1. A Brief History:
Let's get started by talking about the limbs, and if Spinosaurus was bipedal or quadrupedal. Before we begin, here's a brief history lesson of Spinosaurus' posture:
runs ashore?") (Rey, 2015, "Popularizing science... The right way!"), while Hartman said that it was bipedal (Hartman, 2020, "The Road to Spinosaurus IV: Not Your Father's JP3 Spinosaurus"). Recently, another paleo-artist named Hank Sharpe made Spinosaurus trend on Twitter by saying that Spinosaurus' femur wasn't capable of holding its weight. This suggests that Spinosaurus wasn't bipedal (Sharpe, 2023,
"Think Spinosaurus' legs look kinda wimpy for its size?...").
1.) FSAC-KK 11888 (neotype):
Skull: 123 cm.
Femur: 62.5 cm.
Body: 10.3 m.
Source: Ibrahim et al., (2020b) (Supplementary Materials: Date File 2, Body dimensions, body mass, body segment masses, and whole body center of mass, p. 1):
Originally, Ibrahim et al., (2014) gave an estimated length for the humerus at 51 cm, and an estimated length of 24 cm for the radius. This was based on Suchomimus as well (Supplementary Materials, p. 30 Table S1):
Femur length (also from Table S1 on p. 30):Humerus-to-femur ratio for the neotype using Ibrahim et al., (2014):Humerus; 51 cm.
Radius: 24 cm.
Femur: 61 cm.
61 - 51 = 10.
10/61*100 = 16.4% decrease.
100% - 16.4% = 83.6% the length of the femur.
24 - 61 = 37.
37/61*100 = 60.7% decrease.
100% - 60.7% = 39.3% the length of the femur
The neotype would've had a humerus that was 83.6% the length of the femur, with the radius being 39.3%. This would've meant that Spinosaurus was a quadrupedal animal. This percentage is larger than Stegosaurus', which is surprising.
Now, using the new estimated skull length for the neotype from Ibrahim et al., (2020b), I'm going to estimate the neotype's humerus and radius length. Then, I'll check to see if the animal was quadrupedal or bipedal.
Humerus and radius estimate based on Suchomimus:
Lengths from Sereno et al., (1998) and Hendrickx et al., (2016):
Skull: 119 cm.
Humerus: 56 cm.
Radius: 25.5 cm.
Femur: 107.5 cm.
(Using skull lengths) 119 - 123 = 4.
4/119*100 = 3.4% increase.
56 cm + 3.4% = 57.9 cm for FSAC's humerus length.
25.5 cm + 3.4% = 26.4 cm for radius length.
Humerus-to-femur ratio:
57.9 cm - 62.5 cm = 4.6.
4.6/62.5*100 = 7.4% decrease.
100% - 7.4% = 92.6% the length of the femur.
Radius-to-femur ratio:
26.4 cm - 62.5 cm = 36.1.
36.1/62.5*100 = 57.76% decrease.
100% - 57.76% = 42.24% the length of the femur.
This provides a greater percentage than from Ibrahim et al., (2014)! The humerus was 92.6% the length of its femur, with the radius being 42.24%. This would indicate that it was a quadrupedal animal.
Update (8/24/24):
Just in case, using the femur length from Ibrahim et al., (2020b) with the humerus length from Ibrahim et al., (2014), we get:
62.5 - 51 = 11.5.
11.5/61*100 = 18.9% decrease.
100% - 18.9% = 81.1% the length of the femur.
This would still indicate Spinosaurus as being a quadrupedal animal.
2.) Alpha Male 9109 (Goo, 2022):
Measurements (Goo, 2022, Figure 26) (Note: Squares are in cm in :
Radius (C): ~41.8 cm at best (Alpha Male 9109).
Femur (D): 62 cm (FSAC-KK 11888).
Finding Woo’s 67.7% estimate (radius of Alpha Male compared to femur of neotype):
62 - 41.8 = 20.2.
20.2/62*100 = 32.6% decrease.
100% - 32.6% = 67.4% the total length of the femur.
Guess work for humerus length compared to neotype:
26.4 - 41.8 = 15.4.
15.4/26.4*100 = 58.3% increase.
57.9 cm + 58.3% = 91.7 cm.
62.5% + 58.3% = 98.9 cm.
10.3 m + 58.3% = 54 feet (16.3 meters).
Length of humerus compared to the femur:
91.7 cm - 98.9 cm = 7.2.
7.2/98.9*100 = 7.3% decrease.
100% - 7.2% = 92.8% the length of the femur.
Looks like Alpha Male 9109 was also quadrupedal, with a humerus that was 92.8% of the femur.
3. Evidence of Pronation in Theropoda?
It has been stated that theropods couldn't pronate their hands, preventing their palms from touching the ground (Hone, 2009, "Theropods are clappers, not slappers," para. 3). However, there seems to be a trace fossil that shows evidence of a theropod placing its hands on the ground with the palm facing the soil (McCrea et al., 2002, Abstract) (Black, 2009). McCrea et al., said that the claw marks were made "simultaneous and parallel strikes or drags of both the animal's forelimbs while it was walking" (para. 1). Black said that this showed that theropods "could hold their arms with elbows out and palms down" (para. 3). More recently, Caneer et al., (2021) found a trace fossil of a T. rex placing its arms and hands onto the ground. The hands were used, along with the legs, to help the animal get up from a prone position
(Abstract; pp. 29-30; p. 33 Figure 6 C; p. 35 Figure 8). So, it seems that theropods were capable of doing something with their hands akin to pronation, if not to a minimum degree. With Spinosaurus and it's wonky design, this could have been turned up a notch to with its hands being fully pronated (perhaps). At the very least, it probably did something similar to the theropods that made the trace fossils from McCrea et al., (2002) and Caneer et al., (2021).
Quick side note: Luis V. Rey said that paleontologist Alan Gishlike showed him that theropods hands could "bend slightly outwards" (Rey, 2015, "Popularizing science... The right way!", para. 4).
Theropod pronating its hands based on McCrea et al., (2002) by Michael Shrepnick (Black, 2009):
Something caught my eye regarding Spinosaurus' (hopefully) manual ungual. Ibrahim et al., (2020a) showed a collection of manual unguals (hand claws). The first one, catalogued as NMC 41820 (Figure 111A-B), is labelled as possibly belonging to a spinosauroid. The claw is "gently recurved" compared to others (Theropoda: Manual ungual morphotype 1). If this is a spinosauroid claw, then it more-than-likely belongs to Spinosaurus. It differs from the extremely curved Baryonyx and Suchomimus manual unguals (Charig and Miller, 1997, p. 47 Figure 35) (Hone, 2012, Suchomimus). I suspect that Spinosaurus wasn't using its hands like its two cousins were, and were probably for helping in supporting its weight.
The biggest question that I've been trying to answer is: What is Spinosaurus' center of mass (CoM)? Knowing this would help to answer the bipedal or quadrupedal debate once and for all. Originally, Ibrahim et al., (2014) got 1.04 meters for the CoM (Ibrahim et al., 2020b, Supplementary Materials: Data File 2: Body dimensions, body mass, body segment masses, and whole body center of mass, p. 8). Henderson (2018) got 0.3182 (Figure 7), or 0.48 m (Ibrahim et al., 2020b, Supplementary Materials, p. 31: Body mass, segment masses, and centre of mass (CoM)), which made Spinosaurus a bipedal animal. Ibrahim et al., (2020b) got 0.725-0.825 m, which would've made Spinosaurus quadrupedal again (Supplementary Materials, p. 31: Body mass, segment masses, and centre of mass (CoM)). Sereno et al., (2022) got 13.2-28.5 cm (they gave a femoral length of 40 cm), which made Spinosaurus bipedal again (Materials and Methods, Flesh model density, dimensions and properties, para. 4).
Xcm = (m1)(x1) + (m2)(x2)/m1 + m2
x = length of object.
CoG = (w1)(x1) + (w2)(x2) + ...to end/w1 + w2 + ...to end.
x = length of object.
-3.09 m = torso and hip length.
-5.04 m = tail length.
-453 kg = head and neck weight (I added the skull and neck weights from p. 5 because the torso and hip lengths were added together on p. 1).
-2124 kg = torso and hip weight.
-629 kg = tail weight.
Xcm = (453 kg)(2.8 m) + (2124 kg)(3.09 m) + (629 kg)(5.04 m)/453 + 2124 + 629
Xcm = 1,268.4 + 6563.16 + 3,170.16/3206
Xcm = 11,001.56/3206
Xcm = 3.43 m.
CoG = (453 kg)(2.8 m) + (2124 kg)(3.09 m) + (629 kg)(5.04 m)/453 + 2124 + 629
CoG = 1,268.4 + 6563.16 + 3,170.16/3206
CoG = 11,001.56/3206
CoG = 3.43 m.
Note: A length for Spinosaurus' sail wasn't given by the authors, so I left it out.
Update (8/28/23):
I found the CoM equation used by Ibrahim et al., (2020b), so let's try and use it to find the CoM!
CoM equation from Ibrahim et al., (2020b) (Supplementary Materials, p. 30):
Xc = (Xs(Ms - Mzd))/Mt (Supplementary Materials, p. 30: Body mass, segment masses, and centre of mass (CoM)).
-Xs = Cartesian coordinate (Data File 2, p. 4).
-Ms = Body segment mass (Data File 2, p. 5).
-Mzd = Zero-density volume (kg/m^3 or kg.m-3) (Data File 2, p. 5).
-Mt = Total body mass (Data File 2, p. 5).
Cartesian coordinates (Data File 2, p. 4):
Mass estimates using the Cartesian coordinates, and zero-density volume, part 1 (p. 5):
Part 2 (p. 6):(?)Total body mass:Ms - Mzd
= 3865 kg - 1000 kg/m^3 (3865 = Add up all body segments on p. 5; or, is 3.864.7 kg on p. 5).
= 2865 kg (= Mt).
-*Or, Mt body mass is 3864.7 kg (without air sacs) on p. 5.
Cartesian coordinate: 6.2468850742257 (Data File 2, p. 4).
1.): Body mass is 2865 kg:
Xc = (6.2468850742257(3865 kg - 1000 kg/m^3))/2865
Xc = (6.2468850742257 (2865))/2865
Xc = 17897.3257377/2865
Xc = 4.63 m
2.) Cartesian coordinate is 6.2468850742257 and body mass is 3864.7 kg:
Xc = (6.2468850742257(3864.7 kg - 1000 kg/m^3))/3864.7 kg
Xc = (6.2468850742257(2864.7))/3864.7
Xc = 17895.4516721/3864.7
Xc = 4.63 m
3.) Cartesian coordinate is 6.2468850742257, numerator body mass is 3865 kg, and denominator body mass is 3864.7 kg:
Xc = (6.2468850742257(3865 kg - 1000 kg/m^3))/3864.7
Xc = (6.2468850742257(2865))/3864.7
Xc = 17897.3257377/3864.7
Xc = 4.63 m
Torso segments:
*Torso segment part 1 (No air sacs):
Cartesian coordinate is 6.9071243 (Data File 2, p. 4) and body mass is 3864.7 (Data File 2, p. 5):
Xc = (6.9071243(1734 kg - 1000 kg/m^3))/3864.7 kg
Xc = (6.9071243(743))/3864.7
Xc = 5131.99335/3864.7
Xc = 1.32791506 m (or 1.33 m).
**Torso segment part 2 (No air sacs):
Cartesian coordinate is 6.2468850742257 and body mass is 3864.7:
Xc = (6.2468850742257(1734 kg - 1000 kg/m^3))/3864.7
Xc = (6.2468850742257(743))/3864.7
Xc = 4641.43561015/3864.7
Xc = 1.201 m.
-Torso numbers give better results!
Torso segment part 3 (Segment total mass - air space mass):
Cartesian coordinate is 6.1707475808789 and body mass is 3519.72:
Xc = (6.1707475808789(1418.71 kg - ?kg/m^3))/?
Xc = ?
-No air space mass (zero-density volume).
**Torso segment part 4 (Bates et al., 2009 numbers):
Cartesian coordinate is 6.1433762338784 and body mass is 3415.46:
Xc = 6.1707475808789(1324.80 kg - 760.07 kg/m^3))/3547.84
Xc = (6.1707475808789(564.73))/3415.46
Xc = 3484.80628135/3415.46
Xc = 1.02030364324 m.
*Torso segment part 5 (Bates et al., 2009 numbers):
Cartesian coordinate is 6.9071243 and body mass is 3415.46:
Xc = 6.9071243(1324.80 kg - 760.07 kg/m^3))/3547.84
Xc = (6.9071243(564.73))/3415.46
Xc = 3,900.660305939/3415.46
Xc = 1.142060017080862 m.
**Skull-hip segment (Henderson, 2018 numbers):
Cartesian coordinate is 6.160045582537 and body mass is 3547.84:
Xc = (6.160045582537(2,190.45 kg - 850 kg/m^3))/3547.84
Xc = 8257.23310111/3547.84
Xc = 2.32739726175 m.
-Add up the weights from p. 6.
-Can’t add up Cartesian numbers, so don’t use Cartesian number from top row on p. 4.
Using the regular CoM/CoG equation, and the equation from Ibrahim et al., (2020b), I got a CoM ranging from 1.02-3.43 m. 1.02 m, 1.201 m, 2.33 m, and 3.43 m are the best estimates so far. These numbers are larger than the femoral length (62.5 cm; Ibrahim et al., 2020b, Supplementary Materials: Data File 2, Body dimensions, body mass, body segment masses, and whole body center of mass, p. 1), so Spinosaurus was definitely a quadruped. In fact, 1.02 m and 1.201 m fall around the 1.04-m estimate given by Ibrahim et al., (2014).
Update (9/6/23):
I tried to find a CoM equation in Sereno et al., (2020), but I didn't see one. Therefore, I'm sticking to the results that I got above for Spinosaurus' CoM.
Based on my mathematical calculations, Spinosaurus' humerus was 80-90% the length of the femur. The neotype's was 81.1-92.6%, while Alpha Male 9109's was 92.8%. If the neotype's humerus was 51 cm, then the percentage would be 81.1-83.6%. All of these percentages are larger than a typical quadrupedal dinosaur like Stegosaurus (43-55%). The CoM for Spinosaurus ranges from 1.02-3.43 m for the animal (1.02 m, 1.201 m, 2.33 m, and 3.43 m, are the best estimates). This indicates that Spinosaurus was definitely a quadrupedal animal. Of course, it has been stated that theropods couldn't pronate their hands, preventing their palms from touching the ground. On the other hand, several trace fossils seem to indicate that theropods could've done some kind of pronation with their hands. Spinosaurus probably did minimal pronation, or even full pronation, with its hands. The possible manual ungual that might've belonged to Spinosaurus, NMC 41820, is less recurved than Baryonyx's and Suchomimus'. This suggests that Spinosaurus probably didn't use its hands in a similar fashion that the other two taxa did, and could have been for stability while walking. Unless Spinosaurus' actual arms were smaller, akin to a tyrannosaurid or carcharodontosaurid, then it was a quadruped. It would be nice to have a complete arm for this animal.
I have come to believe that dinosaurs would've had any characteristic to help them survive in their habitats, regardless of what trait/characteristic we think they did, or didn't, have. I'm going to go on a limb here and say that Spinosaurus' hands were capable of pronation, and that the animal was a quadruped.
Brief History:
Stromer (1936) (p. 65):
Link 2:
Black (2011):
Donald F. Glut (2001) (pp. 82 and 84):Ibrahim et al., (2014):
Supplementary Materials:
Hone and Holtz (2021):
Fabbri et al., (2022):
Sereno et al., (2022):
2014: "What happens when Spinosaurus runs ashore?":
2015: "Popularizing science... The right way!":
Hartman (2020). "The Road to Spinosaurus IV: Not Your Father's JP3 Spinosaurus":
Sharpe (2023) ("Think Spinosaurus' legs look kinda wimpy for its size?..."):
David Bonadona:
Goo (2022):
Supplementary Materials: Data File 2: Body dimensions, body mass, body segment masses, and whole body center of mass:https://www.readcube.com/articles/supplement?doi=10.1038%2Fs41586-020-2190-3&index=3
Hone (2009) ("Theropods are clappers, not slappers"):
McCrea et al., (2002) (Abstract):
Black (2011):
Caneer et al., (2021):
Manual unguals:
Hone (2012). Suchomimus:
Ibrahim et al., (2020a):
Hone and Holtz, Jr. (2017):
Pg. 1128:
Center of Mass/Gravity:
Supplementary Materials: Data File 2: Body dimensions, body mass, body segment masses, and whole body center of mass:https://www.readcube.com/articles/supplement?doi=10.1038%2Fs41586-020-2190-3&index=3
Center of Mass:
The Organic Chemistry Tutor. Center of Mass Physics Problems-Basic Introduction:
Serway and Vuille (2016) (P. 231):
CoM and CoG are synonymous:
Georgia State University. Hyperphysics: Center of Mass:
Center of Gravity:
Study.com. Center of Gravity: Overview and Examples:
Encyclopaedia Britannica. Center of Gravity:
NASA Glenn Research Center. Beginners Guide to Aeronautics: Center of Gravity: