Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Contact info. for using my work.

I never thought that this would happen, but my blog has become so popular now that it may be used by actual scientists. Two days ago, I was asked by a scientist, Caitlin Schrien, Ph.d, if she may use the information on my "Size Calculations for Tyrannosaurus rex" post. I think she is going to use it for a T. rex article, or something related to the species. I agreed to let her do so. To my amazement, she asked around on Twitter first to see if anybody had my contact info. on Monday. This is why I'm making this post.

If you want to use my work as one of your sources, then please ask me via Instagram, or by email. Please note that I try my best to make my work as accurate as possible (the "What If" posts are hypothetical), but of course, please include the actual sources that I attach in the posts themselves.

Thank you!
