al., 2011, Figure 1A-B). Smaller T. rex specimens had a smaller manual phalanx 1-1 hand bone compared to larger specimens (Persons IV et al., 2019, Table 1). Photos of the specimens UCRC-PV 1, MOR 980 and TCM 2001.90.1 by Larson on Twitter also show this. Link to Paul (2022) (Preprint):

Update (2/3/23):
In a 2015 SVP abstract, Dr. Carr said that "Jane" had a long humerus compared to other tyrannosaurids specimens that were of the same age. This, along with the T. rex specimens UCRC-PV 1, 
TCM 2001.90.1, MOR 555/USNM 555000, and MOR 980 show that the "Nanotyrannus" specimens had longer arms than T. rex, just like the Dryptosaurus holotype (EurekAlert, 2015, para. 15/last para.):
Carr (2015) (Abstract) (EurekAlert, 2015, para. 15/last para.):

24. Tibia is longer than, or the same size as, the femur.
This is just like Alioramus (Qiazhousaurus) sinensis'. A. sinensis' femur is 70 cm long, but its tibia is 76 cm long (Lu et al., 2014, Supplementary Materials, p. 9):
Nanotyrannus "Jane's," and BHI 6437's, femur and tibia lengths (Persons and Currie, 2016, p. 10):
"Jane," for example, has a femur that is 72 cm long, and a tibia that is 
83.6 cm cm long (Woodward et al., 2020, Materials and Methods, para. 1) (Persons and Currie, 2016, p. 10 Table 4) (Larson, 2013, p. 41). BHI 6437 has a 65.7-cm long femur, and a tibia that is 72 cm long (Persons and Currie, 2016, p. 10 Table 4). Professor Holtz told me that this isn't a distinctive trait of Nanotyrannus (pers. comm.), and I originally agreed that this is just a juvenile trait. If that's so, then why does this not apply to Alioramus? Brusatte et al., (2011) said that Raptorex's tibia is longer than its femur, which is seen in more basal tyrannosauroids but not in Dryptosaurus, Appalachiosaurus, and tyrannosaurids (p. 30). How can this be passable for Raptorex and not for Nanotyrannus? Wouldn't this make Raptorex a juvenile Tarbosaurus?

Raptorex tibia being longer than its femur (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 30):
As for Dryptosaurus, it either had a smaller tibia compared to its femur, or they were about the same length, as mentioned above. Brusatte et al., (2011) gave it
 a femur length  of 78.1 cm, similar to "Petey's" (77.4 cm), and "Janes'" (72 cm), although its tibia is smaller (75.9 cm) (p. 20 Table 2) than "Jane's" (83.6 cm) (Woodward et al., 2020, Materials and Methods, para. 1) (Persons and Currie, 2016, p. 10 Table 4). Perhaps the tibia of Nanotyrannus shrunk a little as it grew older? Is this an autapomorphy of Nanotyrannus? I don't know. Holtz said that it wasn't (pers. comm.). However, I think the femur lengths could help to solidify "Petey" as a subadult. BHI 6437's femur is 65.7 cm, and its tibia is 72 cm (Persons and Currie, 2016, p. 10 Table 4). 

Update (11/16/21):
Carpenter et al., (1997) gave Dryptosaurus a femur length of 77 cm, and a tibia length of 77.5 cm (p. 568 Table 3):
Either Dryptosaurus' femur was longer than it's tibia, or both the femur and tibia were about the same length. I might have to measure the bones separately myself to find out for sure.

Update (11/24/21):
Peter Larson gave a length of 73 cm for BHI 6437's femur on Twitter. Using this, I extrapolated a length of 84.8 cm for the tibia.

Larson giving a length of 73 cm for BHI 6437's femur (Twitter post):
However, I got 84.8 cm for the tibia:

73 - 72 = 1.
1/72*100 = 1.4% increase.
83.6 cm + 1.4% = 84.8 cm.

Therefore, BHI 6437 has either:
1. A femur that's 65.7 cm long and a tibia that's 72 cm long.
2. Or, has a femur that's 73 cm long and a tibia that's possibly 84.8 cm long.

Here's my size estimate for "Petey's" tibia:

77.4 - 72 = 5.4.
5.4/72*100 = 7.5% increase.
83.6 cm + 7.5% = 89.9 cm.

However, as stated before, A. sinensis has a longer tibia than its femur. If this is a juvenile trait, then it should be a juvenile trait for A. sinensis. Heck, one could use this as a reason to place A. sinensis as being a juvenile Tarbosaurus. I don't think Alioramus is a juvenile Tarbosaurus, but the larger tibia could lead one to think otherwise if we didn't have actual baby and juvenile Tarbosaurus specimens. Also, A. sinensis' femur and tibia are smaller than "Jane's," which could make it a smaller animal, and possibly younger. However, A. sinensis does have a longer skull than "Jane" (90 cm compared to 71 cm) (Lu et al., 2014, Results: Comparative description, para. 1) (Larson, 2013, p. 41). I got a length of 77.7 cm (measured on 8/28/21 in Brusatte et al., 2010, Figure 1 E) (Scale bar is 10 cm):
Either way, it seems that Nanotyrannus' femur and tibia lengths are similar to A. sinensis'. This could actually be a synapomorphic trait that could link Nanotyrannus within the alioramin, but Alioramus is still too fragmentary to do a comparison (no arms for one thing, as mentioned by Holtz in a pers. comm.)

Juvenile T. rex specimen LACM 23845 has a femur and a tibia length that are exactly the same (82.5 cm) 
(Persons and Currie, 2016, p. 6): 
This is exactly like "Baby Bob." LACM has a longer femur than "Jane," but its tibia is smaller. USNM 6183, a 17-year old individual (Erickson et al., 2006, Supplementary Materials, p. 13), has a longer femur (104 cm) than its tibia (91 cm). It's tibia is slightly longer than "Jane's," but its femur is considerably longer than "Jane's." I think having a femur and a tibia about the same length is a juvenile characteristic for T. rex that separates it from Nanotyrannus, and this can be seen in two specimens. A subadult T. rex has a femur that is longer than its tibia. Based on this info., I don't know how Nanotyrannus' femur and tibia lengths match T. rex's during ontogeny. From the femur and tibia sizes of of some of the adults, like CM 9380, this doesn't seem to be the case. T. rex's tibia starts out being the same length as its femur (as seen in "Baby Bob" and LACM 23845), but the femur grew longer than the tibia when it became a subadult. This also makes LACM 23845 younger than 16. I'll go with a 14-year estimate for that specimen.

T. rex specimens USNM 6183's (17 years old), and CM 9380 (AMNH 973)'s, femur and tibia lengths (Gilmore, 1920, p. 122):

T. rex specimen "Baby Bob," a 4-year old specimen (Deak and McKenzie, 2016, slide 12), has a femur that is 64.5 cm long, and its tibia is 65 cm (Peter Larson's Twitter post).

T. rex "Baby Bob's" Femur and Tibia (Peter Larson's Twitter post):

There doesn't seem to be any evidence for T. rex's tibia to be substantially longer than its femur when it is young.

*Work in progress* Here's my four growth charts for T. rex's and Nanotyrannus' femur and tibia lengths:
As you can see, three out of four of the charts state that Nanotyrannus is either outside, or way below, T. rex's growth in terms of femur and tibia lengths. All trendlines are linear. The growth trendline (R^2) for the first chart is 0.941 for T. rex's femur, and 0.777 for the tibia. Nanotyrannus' is 0.998 for the femur, but 1 for the tibia. 
The second chart shows 0.888 for T. rex's femur, and 0.648 for the tibia. Nanotyrannus' femur is 0.998 again, but 1 for the tibia. The third chart shows 0.932 for T. rex's femur, and 0.8 for its tibia. Nanotyrannus' femur is 0.893, and its tibia is 0.887. A more positive result this time. For the fourth and final chart, T. rex's femur is 0.888, and the tibia is 0.648. Nanotyrannus' femur is 0.883, and its tibia is 0.887. 

This is not good if Nanotyrannus was a juvenile T. rex. I also did two charts for Tarbosaurus and Alioramus:

Skull and femur lengths:
Femur and tibia lengths:
Alioramus fits perfectly inside Tarbosaurus' growth range in terms of the skull and femur lengths, and the femur and tibia lengths. 
Alioramus' growth trendline (R^2) is 1 for the skull and femur, and 
Tarbosaurus' is 0.94 for the skull and 0.99 for the femur. Alioramus sinensis falls exactly within Tarbosaurus' femur and tibia trendline, which is 1. This is the opposite for Nanotyrannus and T. rex. Alioramus has a much higher chance of being a juvenile Tarbosaurus than Nanotyrannus does of being a juvenile T. rex. Someone really needs to do an osteohistological analysis on Alioramus sinensis to see if it's really an adult. Cut open the femur and tibia, and count the growth rings and check the degree of Haversian remodeling. 

I will say that baby and juvenile T. rex specimens have a tibia that is about the same size as, or maybe slightly longer than, the femur. This could be an autapomorphy for Nanotyrannus, but this probably wouldn't be a strong one.

Update (5/3/22): Carpenter et al., (1997) stated that Dryptosaurus aquilunguis' femur and tibia were the same length, with the femur being 77 cm long and the tibia 77.5 cm (p. 568 Table 3). Brusatte et al., (2011) said the femur was longer than the tibia (p. 20 Table 2; p. 30). I measured the two bones myself in Brusatte et al., (2011), and I got a length of 81 cm (at best) for both bones (pp. 27 and 31, Figures 15 and 18, A). This gave me an idea: Perhaps the femora of the Nanotyrannus specimens grew to be the same length as their tibiae? 

Dryptosaurus femur (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 27 Figure 15). Scale bar is 10 cm:
Tibia (p. 31 Figure 18). Scale bar is 10 cm for A-D, 5 for E-F:
That's not all. I looked at Persons IV and Currie (2016) again, and the genera that were basal tyrannosauroids had femora that were either the same length as, or smaller than, their tibiae (Table 1) (First two numbers are the femur and tibia lengths):
Noticeably, the Dryptosaurus holotype has a tibia (79.6 cm) longer than its femur (77.8 cm). Also of note, Alectrosaurus, Dilong, and Gualong, have tibiae longer than their femora. Appalachiosaurus and Yutyrannus have tibiae that are basically the same length as their femora. The tyrannosaurids (Albertosaurus and Gorgosaurus) and tyrannosaurinae (Daspletosaurus, Tarbosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus) have femora larger than their tibiae. 

So, what's going on here? Professor Holtz told me last year that Nanotyrannus' tibia is longer than its femur because of its young age (pers. comm.), but the Dryptosaurus holotype and Appalachiosaurus are adult and subadult individuals and their femora and tibiae are either the same length or the tibia is longer than the femur. Qiazhousaurus is suppose to be an adult individual, yet its tibia is longer than its femur. The Guanlong specimen used in Persons IV and Currie (2016), IVPP V14531, the holotype, seems to have been an adult individual as well, being 12 years in age and reached its adult length (Xu et al., 2006, pp. 715-716).

Guanlong holotype IVPP V14531 is mature (Xu et al., 2006, p. 715):
I'm starting to believe that tyrannosauroids had femora either the same size, or were shorter than, their tibiae. Tyrannosaurids and tyrannosaurinae have femora larger than their tibiae. I believe this could go either way. Nanotyrannus' tibiae could remain longer than its femora like Qiazhousaurus and Guanlong, or the femur could grow to be the same length as the tibia in Dryptosaurus (or stay longer, as seen in Persons IV and Currie, 2016).

Update (6/19/22): I decided to measure the Dryptosaurus holotype's femur and tibia in Carpenter et al., (1997), and I was able to get 77 cm (at best) for the femur and 81 cm for the tibia (Figure 8). Seems that the tibia in the Dryptosaurus holotype could have been longer than the femur after all, as in the Nanotyrannus specimens. If we add 4 cm to the result I got for the tibia in Brusatte et al., (2011), then the tibia would be 85 cm long compared to a 81-cm femur.

Femur and tibia from Carpenter et al., (1997) (p. 568, Figure 8). The scale bar is 5 cm, but if I went with that the results for both bones would be in the 40-cm mark, and I don't think that's correct. I went with 10 cm, and I got results closer to what the authors of the paper got in Table 3:
**25. *Work in Progress* Baby and juvenile T. rex specimens are larger than juvenile and subadult Nanotyrannus specimens:
I made another growth chart to see how Dryptosaurus (including the "Nanotyrannus" specimens) compared to T. rex in terms of ontogeny. I used "Baby Bob," "Tinker," LACM 23845, "Stan," and "Sue," for the T. rex specimens.

Dryptosaurus (Blue) vs. T. rex (Red) Ontogeny Chart:
Note: In the Dryptosaurus chart, the 7.3-meter specimen is the actual Dryptosaurus holotype. No age has been assigned to this specimen, but it has been stated as being an adult in Brusatte et al., (2011). 

The trendline (linear) (R^2) for Dryptosaurus is 0.775. The trendline for T. rex is 0.962. A 7-year old Dryptosaurus (CMNH 7541) was 1.4 meters shorter than a 4-year old T. rex ("Baby Bob"). I obtained a length of 7.0 meters for BHI 6439, which would place this specimen in between a 4-14-year old individual. However, this specimen would probably have been only slightly older than "Baby Bob," since I got a length of 6.0 meters for that specimen. So, a baby T. rex would have been the same size as a juvenile Dryptosaurus. An adult Dryptosaurus (the actual holotype of Dryptosaurus), at 7.3 meters in length, is completely dwarfed by two 14-year old T. rex specimens ('Tinker" and LACM 23845). This leads me to conclude that an actual juvenile T. rex would be two, or more, meters longer than an adult Dryptosaurus.  

Update (3/5/22):
Ontogeny Chart 3 (Featuring all the T. rex specimens listed here):
Note: T. rex specimen BHI 6439's age is unknown, so it is left blank. This is still the same for the Dryptosaurus holotype.

The trendline (linear) (R^2) for Dryptosaurus is still 0.775, but the trendline for T. rex is down to 0.908. Still a large difference between the two species, and the results from my first ontogeny chart still ring true.

*26. Skull is longer than the femur:
I could not find a picture of "Jane's" complete femur. The femur is fragmentary, as shown in Woodward et al., (2020) (Supplementary Materials, p. 9 Figure S2 A). Therefore, I have to go with Larson (2013)'s, and Persons and Currie (2016)'s lengths for the femur, which is 72 cm. 

Larson (2013) gave a length of 71 cm for the skull (p. 41 Table 2.8). However, I got a measurement of 77.7 cm (measured on 8/28/21 in Brusatte et al., 2010, Figure 1 E) (Scale bar is 10 cm):
This is similar to Alioramus (Brusatte et al., 2012, Abstract) (Lu et al., 2014, Supplementary Materials, p. 9). This could be a juvenile characteristic though, and since I cannot measure "Jane's" femur myself, I'm not entirely sure if this would count as an autapomorphy. However, juvenile T. rex specimen LACM 23845's skull is the same size as its fibula (Molnar, 1980, p. 107). This would make its femur longer than its skull. "Baby Bob's" skull is also smaller than its femur (Detrich Fossil Co's Twitter). It seems that baby and juvenile T. rex specimens had skulls smaller than their femurs, which is the opposite of Alioramus, and probably Nanotyrannus.

"Baby Bob's" Skull and femur length (Detrich Fossil Co's Twitter post):

Femur and Tibia (Peter Larson's Twitter post):

These are the top characteristics that I've chosen that separate Nanotyrannus from T. rex:
1. Nanotyrannus has 8 cervicals. T. rex has 11 (max.), 3 more than Nanotyrannus. Daspletosaurus has 10, Tarbosaurus has 9, and Gorgosaurus has 9 or 10. 

2. Nanotyrannus' caudal vertebrae count is 25, the same as Dryptosaurus', and not 40-45 (maybe 47) as in T. rex's and Tarbosaurus', or 36 as in Gorgosaurus'. They are also extremely elongated towards the middle to the end of the tail, just like Dryptosaurus'.

3. Nanotyrannus
had 17 chevrons/haemal arches in its tail. T. rex had 27 (as preserved in "Sue"), indicating that T. rex had at least 10 more chevrons/haemal arches than Nanotyrannus.

4. Overall skull morphology of Nanotyrannus, Appalachiosaurus, and Dryptosaurus are similar.

5. The nasals of Nanotyrannus, Appalachiosaurus, and especially Alioramus, are rugose to very rugose in nature, even though they range from babies to subadults. This is interesting since a 14-year old juvenile T. rex specimen, LACM 23845, has very low rugosities on its nasals.

6. Nanotyrannus, Appalachiosaurus, Jinbeisaurus, and probably Megaraptor, have a deep maxillary strut throughout their ontogenies, and the maxillary fenestra is closer to the antorbital fossa. T. rex's maxillary strut grew during ontogeny, and the maxillary fenestra was closer to the beginning of the strut. Same goes for Tarbosaurus and Daspletosaurus. The maxillary fenestra in Megaraptor was also closer to the maxillary strut. The position of the maxillary fenestra doesn't change.

7. The maxillary strut for Nanotyrannus tips down, and is triangular in shape, near the beginning of the maxilla. This is also seen in Gorgosaurus throughout its ontogeny, Jinbeisaurus, Alioramus altai and Qiazhousaurus/Alioramus sinensis, and Albertosaurus. T. rex's and Tarbosaurus' maxillary strut are circular, and straight, at the beginning of the maxilla. The different forms of the maxillary struts for all genera named stay the same throughout ontogeny.

8. Nanotyrannus, Appalachiosaurus, Jinbeisaurus, and Megaraptor have a small maxillary fenestrae. T. rex and Tarbosaurus have a large maxillary fenestrae. The morphology of the maxillary fenestra (from small to large) doesn't occur in ontogeny.

9. The premaxillary teeth of Nanotyrannus matches Gorgosaurus', and other Campanian-aged North American tyrannosauroids, in having a distal/ventral/posterior groove on the rear end of the teeth, and having the ridges on the posterior end of the teeth, side-to-side. The ridges either have very few, or no, serrations. T. rex's premaxillary teeth lack the posterior ridge, and the ridges are on the lateral sides of the tooth.

10. Nanotyrannus, Dryptosaurus, Gorgosaurus, Jinebisaurus, and Alioramus all have the first maxillary tooth as an incisiform. Nanotyrannus' is also not serrated, or is very lightly serrated. Both of these features are not seen in T. rex or Tarbosaurus. Gorgosaurus had this morphology for its first maxillary tooth throughout its lifespan, and three nanotyrannus specimens had this as well. It's more than likely that Nanotyrannus' first maxillary tooth is a definitive trait that separates it from T. rex.

11. Cross-sections of Nanotyrannus' and Dryptosaurus' teeth are similar, having pinched sides, are oval or labiolingually-compressed, and have triangle-shaped tips on each end.

12. Nanotyrannus' and Gorgosaurus' lacrimals are very rugose, while T. rex's and Tarbosaurus' are either smooth or low in rugosity.

13. Nanotyrannus', Appalachiosaurus,' and Gorgosaurus' lacrimals have a large and wide pneumatopore inside it, while Tarbosaurus' lacrimals have a somewhat large pneumatopore in the lacrimal when it's a baby, but it gets skinnier as the species turns into a juvenile. A juvenile T. rex lacrimal shows that it also had a small pneumatopore in it, indicating that T. rex's lacrimal pneumatopore probably went through similar changes when the species went from being a baby to a juvenile.

14. Lingual bar covers the first alveoli in the interior side of Nanotyrannus' dentary, as well as Appalachiosaurus' and Gorgosaurus'. This seems to be a basal tyrannosauroid trait. T. rex's, Daspletosaurus', Tarbosaurus', and Lythronax's, covers the first two alveoli. This doesn't change during ontogeny.

15. The skull widths of Nanotyrannus, Teratophoneus'Albertosaurus', and Daspletosaurus', are closer to one another than the large ones of T. rex's and Lythronax's.

16. Nanotyrannus' humerus is either the same size as, or smaller than, the radius and ulna. This is not seen in T. rex, Daspletosaurus, or Albertosaurus.

17. The morphology of Nanotyrannus' humerus is similar to Dryptosaurus', and not T. rex's or 

Daspletosaurus'. Both Nanotyrannus and Dryptosaurus have bumps on the tops of their humeri, which is not seen in T. rex's.

18. Nanotyrannus' manual phalanx 1-1 is identical to Dryptosaurus', and is twice as long, or more, as T. rex's, Tarbosaurus', and even Gorgosaurus'. T. rex's hands were small in general but they grew during ontogeny. This is seen in the juvenile LACM 23845, and the presumed subadult UCRC-PV 1. The manual phalanx 1-1 grew during ontogeny. This is seen in the juvenile specimen LACM 23845, the presumed subadult (more than likely juvenile) specimen UCRC-PV 1, the subadult specimen "Bucky," and the adult specimen MOR 980.

19. Nanotyrannus' and Megaraptor's manual unguals are longer than T. rex's, Daspletosaurus', and Albertosaurus'. In fact, the first manual ungual of Nanotyrannus is the same size as the entire first finger of a 18-year old T. rex.

20. Nanotyrannus' tibia is longer than the femur. This could just be a juvenile characteristic, even compared to Dryptosaurus, but this is also present in Alioramus (Qiazhousaurus) sinensis and Guanlong, which are both said to be a mature individuals. This could be a synapomorphy between Nanotyrannus, 
Alioramus/Qiazhousaurus), and Guanlong. T. rex's tibia is either the same length, or is barely any longer, than its femur during its younger years. This is seen in multiple young T. rex individuals. Dryptosaurus' femur and tibia are either the same length, or the tibia is longer than the femur. Either both bones were 81 cm long, or the femur was 81 cm long and the tibia was 84 cm long (my measurements). Other sources have given the tibia a longer length than its femur. Other tyrannosauroids have tibiae the same length as, or longer than, their femora as well, suggesting that this could be a tyrannosauroid characteristic.

21. Nanotyrannus' (probably), and Alioramus', skulls were longer than their femurs. Or, following Dryptosaurus' femur and tibia lengths, it is possible that Nanotyrannus' femur and tibia lengths would be identical. Baby, and juvenile, T. rex specimens "Baby Bob" and LACM 23845 had skulls shorter than their femurs. In fact, LACM 23845's skull was the same size as its fibula. Only when T. rex became a subadult did the skull grow larger than its femur, as seen in USNM 6183. 

22. Baby and juvenile T. rex specimens are twice as large as juvenile and subadult Nanotyrannus specimens, and an adult Dryptosaurus specimen. The Nanotyrannus specimens fit inside 

Dryptosaurus' growth curve, but they are far below T. rex's growth curve. This suggests that the 

Nanotyrannus specimens are probably juvenile and subadult Dryptosaurus specimens, rather than being juvenile T. rex specimens.

Laramidia and Appalachia reconnected?

We seem to have some interesting leads that show us that Nanotyrannus could be either a relative of Dryptosaurus, or even is Dryptosaurus. Gates et al., (2012) (Figure 1), Fiorillo and Tykosi (2014) (Results and Discussion: Laramidian Geographic Provincialism, para. 1), Bell and Currie (2014) (Figure 4), and Druckenmiller et al., (2021) (Figure 1A), all say that Laramidia and Appalachia reconnected during the late Maastrichtian, due to the Western Interior Sea receding. I think Dryptosaurus was more widespread than we currently believe. Blakey (2014) shows that Appalachia and Laramidia reconnected 70.8 Ma, and the Western Interior Sea basically receded considerably around 68-67 Ma (pp. 35-39).

Map of North America 66 Ma (Bell and Currie, 2014, Figure 4) ("n" means number of specimens found):

Map of North America Campanian-Maastrichtian (Druckenmiller et al., 2021, Figure 1) (Notice how Appalachia and Laramidia reconnected at the bottom):

For a little while, I've been searching, and waiting, for an adult Nanotyrannus to appear somewhere. However, I think it's been in my face the whole time. Dryptosaurus is the adult specimen! As stated above, it has a larger femur than the other Nanotyrannus specimens, Brusatte et al., (2011) stated that the 
Dryptosaurus holotype was "mature or nearing maturity" (p. 5), and the Nanotyrannus specimens have similarities to Dryptosaurus (and both Dryptosaurus and Nanotyrannus share similarities to 
Appalachiosaurus, as is explained below), so why wouldn't Dryptosaurus be the adult Nanotyrannus? However, I would call all Nanotyrannus specimens juvenile Dryptosaurus specimens! 

Dryptosaurus was named first, Laramidia and Appalachia reconnected in the late Maastrichtian, and both genera share similar traits, so as far as I'm concerned, Nanotyrannus is a juvenile Dryptosaurus. However, based on the tibia length, Nanotyrannus lancesis might be Dryptosaurus (?)lancensis, but that's not entirely clear to me yet. Still, I'm lumping Nanotyrannus into Dryptosaurus.

Location of the Specimens.
I don't entirely recall where or when I was told this, but I think Professor Holtz told me that Nanotyrannus was always found in locations where adult T. rex were found. Naturally, this would lead to lumping the young Nanotyrannus specimens into the genus Tyrannosaurus. However, if Nanotyrannus is actually Dryptosaurus, then this would solve the issue. Dryptosaurus aquilunguis was found in the new Egypt Formation, which is in New Jersey (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 5) and in Appalachia. T. rex was in Laramidia. Check the map from Bell and Currie (2014) (Figure 4). Since the Dryptosaurus holotype is located farther away from where T. rex specimens are usually discovered, and it possessed many characteristics that the Nanotyrannus specimens had so we can place Nanotyrannus into the genus Dryptosaurus, then we can say that Dryptosaurus had a wider range/geography than T. rex did. This would make Nanotyrannus a separate genus from T. rex. This technique was used in order to keep Torosaurus as a separate genus from Triceratops (Deak and McKenzie, 2016, slide 7) (Longrich and Field, 2012, Figure 2). 

Coexisting taxa?
Dryptosaurus aquilunguis and T. rex were found in different formations in different regions of North America, but one way we could tell if the fauna from the two locations interacted with each other is to see if the formations had similar taxa. I will be using the New Egypt Formation and the Hell Creek Formation to start out with. The New Egypt Formation had the marine reptile Mosasaurus hoffmani in it, with two skulls recovered from the formation (Gallagher et al., 2012, p. 147). A mosasaur skeleton was recovered from the Hell Creek Formation, but it could belong to either Mosasaurus or Prognathodon (Van Vranken and Boyd, 2021, Abstract; p. 5). 

In Hell Creek, a couple of sources have stated that lambeosaurinae hadrosaur fossils have been discovered there (Sullivan et al., 2011, p. 405) (Rolleri et al., 2020, pp. 284-285; in SVP, 2020). A lambeosaur specimen was also found in the Naashoibito Member (Sullivan et al., 2011). This is interesting because a tyrannosaur tooth identical to Nanotyrannus' maxillary teeth was also discovered from the same member (see below). 
In the New Egypt Formation, a possible lambeosaur fossil was described in 2020 (Brownstein and Bissel, 2020, Abstract; Discussion, para. 3-4). Brownstein and Bissel hypothesize that dinosaurs during the Maastrichtian of North America could have travelled across the continent, and they use a ceratopsian tooth from the similarly-aged Owl Creek Formation, located in Mississippi (Appalachia), to help their case (Discussion, para. 4) (Farke and Phillips, 2017, Abstract). Ceratopsians were also found in the Hell Creek Formation, but I don't have to tell you thatA lambeosaur called Latirhinus was found in Mexico, and lived during the late Campanian (Serrano-Branas and Prieto-Marquez, 2022) (Luis V. Rey Blog, 1/30/22).

Rolleri et al., (2020) abstract (SVP, 2020):
P. 284:

P. 285:
Possible lambeosaurs, ceratopsian tooth, and migrating North American dinosaurs (Brownstein and Bissel, 2020, Discussion, para. 4):
If we have mosasaurs, lambeosaurs, and ceratopsians, in formations located in both Appalachia and Laramidia, during the same time and place as T. rex, Nanotyrannus, and Dryptosaurus, then we can hypothesize three things:

1. The Western Interior Seaway either disappeared or shrunk around the late Cretaceous.
2. Dinosaurs from both Laramidia and Appalachia were able to coexist.
3. If Dryptosaurus was able to migrate into Laramidia, and Nanotyrannus shared more traits with it than T. rex, then Nanotyrannus is Dryptosaurus.

Concluding Remarks:

This topic is a very heated one. I now see that, if Nanotyrannus supporters want to prove that it is a valid genus, they need to find more specimens of juvenile T. rexes, and find an adult Nanotyrannus specimen. This is why Alioramus is considered to be valid. We have a growth series for Tarbosaurus, a contemporary of Alioramus, so Alioramus is not a juvenile Tarbosaurus. However, this is not the case for T. rex (at least to the majority of paleontologists). The simplest solution is that Nanotyrannus is a juvenile T. rex because we do not have baby T. rex specimens (at least, not ones in private hands like "Baby Bob" and BHI 6439). We do have replicas of these two specimens, mainly the dentaries from what I can tell, but it would be great to have a full specimen. "Tinker" is also a private specimen, and LACM 23845, while not being a private specimen, is relatively fragmentary. Therefore, for the majority of paleontologists, Nanotyrannus is a juvenile T. rex and fills in the gaps of T. rex's ontogeny. The Nanotyrannus specimens are the only young tyrannosaur specimens that scientists have access to from the same time period, and location, as T. rex, so it's easy to sink Nanotyrannus into T. rexPachycephalosaurus' transformation during ontogeny is another example as to why most scientists don't believe in Nanotyrannus. It was once thought that different specimens of Pachycephalosaurus represented different genera, but now the common consensus is that they're just juvenile Pachycephalosaurus specimens. Instead of starting wars with each other, we should continue to look for more specimens. This goes for both sides of this argument. Paleontology is a waiting game. A current idea, hypothesis, theory, etc., will be in the mainstream until more evidence is provided to say otherwise.

As for me, being ever so contrarian nowadays (I don't know why I've turned into one. It just happened), I believe that Nanotyrannus is either a juvenile Dryptosaurus, or is a relative of Dryptosaurus and Appalachiosaurus. The arm and caudal morphology, not to mention the caudal count, in the Nanotyrannus specimens matches Dryptosaurus' basically to a "T." Gorgosaurus' skeleton is similar in morphology to other tyrannosaurs rather than Nanotyrannus' and Dryptosaurus', and for this reason I cannot place it as an albertosaurine. 

Credit goes to Gregory S. Paul for hypothesizing that Nanotyrannus is related to Dryptosaurus 
(DML.CMNH.Org, Re: [dinosaur] The Dueling tyrannosaurid is not, repeat is not, Tyrannosaurus). I originally thought that Nanotyrannus was probably an albertosaurine, like Dalman thinks (pers. comm.), but Dr. Holtz on Twitter said that there wasn't any evidence for that. Dalman disagrees. And here I am, saying that Nanotyrannus is Dryptosaurus... 
All I'm doing is following the evidence. Isn't that what science is all about?

This was the longest post I think I've ever written! 

Update (5/15/22):
I've found a new specimen that I think belongs to Dryptosaurus:

NMMNH P-32567:
A baby tyrannosauroid tooth from the Naashoibito Member of New Mexico, catalogued as NMMNH P-32567 (Williamson and Brusatte, 2014, p. 9 Figure 4, T-Y), matches very well with the maxillary teeth of Dryptosaurus lancensis specimen CMNH 7541, and other maxillary teeth ascribed to the species (Bakker et al., 1988, p. 22 Figure 12; p. 24). In particular, the cross-section of NMMNH P-32567 is pinched on the sides, and the anterior side is round while the posterior side is pointed 
(Williamson and Brusatte, 2014, p. 9 Figure 4, W), which is seen in the maxillary teeth of D. lancensis (Bakker et al., 1988, p. 22 Figure 12). Another trait of NMMNH P-32567 is that the serrations on the front/mesial view reach the base of the tooth (Williamson and Brusatte, 2014, p. 9 Figure 4, Y). This is typical of D. lancensis (Bakker et al., 1988, p. 22 Figure 12; p. 24), but not T. rex (Samman et al., 2005, pp. 762 and 768) (Carpenter, 1982, p. 128 Figure 5, A; p. 130). 

Williamson and Brusatte (2014) place NMMNH P-32567, and all other tyrannosauroid teeth from the Naashoibito Member, into T. rex (p. 8). Aside from what I've just mentioned above, NMMNH P-32567 has a cross-section similar to other tyrannosaur teeth from earlier periods of the late Cretaceous. In particular, the two specimens NMMNH P-27484 (Figure 4, A-E) and NMMNH P-27280 (Figure 4, N-S). Both teeth have a cross-section that are pinched on the sides, and the anterior sides are round while the posterior sides are pointed. Their mesial serrations also reach the base of the teeth. NMMNH P-27280 came from the Campanian-aged De-na-zin Member of the Kirtland Formation (p. 9 Figure 4), and the only tyrannosauroid that lived around the same time (so far) is Bistahieversor (p. 8). Interestingly, 
Bistahieversor's lingual bar on the interior side of its dentary covers the first alveoli, just like D. lancensis' (Dalman and Lucas, 2016, pp. 23-24), but T. rex's lingual bar covers the first two alveoli (pp. 23-24). D. lancensis and Bistahieversor seem to share similar traits in their teeth and dentaries that T. rex does not share. The lingual bar covering the first two alveoli on the interior side of the dentary seems to be present in the more derived (advanced) tyrannosaurine, like T. rex, Lythronas, Daspletosaurus, Zhuchengtyrannus, and Tarbosaurus (pp. 23-24). I've explained in my "Nanotyrannus is Dryptosaurus" post that the lingual bar doesn't change positions during ontogeny. The traits in the teeth and dentaries of Bistahieversor and D. lancensis support the hypothesis that D. lancensis is a more basal member of the tyrannosauridea, and Bistahieversor seems to be the same.

On 10/13/21, I got into contact with paleontologist Sebastian G. Dalman, and he is studying the tyrannosaurid specimens from New Mexico. He told me that Nanotyrannus specimens haven't been found in New Mexico, so the bones belong to a brand new species of tyrannosaurid with blade-like teeth. This is also true for the specimen SMP VP-2352 from Jasinski et al., (2011), which I talk about below:

However, NMMNH P-32567 is the first clear fossil of Dryptosaurus from New Mexico. Of course, this is a young specimen, a baby in fact. This is actually the youngest individual for the species that I've found so far.

Baby tyrannosaur teeth from New Mexico (Williamson and Brusatte, 2014, p. 9 Figure 4) Scale bars are 1 mm:
NMMNH P-32567 (T-Y). Scale bars are 1 mm:
D. ("Nanotyrannus") lancensis maxillary teeth (Bakker et al., 1988, p. 22 Figure 12) Scale bars are 2 cm:
Notice how the tooth in the bottom pic is identical to 
NMMNH P-32567 from New Mexico:
For more info., check out my post here:

Update (5/27/22):
After careful consideration, I've come to the conclusion that there are very few differences, if any, between Dryptosaurus lancensis and aquilunguis. Since the D. aquilunguis holotype is a presumed adult specimen, I will place the D. lancensis specimens into D. aquilunguis. My reasonings includes the following:

1. North America was not separated into two continents (Laramidia and Appalachia) anymore, so Dryptosaurus going through allopatric speciation due to environmental separation doesn't seem likely. All of the specimens would have lived in the same place.

2. D. aquilunguis and lancensis coexisted at the same time in the late Maastrichtian (70-66 Ma).

3. Having D. lancensis turn into aquilunguis would settle the search for an adult specimen for D. lancensis, since the D. aquilunguis specimen is considered to be an adult.

4. There is very little distinction between D. aquilunguis and lancensis. All specimens have:

-An incisiform first maxillary tooth.
-Ziphodont teeth.
-About 25 or so caudal vertebrae, with the middle to posterior caudals being more elongate than an adult T. rex'sT. rex also has more caudal vertebrae (40+) than the Dryptosaurus specimens.
-Similar, if not identical, humeri morphology. 
-A very elongated manual phalanx 1-1 that is longer than all other tyrannosauroids, including Gorgosaurus'. This was listed as being as distinctive Dryptosaurus trait.
-Large manual unguals that are longer than T. rex's
-The femur and tibia are either the same length (Carpenter et al., 1997) (my numbers), or the tibia is longer than the femur (Persons IV and Currie (2016), in the D. aquilunguis specimen. This is seen in the "Nanotyrannus" specimens, and other basal tyrannosauroid genera like Guanlong, Dilong, and Yutyrannus.

In conclusion, I will place D. lancensis into D. aquilunguis. This settles two major problems in my eyes: Firstly, we have more Dryptosaurus aquilunguis specimens to study, rather than just the fragmentary holotype. Second, we have a definitive adult specimen for the previously-named "Nanotyrannus" specimens. Of course, the tyrannosaur specimens from New Mexico and Mexico could also be potential adult specimens, especially the New Mexico tooth described above.

Update (2/8/24):
Longrich and Saitta (2024) briefly described another juvenile specimen of T. rexThe specimen, catalogued as UCMP V84133, is a "small right frontal" from the Hell Creek Formation. The estimated body length of the animal would have been about 4 meters in length (p. 43). Two phylogenetic analyses place it within derived tyrannosaurine (p. 44). 

Description of UCMP V84133 part 1 (p. 43):

Description part 2 (p. 44):

UCMP V84133 (Figure 29):

Comparison with "Nanotyrannus'" frontals (Figure 30) and phylogenetic analyses (Figure 31):

On 1/4/24, Professor Holtz said that the Nanotyrannus frontal bones (catalogued as DDM 334.1) could "*potentially*" be from an adult Nanotyrannus:

Special thanks to Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27 for the photo of the tweet.

It seems that we might have an adult specimen of Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis after all! 

Also, after going back and forth, I've decided to place the Nanotyrannus specimens under the name Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis. My reasoning is that I've become more open to the idea that Nanotyrannus could be its own genus, but there is enough physical similarities between it and Dryptosaurus to place it under the latter genus name. Not to mention, North America became a single continent again at the end of the Maastrichtian. Therefore, Dryptosaurus migrating from the Eastern part of North America (Appalachia) to the Western part (Laramidia) could've led to either the spreading of D. aquilunguis, or to two species of Dryptosaurus: D. aquilunguis and D. lancensis

Longrich anbd Saitta (2024):

Holtz's Tweet (1/4/24):

Update (7/25/28):
I was notified of a new paper, Zheng et al., (2024), that placed Nanotyrannus next to AlbertosaurusQiazhousaurus and Alioramus on their phylogenetic chart (Figure 8):

My only problem is that they put Nanotyrannus, Qiazhousaurus, and Alioramus, in the tyrannosaurinae clade. They belong in the basal tyrannosauroid clade. It's also interesting to see that they put Bistahieversor in the basal tyrannosauroid clade. I believe it's a tyrannosaurid, but that placement is intriguing nonetheless. Zheng et al., also said that "'Nanotyrannus'" is probably a juvenile T. rex, since that's the most widely-accepted hypothesis (Discussion, para. 3). It's curious that the authors still consider it to be a separate species on their phylogenetic chart though, and that its placement is similar to Longrich and Saitta (2024). 

Figures 33B and 34A from Longrich and Saitta (2024):
Figure 33B:

Figure 34A:

Aside from that, it's another paper saying that Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis is a separate genus of tyrannosaur that's distantly related to T. rex

Zheng et al., (2024):

Longrich and Saitta (2024):

***Update (7/27/24):
Somebody else FINALLY said that Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis was a basal tyrannosauroid! In his book Princeton Field Guide to Predatory Dinosaurs, Gregory S. Paul placed Nanotyrannus (and "Stygiovenator," which he put the specimens "Bloody Mary" and "Jodi" into) next to Dryptosaurus aquilunguis and Appalachiosaurus. I think he did this because both Dryptosaurus aquilunguis and Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis had large arms and hands (pp. 154-155). This is right before he talks about the tyrannosaurids (p. 156).

P. 154:

P. 155:
P. 156:

I'm so happy to finally get vindication! I'll say it before and I'll say it again, do your own research to make sure that what you're being told is the truth.

Paul (2024):

Update (9/25/24):

Rivera-Sylva and Longrich (2024) put Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis, and the alioramini, in the basal tyrannosauroidea clade (Figure 12):

Once again, Bistahieversor changes clades. This time, it's in the tyrannosaurini clade. This is incorrect because the lingual bar on the medial side (interior) of its dentary covers the first alveolus only. This is consistent with basal tyrannosauroids and tyrannosaurids, not the derived tyrannosaurinae. Anyway, this is more proof of Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis being a basal tyrannosauroid. 


Rivera-Sylva and Longrich (2024):

Nanotyrannus Specimen "Zuri":
Griffin (2014):
Pubis (HRS01514):
Rib (HRS08467):
Tibia (HRS08421):
Maxilla (HRS08438):
Lacrimal (HRS08496):
Ungual (Hand) Claw (HRS15001):
Quadrujugal (HRS08440):
Dentary (HRS08486):
Nasals (HRS08423)

's Dinosaur Science Museum Link:
Haversian Remodeling:

Lad (2018):

Nyssen-Behets et al., (1997):

Nikolov et al., (2020):

Stein et al., (2010):

Nanotyrannus Traits:
Dalman et al., (2018):
Dalman and Lucas (2018) (GSA Abstract):
Larson (2013) (PP. 15-53):

Stein (2021):
Nanotyrannus and T. rex Hand Bones from Larson's Twitter:

T. rex MOR 980's hand bones from MOR's FaceBook page:

Deak and McKenzie (2016) (Slide 6):

Dalman and Lucas (2017) (pp. 23-24):

Carr et al., (2017):!po=16.1111

13-15-year old T. rex RSM P.2990.1:
Holtz's Twitter:
Carr (2020):
T. rex CM 9380 maxillary pics:
Hendrickx and Mateus (2014) (Figure 2): 

Michael Deak's Twitter post:

T. rex "Baby Bob's" age:

Deak and McKenzie (2016) (Slide 12):
Michael Deak's Twitter post:

Age of other T. rex specimens:

Erickson et al., (2004):

Erickson et al., (2006):

Supplementary Materials (P. 13):
Carr (2020):

T. rex LACM 23845 (14 years old):
Molnar (1980):
Paul (1988):

Olshevsky (1995):
Carr and Williamson (2004):
Link 1:
Link 2:
Los Angeles Natural History Museum:

Juvenile T. rex finger bones from Don Glut's website:
Don Glut's Dinosaurs:

Nanotyrannus ("Bloody Mary") complete arm:
Pantuso (2019):
Gregory S. Paul on Nanotyrannus possibly being Related to Dryptosaurus:
(DML.CMNH.Org. Re: [dinosaur] The Dueling tyrannosaurid is not, repeat is not, Tyrannosaurus):
Link 2:
Juvenile Nanotyrannus specimen from Dino Lab Inc.:
Maxilla and Dentaries:


Alioramus (Qiazhousaurus) sinensis:

Lu et al., (2014):

Supplementary Information:
Nanotyrannus "Jane's" skull from Brusatte et al., (2010):

Brusatte et al., (2010):
T. rex USNM 6183's Femur and Tibia Lengths:

Gilmore (1920) (P. 122):

Carr et al., (2005):
Alioramus altai:
Brusatte et al., (2012) (P. 25 Figure 10):
Alioramus remotus:
Paleofile. Alioramus:
T. rex "Baby Bob's" 
Femur and Tibia pic:

Peter Larson's Twitter post:
Deak and McKenzie (2016) (Slide 12):
T. rex nasal rugosities:
Molnar (1980) (P. 103):
Persons IV et al., (2019) (P. 659 or P. 8):
Link 2:
Link 3:
"Jane" has a skull similar to Appalachiosaurus':
Black (2010):
T. rex manual phalanx 1-1 sizes:
Persons IV et al., (2019):
Version 2:

"Jane" has a fragmentary femur:
Woodward et al., (2020) (Supplementary Materials):
Novas et al., (2016):
Porfiri et al., (2014):
Premaxillary teeth and cross-sections:
Stein (pers. comm.).

Molnar (1978):

Carpenter (1982):

Bakker et al., (1988):

Larson (2013):

Zanno et al., (2015):
Stein (2021):


T. rex:
Stein (pers. comm.).

Stein (2021):

Kawabe and Hattori (2021) (Abstract):
Randall (2021):

Dalman et al., (2018):

Brownstein (2018) (Figure 2):

The Charleston Museum: Appalachiosaurus, Dinosaur tooth:
Voris et al., (2022):

Actual Baby T. rex first maxillary tooth:

Carpenter (1982):

Samman et al., (2005):

Nanotyrannus' first maxillary tooth description:

Larson (2013):

Larson's Twitter post:

Carr and Williamson (2004):

Link 2:
Molnar (1978):

Adult T. rex maxillary teeth:

Smith (2005) (P. 875 Figure 8 F-G):

Alioramus maxillary teeth:

Brusatte et al., (2012):

PaleoAdventures T. rex and Nanotyrannus hand claws:
T. rex:

Stein (2021):
Appalachiosaurus dentary:


Pillion (2021);

Juvenile Gorgosaurus dentary:

Currie (2003):

Voris et al., (2019):
Dueling Dinosaurs:

Bonhams. Dueling Dinosaurs:
Pantuso (2019):

Dueling Dinosaurs website drawing/computer image of the skeletons


BHI video:

Dryptosaurus caudals:
Cope (1869) (P. 102):

Brusatte et al., (2011) (PP. 16-18):

"Jane's" bones:

The Theropod Database. Tyrannosaurus rex:

Tyrannosauroidea central:
The Jane Diaries, Entry #21:
The Jane Diaries, Entry #25:

The Jane Diaries, Entry #1:

The Jane Diaries, Entry #4:

T. rex's bone count:

Brochu (2003):

Osborn (1906):

Osborn (1917):

Carpenter (1991):

Neal Larson (2008a):

Figure 1.1:

Figure 1.27:






-Link 2 (pdf):

Gorgosaurus' bone count:

Lambe (1917):

Russell (1970):

Brochu (2003):
Tarbosaurus/Tyrannosaurus bataar bone count:

Maleev (1955b):

Maleev (1974):

Brochu (2003):

Daspletosaurus' bone count:

Russell (1970):

Jinbeisaurus paper:

Wu et al., (2019):

Endocast change during ontogeny:

Kawabe et al., (2015):

North America during Late Maastrichtian:
Gates et al., (2012) (Figure 1):
Fiorillo and Tykosi (2014) (Results and Discussion: Laramidian Geographic Provincialism, para. 1):
Bell and Currie (2014) (Figure 4):
Blakey (2014):

Druckenmiller et al., (2021):
T. rex UCRC-PV 1:

Photo of T. rex UCRC-PV1's Arm:
Larson and Carpenter (2008) (P. 41):

1. BHI 6437 ("Bloody Mary"):

Bonhams. Dueling Dinosaurs:

T. rex:
1. RSM P.2990.1:
Holtz's Twitter:
Carr (2020):
2. LACM 23845:
Olshevsky (1995):
Tarbosaurus/Tyrannosaurus bataar:
1. MCP-107/7:
Tsuihiji et al., (2011):

Other Tyrannosauroid Arms:
Mallon et al., (2019):
Russell (1970) (P. 9):

Nanotyrannus BHI 6437 and T. rex "Wyrex" arm drawings:

Alexander Jack Lund's Twitter post:
Nanotyrannus BHI 6437's manual phalanx 1-1 bone from Peter Larson's Twitter post:

T. rex manual 1-1 phalanx sizes:
Persons IV et al., (2019):
Version 2:

Larson and BHI 6437's femur length:
Larson's Twitter:

Nanotyrannus Femur and Tibia Sizes:
Woodland et al., (2020):

Persons and Currie (2016):

Dryptosaurus links:
Brusatte et al., (2011):
Carpenter et al., (1997):
Maxillary fenestrae and strut links:

Delcourt (2017):

Carr et al., (2017):

Voris (2018):
Voris et al., (2022):

Paleofile. "Albertosaurus":
Bell and Currie (2014) (Figure 2):
Tsuihiji et al., (2011): 
Figure 6 (Tooth count):

Hurum and Sabath (2003)

Currie (2003):

Yun (2015) (p. 4):

Distal maxillary serration-denticle interdenticle spaces:

Carpenter et al., (1997):
Brownstein (2018):

Armitage (2022):

Hendrickx et al., (2019):

Tooth count in other theropod genera:
Mortimer, Mickey. The Theropod Database Blog. "Validity of Nanotyrannus." 2013. "#X," para. 2, "#7":
Larson (2013) (Full) (Start at p. 15):

"Baby Bob" skull pic from FossilForum:



"Tinker" skull:

LACM 23845's arms being small:
Molnar (1980):
Paul (1988) (pp. 333 and 334):
Olshevsky (1995):
"Baby Bob's" skull and femur length:
Detrich Fossil Co Twitter post:
"Nanotyrannus" skull from Fossil Forum:
Full discussion (V1):
T. rex "Duffy" skull links from BHIGR:

Link 1 (Poster):

Link 2 (Right side of skull):

Link 3 (Left side of skull):
Lythronax and Teratophoneus:

Loewen et al., (2013):

Adult T. rex endocast from Prehistoric Store:
Prehistoric Store:
Alioramus skulls:

Brusatte et al., (2009):

Bonhams. "Rare Tyrannosaurid Skull-Tyrant Lizard from the Age of Dinosaurs":
Juvenile T. rex TMM 41436-1:

Wick (2014) (Brief history and referral, para. 2):
Figure 1:

Carr (2020) (pp. 59 and 93):
"Jane's" and "Sue's" humeri:

Holtz's Twitter post:

Gorgosaurus' arms: 

Lambe (1914):

Lambe (1917):
Currie on no sign of tooth loss during ontogeny:
Currie (2011):
18-year old T. rex "Victoria":
Strickland (2019):

Pangea Fossils Facebook post:
NMMNH P-32567:
Williamson and Brusatte (2014):
Bakker et al., (1988):
Samman et al., (2005):
Carpenter (1982):
SMP VP-1113:
Lucas and Sullivan (2000):
Sullivan et al., (2005):
Gilmore (1920):
Lambe (1917):
Mortimer, Mickey. Theropod Database. "Alamotyrannus":
Skull Width:

Currie (2003):

Longrich et al., (2010):

Peterson et al., (2009):
Loewen et al., (2013):

Lambe (1904):
Russell (1970):
Lucas et al., (1995):
Lambe (1917) (P. 67 Figure 43, A):
Carr et al., (2005) (P. 135, Figure 16, K):
Mallon et al., (2019):
Brusatte et al., (2011) (PP. 7 and 17):
Brochu (2003):
LACM Collections:
LACM 23845:
LACM 150167 ("Thomas"):

Serrano-Branas et al., (2014):éxico
Lacrimal Processes: 
Dalman (pers. comm.).
Hurum and Sabath (2003):

Carr (2020):
Figure 6 (CMNH 7541):

Figure 7 ("Jane"):
Figure 10 ("Jane" [Top/dorsal view]):

Todd Johnson Facebook posts: 
Link 1

Link 2:

Link 3:

Voris (2018):

Carr et al., (2010):


Tyrannosauroidea femora and tibiae sizes:

Persons IV and Currie (2016):!po=0.632911
Xu et al., (2006):
Locations of Dryptosaurus and T. rex:
Deak and McKenzie (2016):

Longrich and Field (2012):
Coexisting Taxa from New Egypt and Hell Creek Formations:
Gallagher et al., (2012):
Van Vranken and Boyd (2021):

Sullivan et al., (2011):
Rolleri et al., (2020) (pp. 284-285) (SVP, 2020):
Brownstein and Bissel (2020):
Farke and Phillip (2017):
(Serrano-Branas and Prieto-Marquez, 2022):
Luis V. Rey's blog on the paper (1/30/22):