Monday, December 30, 2024

Nanotyrannus as an Eutyrannosaurian (Abstract).



Throughout 2024, several publications have shed new light on the highly-debated tyrannosauroid taxon Nanotyrannus lancensis, or as this author calls it, Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis. Nanotyrannus has been placed outside of tyrannosauridae, and into the basal tyrannosauroidea clade. Even more surprising, the holotype of Nanotyrannus, CMNH 7541, had an external fundamental system (EFS) located within its hyoid. This indicates that the specimen was an adult. Although we now have a mature specimen for the species, this author raises a question: where does Nanotyrannus lie within tyrannosauroidea? There are two groups within the basal tyrannosauroidea clade: pantyrannosauria and eutyrannosauria. Based on the skeletal characteristics Nanotyrannus shares with Raptorex, Dryptosaurus, and Appalachiosaurus, and since the latter two taxa are within eutyrannosauria, this author hypothesizes that Nanotyrannus can be placed within eutyrannosauria. This author also believes that Raptorex, another debated tyrannosaur, could fit within eutyrannosauria as well. Another potential member is the Bissekty tyrannosauroid. A possible hypothetical growth series for Nanotyrannus could be the following: BMRP 2002.4.1 (“Jane”), BMRP 2006.4.4 (“Petey”), and CMNH 7541. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

(News) Hello Allosaurus anax, and Goodbye "Saurophaganax" (Danison et al., 2024b)!

"Saurophaganax" skeleton (Sam Noble Museum/Oklahoma Museum of Natural History Facebook Reel):
It's okay, "Saurophaganax." You can rest now (paraphrased from Avengers Endgame, 2019).

I knew some Allosaurus bones got mixed in with the "Saurophaganax" material! I've been saying this for years. Now, a new paper written by Danison et al. states exactly what I've been saying! 

Note: Download the paper. Some things in the abstract are different from what's stated in the paper.

"Saurophaganax" is officially a nomen dubium, and a chimera (pp. 81, 106, and 108). The atlas and dorsal vertebrae, and chevrons, are neosauropoda (like Camarasaurus), a diplodocid, or nomen dubium (pp. 81, 89-90, 93-95, and 108-109). Amazingly, the authors recognized that carcharodontosaurids had similar morphologies in their dorsal vertebrae compared to "Saurophaganax's" (the "Saurophaganax" holotype OMNH 1123), in particular Tyrannotitan/Giganotosaurus chubutensis and Lusovenator! I said that! However, the authors disagreed that OMNH 1123 could be definitively referred to a theropod. They didn't even know if it could accurately be assigned to a sauropod, but they decided that it probably was a sauropod that resembled Apatosaurus sp. (pp. 93 and 95). Either way, they put OMNH 1123 as a nomen dubium (pp. 95 and 108). I was right about "Saurophaganax" being a chimera! I'm also surprised that the authors also noticed a possible carcharodontosaurid connection to "Saurophaganax!

Atlas vertebrae of Allosaurus jimmadseni (A), "Saurophaganax" (B), and Camarasaurus sp. (C) (p. 89 Figure 4):
"Saurophaganax" holotype OMNH 1123 (A) compared to Apatosaurus sp. OMNH 1366 (B). The sprl in Apatosaurus sp. seem to match the al in "Saurophaganax" (p. 94 Figure 8):
See p. 93 for the comparison between the laminae of the two bones. I wonder... Are the laminae in OMNH 1123 so wide because the specimen was a hatchling, or juvenile? If the animal grew, would the laminae become elongated like Apatosaurus' are? That's just a guess though.

The Allosaurus material was either named Allosaurus anax, or Allosaurus sp. (pp. 82-83, 106-109). The giant humerus, OMNH 1935, which I thought had to be Allosaurus, was "indistinguishable from that of Allosaurus fragilis and Allosaurus jimmadseni." The authors said it was an allosaurid, despite it's great size (pp. 100-101, and 106), but for some reason they didn't put it as Allosaurus anax or Allosaurus sp. Since the authors agreed with me that OMNH 1935 was basically Allosaurus, I'll put the giant humerus as Allosaurus sp. myself. 

Originally, I put the femora in Allosaurus, but switched to putting it in "Saurophaganax." I also put the tibiae in "Saurophaganax." It turns out that the femora were Allosaurus after all, but not A. fragilis or A. jimmadseni. The authors called it Allosaurus sp. (pp. 102 and 109). The tibiae were also assigned to Allosaurus sp. (pp. 104 and 109). The postorbital, a cervical vertebra, two dorsal centrum, and fibulae, were assigned to Allosaurus anax and not "Saurophaganax" (pp. 82-83, and 108-109). The metatarsals, which I thought were either Allosaurus or a carcharodontosaurid, were put under Allosaurus sp. (pp. 106 and 109). I was VERY conservative in estimating how much of the "Saurophaganax" material belonged to Allosaurus! That is shocking!

Speaking of Allosaurus maximus, it's a synonym of "Saurophaganax maximus" because it used the specimen OMNH 1123 as the holotype. That's probably the reason why Allosaurus anax was erected as the new genus name, along with the fact that the authors see the Allosaurus material as distinct from A. fragilis and A. jimmadseni (p. 107).

"Saurophaganax" was a chimera (like I've stated before), and a nomen dubium. "Saurophaganax" wasn't even a carcharodontosaurid, like I originally hypothesized. It probably didn't even exist! However, I'm just glad that I was right about the Allosaurus bones being lumped into the "Saurophaganax" material. Heck, almost all of the bones were Allosaurus sp. or Allosaurus anax! I wasn't going far enough! However, it's good to double-check and be cautious at times. 

Vindication, once again! Nanotyrannus is a basal tyrannosauroid, and the holotype was an adult specimen with an EFS in its hyoid bone! Now, "Saurophaganax" is a confirmed chimera and had Allosaurus bones in it!

Hello Allosaurus anax, and goodbye "Saurophaganax maximus." 

Danison et al., (2024b):
"Saurophaganax" skeleton (Sam Noble Museum/Oklahoma Museum of Natural History Facebook Reel):
-Sam Noble Museum’s Facebook Page:
My previous post on "Saurophaganax" being a carcharodontosaurid:
My abstract:

Saturday, November 2, 2024

(News) Is Saurophaganax a chimera (Danison et al., 2024a)!?

Saurophaganax in Planet Dinosaur (2011):

I already talked about one abstract from SVP (2024), but there's another one that I need to discuss regarding another theropod I've talked about before.

We finally got some more research on the enigmatic theropod, Saurophaganax, brought to us by Danison et al., (2024). However, the authors of this abstract have made some pretty surprising claims that could change our view on the theropod completely... For example, the scientists claim that Saurophaganax wasn't even a theropod!

Danison et al., (2024) examined the Saurophaganax material. They started off with a fourth metatarsal, which showed signs of fast growth and what appears to be an External fundamental System (EFS). This doesn't seem to match the growth trajectory of Allosaurus, thus the authors separate Saurophaganax from Allosaurus. That is, if "the appositional rate of the metatarsal is representative of the whole animal." However, it's the last conclusion that floored me. The authors stated that the Saurophaganax vertebral elements (atlas and dorsal vertebrae, and the caudal chevrons) belonged to sauropods and not theropods! In fact, they might belong to an already established sauropod taxon. The holotype of Saurophaganax is the mid-dorsal neural arch (dorsal vertebra) (Chure, 1995, pp. 104 and 106). Based on Danison et al., (2024), this would make Saurophaganax a sauropod or a synonym of another sauropod! The name "Saurophaganax" might not even exist anymore... The skull and limb/long bone elements, said to have belonged to Saurophaganax, do resemble theropoda though. In particular, they are "largely consistent with Allosaurus." (SVP, 2024, pp. 164-165).

Danison et al., (2024 [SVP, 2024]):
P. 164:

P. 165:
Honestly, I don't know what to think. I was certain that the Saurophaganax material belonged to a  carcharodontosaurid. However, some of the bones did resemble Allosaurus, like the giant humerus OMNH 01935. Chure (1995) said that the bone was "robust," yet "closely resembles that of Allosaurus," (p. 103). Smith (1998) said that the humerus matched the Allosaurus growth chart and "non-size-related variation," despite being large (pp. 131, 134, 138-139). In fact, Smith said that the Saurophaganax material "lies on the same growth trajectory for Allosaurus in almost every case," (p. 140). I've also noted before that OMNH 01935 is morphologically indistinct from other humeri of Allosaurus. Saurophaganax was more of a chimera than people thought. Heck, I originally asserted that Saurophaganax was a chimera (half carcharodontosaurid and half Allosaurus) until I discovered that other carcharodontosaurid taxa had similar bones to it, excluding OMNH 01935. The giant humerus still confused me, but I still thought that it belonged to Allosaurus. I still think that. In fact, aside from (possibly) the fourth metatarsal and the vertebrae, other postcrania bones resemble Allosaurus', according to Danison et al., (2024). 

I decided to see if it was possible for the "Saurophaganax" atlas to resemble a sauropod's atlas, or not. I saw Apatosaurus louisae's atlas, and... Yeah, they look really similar:

Apatosaurus louisae's atlas and axis ("at" is atlas) (Gilmore, 1936, p. 192):
"Saurophaganax's" atlas (OMNH 01135) (Chure, 1995, p. 104):
"Saurophaganax" was a chimera after all... I truly believe that some Allosaurus bones got jumbled up in the skeletal material. Now, it seems that some Allosaurus AND probably some sauropod bones got mixed in there as well. I wonder if there's any actual "Saurophaganax" material left to keep the taxonomic name alive?

I'm not going to make any final conclusions until the authors finish their paper. I want to give them a chance, and go about this with an open mind. If this is the end of "Saurophaganax,' then so be it. It was a lot of fun to research the animal. 

Danison et al., (2024) (SVP, 2024, pp. 164-165):
Gilmore (1936) (P. 192):
Chure (1995):
Smith (1998):

Sunday, October 27, 2024

(News) Nanotyrannus holotype was an adult (Griffin et al., 2024)!

Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis holotype CMNH 7541 (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 135 Figure 15):

One of the biggest critiques against Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis being a valid taxon was that all the specimens were apparently juveniles. As a result, they must've been juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex specimens because no juvenile T. rex specimens have been discovered. However, it has been stated numerous times now that most of the N./D. lancensis specimens were actually slow-growing individuals that were close to maturity, and not fast-growing juvenile T. rex specimens. Now, we have an actual adult N./D. lancensis specimen and it was hiding in plain sight the entire time: CMNH 7541!

CMNH 7541 is the holotype specimen of N./D. lancensis. For the longest time, people thought that it was a hatchling at 8 years of age (Erickson et al., 2006, Supplementary Materials, p. 13) (Carr, 2020, Figures 2 and 12). Some people even labelled the specimen as a nomen dubium (Paul, 2022, p. 67 [Preprint]). Now, it turns out that the real age of the specimen was almost double of that! Griffin et al., (2024), an abstract from SVP 2024, studied the hyoid of CMNH 7541, along with other extinct and extant animals. The hyoid of CMNH 7541 revealed that the specimen was about 14 years old (14 LAGs "at minimum" were present in the hyoid), along with extensive (Haversian) remodeling and secondary osteons within the bone itself. The best part was that an EFS marker was found within the "outermost cortex" of the hyoid. The authors concluded that, although they're not throwing out the possibility that CMNH 7541 couldn't have been a T. rex, the best conclusion based on the evidence is that CMNH 7541 was a distinct taxon of "tyrannosaurid" that was "fully grown," (Abstract [SVP, 2024, pp. 232-233]).

Griffin et al., (2024) (SVP, 2024):
P. 232:
P. 233:
The EFS, or External Fundamental System, indicates that an individual was mature at the time of death. Neither the 13-year old N./D. lancensis specimens BMRP 2002.4.1 ("Jane"), or the 15-year old BMRP 2006.4.4 ("Petey"), had the EFS in their limb bones (Woodward et al., 2020, p. 4). Neither does "Zuri," but "Zuri's" growth was slowing down and wasn't a juvenile despite being "at minimum 12-13 years old when it died." "Zuri" also had extensive Haversian remodeling in its bones as well (Griffin, 2014, Abstract). Both "Jane" and "Petey" were also slowing down in their growth, and they didn't fit in the Tyrannosaurus growth trajectory pattern (Jevnikar and Zanno, 2021, Abstract [SVP, 2021, p. 151]) (Longrich and Saitta, 2024, pp. 38-39). Longrich and Saitta (2024) also said that "Zuri" "was apparently near full size when it died," (p. 39). CMNH 7541, although being 14 at least, has the EFS present in its hyoid (Griffin et al., 2024, Abstract [SVP, 2024, pp. 232-233]). It seems that N./D. lancensis aged extremely quickly, and died young. Other basal tyrannosauroids that did something similar were the basal pantyrannosaurian Dilong (Xu et al., 2004, p. 680), and the eutyrannosaurian Raptorex (Sereno et al., 2009, p. 419; Supplementary Materials, p. 2). This is interesting, since I believe that Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis was also a basal eutyrannosaurian. Dryptosaurus aquilunguis, and Appalachiosaurus/Dryptosaurus montgomerensis, were also eutyrannosaurians (see Delcourt and Grillo, 2018).

This is amazing! I contacted Mr. Griffin back in 2021 regarding "Zuri." He was leaning towards N./D. lancensis being a juvenile T. rex at that time. I was doing so as well, even though I had my doubts. Now, his work is helping to demonstrate that the opposite is true. He actually helped to find an adult N./D. lancensis! Congratulations to him, and his team!

We finally have an adult Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis!

Griffin et al., (2024) (SVP, 2024, pp. 232-233):

Woodward et al., (2020):

Jevnikar and Zanno (2021) (SVP, 2021, p. 151):

Paul (2022) (Preprint):

-V2 (PDF):

Longrich and Saitta (2024):
Griffin (2014):

Friday, August 16, 2024

How big is the T. rex specimen BHI 6248 ("E.D. Cope")?

At the beginning of this year, I learned about a new challenger to the "Biggest T. rex Specimen" title. The specimen is called BHI 6248, also nicknamed "E. D. Cope." The nickname comes from one Edward Drinker Cope, the arch nemesis of Dr. Othniel Charles Marsh during the notorious "Bone Wars" era of primitive Paleontology. I learned about this from a YouTuber that I'm friends with called The Vividen. Then this week on Instagram, my friend "Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27" (I'm going to call him "Luke" for now on) reminded me about the specimen. I've been meaning to discuss BHI 6248, but there's a problem: No figures or pictures of the fossils with a scale bar are present at the moment. Therefore, I usually wait a while to talk about a specimen until I can find the pics, or figures, that I need to make an estimate of the body size. However, thanks to "Luke" and Reddit, I found a picture of the leg bones of BHI 6248 that will be sufficient for now. Please take this measurement with a grain of salt until I can find better pictures, or figures, of the bones.

First off, Larson (2008) did briefly write about this specimen in Larson and Carpenter (2008):

P. 37:

P. 38:
Second, Paul et al., (2022) gave a femoral length of 130 cm, while giving a femoral length of 132.1 cm to FMNH PR 2081 ("Sue"). However, the circumference for "Cope's" femur is 63 cm, while "Sue's" is 58 cm. RSM P2523.8's ("Scotty's") femur circumference 59 cm (p. 6 Table 1):
For more information, check out the link to the Reddit post below. Now, let's get to measuring!

Leg bones (Reddit, r/Dinosaurs, "What makes me feel strange is that no one here has ever discussed this super giant specimen of Tyrannosaurus Rex..."):

My friend "Luke," who gave me the pic, said that the T. rex toy was 12 inches long:
The 12-inch measurement for the toy was correct (Michaels, Safari Ltd Feathered Tyrannosaurus Rex Toy) (Safari Ltd. Feathered T-rex Toy). Therefore, I will be using the toy as my measurement for the femur.

The Percentage Increase/Decrease Method:
1. Take new number and subtract it from original number.
2. Take that number and divide it by the original number and multiply by 100.
3. That number will by your percentage increase or decrease if it's negative.

Ex.: "Stan's" Femur is 130 and has a body length of 12.2 meters. "Wyrex" has a femur length of 132.7 cm.

132.7 - 130 = 2.7.
2.7 divided by (represented by "/") and multiplied by (represented by "*") equals 2.1.
(2.7/130*100 = 2.1)
2.1 is your percentage increase, or 2.1% increase.
12.2 m + 2.1% = 12.5 meters for "Wyrex."

Percentage Increase/Decrease Method Links:
"Percentage Change - Percentage Increase and Decrease." SkillsYouNeed:
"Relative Increase."

Length: 62.5 cm (at best) (158.75 cm) (Measured on 8/15/24 on the straight/right side).

1.) Body length:
Ex. 1:
FMNH 2081/BHI 2033:
Length: 45 feet (13.6 meters).
Femur: 143 cm.

158.75 - 143 = 15.75.
15.75/143*100 = 11.01% increase.
13.6 m + 11.0% = 50 feet (15.1 meters).

Ex. 2:
RSM 2523.8 ("Scotty"):
Length: 46 feet (14.1 meters).
Femur: 148.5 cm.

158.75 - 148.5 = 10.25.
10.25/148.5*100 = 6.9% increase.
14.1 m + 6.9% = 50 feet (15.1 meters).

BHI 6248's Total Length: 50 feet (15.1 meters).

2.) Body weight:
FMNH PR 2081:
63 cm - 58 cm = 5.
5/58*100 = 8.6% increase.

RSM P2523.8:
63 cm - 59 cm = 4.
4/59*100 = 6.8% increase.

It appears that BHI 6248 could've been longer, and heavier, than both "Sue" and "Scotty," but as I've stated before, please wait until a picture or figure of the bones with a scale bar can be found for a more accurate body length estimate.

Reddit post:
-Post (Reddit, r/Dinosaurs, "What makes me feel strange is that no one here has ever discussed this super giant specimen of Tyrannosaurus Rex..."):
Larson (2008; in Larson and Carpenter, 2008) (PP. 37-38):
Paul et al., (2022):
 Safari Ltd Feathered Tyrannosaurus Rex Toy:
Safari Ltd. Feathered T-rex Toy:**LP+Smart+Shopping+-+Wildlife&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=&hsa_ver=3&hsa_grp=&hsa_acc=2129352416&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_cam=18312330198&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq_G1BhCSARIsACc7NxqU0GHlDdkLFl2w1vPiHwwaSHKJyl56PUyuqX6bUGpXpMMQ2a8A_LwaApStEALw_wcB

Friday, July 12, 2024

Dino Bios: Dryptosaurus.

Dryptosaurus aquilunguis holotype skeleton ANSP 9995 (cast) (Delaware Museum of Natural History):

Time: 72-66 million years ago, Maastrichtian of the late Cretaceous period.
Place: North America.
Length: 15-28 feet (4.6-8.4 meters).
Diet: Carnivore.
My added species:
1. Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis.

Let's talk about a dinosaur that I've become intimately associated with for a couple of years now: Dryptosaurus

Part 1: Dryptosaurus aquilunguis:
Dryptosaurus aquilunguis was a basal tyrannosauroid that lived in the Maastrichtian of the late Cretaceous period in Appalachia, North America. The holotype specimen, ANSP 9995, was recovered from the New Egypt Formation of New Jersey, which is Maastrichtian in age (Brusatte et al., 2011, pp. 1, 5, 42-43; Figure 23) (Cope, 1868, p. 100) (Brownstein, 2018, Abstract; Review: Maastrichtian: New Egypt Formation). Dryptosaurus had unique characteristics, such as interdenticle spaces (large spaces in between the large denticles/serrations) on the distal (posterior) side of the maxillary teeth, a small humerus with a large deltopectoral crest, a large manus (hand) with an elongated manual phalanx 1-1, and possibly twenty five total caudals (tail vertebrae) or more with the middle to posterior caudals being elongated (Carpenter et al., 1997, pp. 561-562 and 564; Figures 1-2) (Brusatte et al., 2011, pp. 1 and 16; Table 1; Figures 8-10) (Cope, 1868, p. 102). I've also noticed that some teeth attributed to Dryptosaurus are pinched inwards on their sides (see Brownstein, 2018, Figure 2, 5). I've obtained a body length of 28 feet (8.4 meters) for the animal.

This animal was discovered by Paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope. He originally called it "Laelaps  aquilunguis" (Cope, 1868, p. 100). However, Laelaps was the name of a "mite, and this provided an opportunity for his rival, O.C. Marsh, to upstage him." Marsh renamed "Laelaps" to Dryptosaurus in 1877 (Black, 2010, para. 3-4) (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 2)

Bones of ANSP 9995 (Cope, 1868):

ANSP 9995 (cast) Photo:
-Delaware Museum of Natural History:
Brusatte et al., (2011):
Carpenter et al., (1997):
Cope (1868):
Brownstein (2018):
Body length:
Black (2010):
Brownstein (2018):
Body Size:

Part 2: Nanotyrannus lancensis:
Nanotyrannus from Jurassic Fight Club:

Nanotyrannus is one of the most controversial dinosaurs, if not THE most controversial dinosaur, of all time! The only other dinosaur that I can think of that comes close is either Spinosaurus, or "Amphicoelias" fragillimus (now Maraapunisaurus fragillimus). I've been studying this dinosaur myself for a couple of years now, and it seems to me that this genus was closely related to Dryptosaurus. I believe that it was either Dryptosaurus aquilunguis, Dryptosaurus lancensis, or that Dryptosaurus and Nanotyrannus are sister taxa that form a clade.

Here's the history of Nanotyrannus from my post "Nanotyrannus is Dryptosaurus":

Gilmore (1946) named "Gorgosaurus lancencsis" based on the skull, CMNH 7541 (p. 2). Then, Bakker et al., (1988) changed the name to Nanotyrannus lancensis (p. 2). In between 1946 and 1988, Russell (1970) says that Gorgosaurus is actually Albertosaurus (p. 4). CMNH 7541 was then changed to "Albertosaurus lancensis" (Carpenter, 1992, pp. 258-260). Interestingly, there were two names given to this one specimen. However, Carpenter (1992) started to shake things up when he said that CMNH had features similar to T. rex, and that it was not fully grown. This led him to suggest that CMNH was a juvenile T. rex (p. 260). Now here comes the shot that was heard around the world! Carr (1999) also concluded that CMNH 7541 was a juvenile T. rex (pp. 508-509). In 2020, Carr gave an age of 8 for the specimen (Carr, 2020, Figures 2 and 12). Erickson et al., (2006) originally gave this age (Supplementary Materials, p. 13). Despite being an immature individual, some scientists still call CMNH 7541 Nanotyrannus (Currie, 2003, pp. 223-225) (Currie et al., 2003, pp. 229) (Larson, 2013, "Abstract") (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 135 Figure 15), but most scientists call Nanotyrannus a juvenile T. rex (Yun, 2015) (Woodward et al., 2020, "Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis") (Carr, 2020, Figures 2 and 12).

CMNH 7541's Skull (Dalman et al., 2018, p. 135 Figure 15):

That was just the holotype. Now, let's talk about BMRP 2002.4.1. This specimen, also known as  "Jane," was considered to be a second specimen of Nanotyrannus (Larson, 2013, "Abstract"). However, the majority of scientists put "Jane" as a juvenile T. rex (Yun, 2015) (Woodward et al., 2020, "Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis") (Carr, 2020, Figures 2 and 12). An age of 11-13 years was given to "Jane" (Erickson et al., 2006, Supplementary Materials, p. 13) (Woodward et al., 2020, "Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis"(Carr, 2020, Figure 2 and 12).

BMRP 2002.4.1's ("Jane's") Skeleton (Hope Babowice, 2017):

My original title for this post was "Evidence of a Subadult Nanotyrannus!?," which was based on a specimen that was discussed in a conference paper by Griffin (2014). In his paper, Griffin states that this specimen of Nanotyrannus (nicknamed “Zuri” on SWAU) shows signs of being older than a juvenile. After examining cross-sections of the specimen’s ribs, pubis, and tibia, there are signs of extensive Haversian remodeling, "longitudinal vascularization and decrease in vascularization in subperiosteal zones," and "a shift from woven to parallel-fibered bone matrix in outer growth zones." There was no sign of a external fundamental system (EFS), which signifies that the specimen has stopped growing (Stated in Stein et al., 2010, Discussion: Potential Problems: Lack of EFS), but what was present in "Zuri's" bones signified that it is not a juvenile. Griffin says that this proves that Nanotyrannus is a valid taxon (Abstract).

Griffin (2014)'s Abstract:

Nanotyrannus "Zuri's' cross-sections showing Haversian remodeling, secondary remodeled bone, and other features described above (Griffin, 2014, Figures 3-6):

"Zuri's" Rib (SWAUHRS08467):

"Zuri's" Pubis (SWAUHRS01514):

"Zuri's" Partial Tibia (SWAUHRS08421):

I’ve never heard of Haversian remodeling before this, so I went on an extensive search to find out what it is. As mentioned above, Haversian remodeling does signify that the individual is either close to maturity, or is mature and even old. This is seen in apes (Lad, 2018, p. 14 Abstract), humans (Nyssen-Behets et al., 1997, Abstract), and a new titanosaur from Bulgaria (Nikolov et al., 2020). In fact, Haversian remodeling was used to help validate another pygmy dinosaur: Magyarosaurus, a dwarf titanosaur (Stein et al., 2010). It seems that Haversian remodeling might help prove that “Zuri” is a subadult Nanotyrannus. EFS was not found in “Zuri,” or Magyarosaurus, but Stein et al., (2010) said that Haversian remodeling could have gotten rid of any evidence of an EFS barrier being present (Discussion: Potential Problems: Lack of EFS). This is interesting because the Magyarosaurus specimens were around 12-14 years old (Results: Histologic Ontogenetic Stages in the M. dacus Sample, para. 1). Haversian remodeling can also remove growth rings (LAGs) from cross-sections of bones (Griffin et al., 2014, Abstract). Griffin (2014) says that “Zuri” was 12-13 when it died, but more than likely it was 13 based on the number of growth rings seen in a section of its pubis (Figure 3). This is the same age as “Jane” (Carr, 2020, Figure 12).  

However, after talking to Professor Holtz, I've realized that no EFS period means that the specimen is young:

Second, I talked to Dr. Griffin himself, and to Dr. Woodward, and they both said that "Zuri" lacks extensive Haversian remodeling in its leg bones (tibia was discussed). Therefore, "Zuri" is a very young individual. Since the growth rings in its ribs give it an age of 13 at most, "Zuri" is the same age as "Jane." 

Conversation with Dr. Griffin (10/11/21):

Conversation with Dr. Woodward (10/13/21):

"Zuri" is a juvenile, but there might be some evidence for two subadult Nanotyrannus specimens:

1. BMRP 2006.4.4 ("Petey"):
Woodward et al., (2020) gave this specimen an age of 15 (Results, para. 4; Discussion: Ontogenetic age, para. 1-3), based on a cross-section of its femur. Carr (2020) considers this specimen to be a subadult, and a female (Figure 12 Number 7). Professor Holtz also said that "Petey" was a subadult (Photo provided by Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27):

I was able to find a couple of pictures of "Petey's" manual unguals (hand claws) from Peter Larson's Twitter account. LACM 23845, a 14-16-year old specimen of T. rex (Erickson et al., 2006, Supplementary Materials, p. 13) (Carr, 2020, Figure 12 Number 8), has manual bones that  are the same size as juvenile Gorgosaurus' (Molnar, 1980, pp. 105-106), and are "quite short relative to hind limb(Olshevsky, 1995, p. 4). The claw, although incomplete, would still seem to have been smaller than "Petey's." (Los Angeles Natural History Museum). Another young T. rex specimen, UCRC-PV1 (or UCRC PV1), has both manual unguals that are extremely short compared to "Petey's." Larson also says that UCRC is a subadult (Photo from Peter Larson's Twitter account). I also received this picture from Sebastian Dalman.

"Petey's" (white), and T. rex ("Sue" on top left, "Darwin" on top right)claw casts (Pete Larson's Twitter account):

Recently, in an abstract from Jevnikar and Zanno (2021) (SVP abstract) (p. 151), "Petey" doesn't fit inside T. rex's growth curve:

2. BHI 6437 ("Bloody Mary"):
BHI 6437, also known as the "Dueling Dinosaurs tyrannosauroid" (Raphael Rosen, 2014). No papers on this specimen have been published yet, so there's not too much to say about it. Larson said that the name of the specimen is BHI 6437 on Twitter.

BHI 6437/"Dueling Dinosaurs tyrannosauroid" Specimen (Bonhams):

BHI 6437 was stated by Carr, on his blog, to be a subadult (to my surprise) (Tyrannosauroidea central: Tyrannoethics: The naturalist T. rex and the and the T. rex list of shame, updated, 2015):

This specimen is also notorious for its giant hands:

Nanotyrannus BHI 6437 (bottom) and T. rex "Wyrex" arm bones (Alexander Jack Lund's Twitter post). Original drawing is by GetAwayTrike (Holtz, pers. comm.):

Originally, I thought that Dr. Holtz told me that the arms were incomplete (personal communication). This is a drawing he gave me earlier this year (drawing by GetAwayTrike, and edited by Denver Fowler):

However, Dalman gave me a pic. of the arm bones (pers. comm.). Holtz on Twitter did say that the arm was complete, and that he used the pic he showed me to say that "Wyrex's" arm was incomplete. I think I misunderstood him before.

Professor Holtz saying that "Bloody Mary's" arm is complete, and he explains what the above drawing originally meant (Photos provided by Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27):

BHI 6437's Complete Arm (Pantuso, 2019):

Longrich and Saitta (2024) said that Nanotyrannus is a basal tyrannosauroid (p. 46). Figures 33 and 34A shows Nanotyrannus alongside Dryptosaurus, Appalachiosaurus, Alioramus, and other basal tyrannosauroidea taxa (p. 47 Figure 32; p. 49 Figure 34A).

Nanotyrannus is a basal tyrannosauroid (p. 46):

Figure 33B:

Figure 34A:
On 1/4/24, Professor Holtz said that the frontal bones in the paper could "*potentially*" be from an adult Nanotyrannus and a juvenile Tyrannosaurus:
Special thanks to Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight 27 for the photo of the tweet.

The juvenile T. rex specimen is UCMP V84133 from the Hell Creek Formation (Longrich and Saitta, 2024, Figure 29):
The probable adult Nanotyrannus specimen is DDM 334.1 (Figure 31):

Zheng et al., (2024), that placed Nanotyrannus next to AlbertosaurusQiazhousaurus and Alioramus on their phylogenetic chart (Figure 8):

My only problem is that they put NanotyrannusQiazhousaurus, and Alioramus, in the tyrannosaurinae clade. They belong in the basal tyrannosauroid clade. It's also interesting to see that they put Bistahieversor in the basal tyrannosauroid clade. I believe it's a tyrannosaurid, but that placement is intriguing nonetheless. Zheng et al., also said that "'Nanotyrannus'" is probably a juvenile T. rex, since that's the most widely-accepted hypothesis (Discussion, para. 3). It's curious that the authors still consider it to be a separate species on their phylogenetic chart though, and that its placement is similar to Longrich and Saitta (2024). 

Aside from that, it's another paper saying that Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis is a separate genus of tyrannosaur that's distantly related to T. rex

In his book Princeton Field Guide to Predatory Dinosaurs, Gregory S. Paul placed Nanotyrannus (and "Stygiovenator," which he put the specimens "Bloody Mary" and "Jodi" into) next to Dryptosaurus aquilunguis and Appalachiosaurus. I think he did this because both Dryptosaurus aquilunguis and Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis had large arms and hands. This would make Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis a basal tyrannosauroid (pp. 154-155). This is right before he talks about the tyrannosaurids (p. 156).

P. 154:

P. 155:

P. 156:

Rivera-Sylva and Longrich (2024) put Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis, and the alioramini, in the basal tyrannosauroidea clade (Figure 12):

Once again, Bistahieversor changes clades. This time, it's in the tyrannosaurini clade. This is incorrect because the lingual bar on the medial side (interior) of its dentary covers the first alveolus only. This is consistent with basal tyrannosauroids and tyrannosaurids, not the derived tyrannosaurinae. Anyway, this is more proof of Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis being a basal tyrannosauroid.

Griffin et al., (2024), an abstract from SVP 2024, studied the hyoid of CMNH 7541, along with other extinct and extant animals. The hyoid of CMNH 7541 revealed that the specimen was about 14 years old (14 LAGs "at minimum" were present in the hyoid), along with extensive (Haversian) remodeling and secondary osteons within the bone itself. The best part was that an EFS marker was found within the "outermost cortex" of the hyoid. The authors concluded that, although they're not throwing out the possibility that CMNH 7541 couldn't have been a T. rex, the best conclusion based on the evidence is that CMNH 7541 was a distinct taxon of "tyrannosaurid" that was "fully grown," (Abstract [SVP, 2024, pp. 232-233]).

Griffin et al., (2024) (SVP, 2024):
P. 232:
P. 233:
The EFS, or External Fundamental System, indicates that an individual was mature at the time of death. Neither the 13-year old N./D. lancensis specimens BMRP 2002.4.1 ("Jane"), or the 15-year old BMRP 2006.4.4 ("Petey"), had the EFS in their limb bones (Woodward et al., 2020, p. 4). Neither does "Zuri," but "Zuri's" growth was slowing down and wasn't a juvenile despite being "at minimum 12-13 years old when it died." "Zuri" also had extensive Haversian remodeling in its bones as well (Griffin, 2014, Abstract). Both "Jane" and "Petey" were also slowing down in their growth, and they didn't fit in the Tyrannosaurus growth trajectory pattern (Jevnikar and Zanno, 2021, Abstract [SVP, 2021, p. 151]) (Longrich and Saitta, 2024, pp. 38-39). Longrich and Saitta (2024) also said that "Zuri" "was apparently near full size when it died," (p. 39). CMNH 7541, although being 14 at least, has the EFS present in its hyoid (Griffin et al., 2024, Abstract [SVP, 2024, pp. 232-233]). It seems that N./D. lancensis aged extremely quickly, and died young. Other basal tyrannosauroids that did something similar were the basal pantyrannosaurian Dilong (Xu et al., 2004, p. 680), and the eutyrannosaurian Raptorex (Sereno et al., 2009, p. 419; Supplementary Materials, p. 2). This is interesting, since I believe that Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis was also a basal eutyrannosaurian. Dryptosaurus aquilunguis, and Appalachiosaurus/Dryptosaurus montgomerensis, were also eutyrannosaurians (see Delcourt and Grillo, 2018).

This is amazing! I contacted Mr. Griffin back in 2021 regarding "Zuri." He was leaning towards N./D. lancensis being a juvenile T. rex at that time. I was doing so as well, even though I had my doubts. Now, his work is helping to demonstrate that the opposite is true. He actually helped to find an adult N./D. lancensis! Congratulations to him, and his team!

We finally have an adult Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis! Well, two of them if DDM 334.1 was an adult.

This concludes the convoluted history of Nanotyrannus, for me anyway.


Nanotyrannus from Jurassic Fight Club pic:

Gilmore (1946) (PP. 2, 7, 16, and 21):
Bakker et al., (1988) (PP. 2, 8-9 Table 1): 
Russell (1970) (PP. 4, 5, 7, 13-14, 15-16, and 17):
Carpenter (1992) (PP. 254-256, 258-260):
Link 2:
Carr (1999) (PP. 508-509, pg. 514 and 516 Table 2):
Link 2:
Carr (2020) (Figures 2 and 12):
Erickson et al., (2006) (Supplementary Materials) (PP. 13-14):
Currie (2003) (Pg. 223-225):
Currie et al., (2003) (Pg. 229):
Larson (2013) (Abstract):
Dalman et al., (2018) (Pg. 135 Figure 15):
Yun (2015) (Pg. 5):
Woodward et al., (2020) ("Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis"):
Griffin (2014):
Pubis (HRS01514):
Rib (HRS08467):
Tibia (HRS08421):

Longrich and Saitta (2024):

Zheng et al., (2024):

Paul (2024):

Rivera-Sylva and Longrich (2024):

Xu et al., (2004):
Sereno et al., (2009):

-Supplementary Materials:


Delcourt and Grillo (2018):

-Phylogenetic chart:

CMNH 7541 Skull:

Dalman et al., (2018) (Pg. 135 Figure 15 D):
BHI 6437's skeleton cast:
. "Dueling Dinosaurs":
BHI 6437 Specimen Name:
Larson's Twitter:
Ages of Subadult Nanotyrannus Specimens:

Jevnikar and Zanno (2021) (SVP, 2021, p. 151):

Carr (2020) (Figure 12 Number 7):
Woodward et al., (2020) ("Abstract," "Implications for the Nanotyrannus hypothesis"):
BHI 6437:
Carr, Thomas. Tyrannosauroidea central. Tyrannoethics: The naturalist T. rex and the and the T. rex list of shame, updated. 2015:

T. rex and Nanotyrannus Unguals from Peter Larson's Twitter post:
"Petey's" Manual Unguals:

"Petey's" Manual Ungual 2:

Drawing of BHI 6437's arm:
Fran Vidakovic's Twitter post:
BHI 6437's arm:

Pantuso (2019):
Holtz's Tweet (1/4/24):

Part 3: Could Nanotyrannus be a Species of Dryptosaurus?
3.1. Did Dryptosaurus Meet Nanotyrannus?

In order to see if there's a connection between Dryptosaurus and Nanotyrannus, we need to see if the two genera could've met in real life. Dryptosaurus came from Appalachia, while Nanotyrannus came from Laramidia (Sampson et al., 2010, Figure 1). Gates et al., (2012) (Figure 1), Fiorillo and Tykosi (2014) (Results and Discussion: Laramidian Geographic Provincialism, para. 1), Bell and Currie (2014) (Figure 4), and Druckenmiller et al., (2021) (Figure 1A), all say that Laramidia and Appalachia reconnected during the late Maastrichtian, due to the Western Interior Sea receding. Blakey (2014) shows that Appalachia and Laramidia reconnected 70.8 Ma, and the Western Interior Sea basically receded considerably around 68-67 Ma (pp. 35-39).

Map of North America 66 Ma (Bell and Currie, 2014, Figure 4) ("n" means number of specimens found):

Map of North America Campanian-Maastrichtian (Druckenmiller et al., 2021, Figure 1) (Notice how Appalachia and Laramidia reconnected at the bottom):

This means that Dryptosaurus and Nanotyrannus would've been able to interact with each other. Even better though, I believe this means that Dryptosaurus could migrate from Appalachia and into Laramidia. This would've allowed Dryptosaurus to speciate, thus allowing us to speculate that Nanotyrannus could be a second species of Dryptosaurus.


Gates et al., (2012) (Figure 1):
Fiorillo and Tykosi (2014) (Results and Discussion: Laramidian Geographic Provincialism, para. 1):
Bell and Currie (2014) (Figure 4):
Blakey (2014):

Druckenmiller et al., (2021):

Sampson et al. (2010):

3.2 Synapomorphies between Nanotyrannus and Dryptosaurus: 

Now, what physical characteristics link Nanotyrannus to Dryptosaurus? This is the list that I've made so far:

1.) The labial and lingual sides of the teeth are pinched inwards in the cross-sections, unlike T. rex's.
2.) Interdenticle spaces in between the denticles, and the denticles do not meet at the top, on the distal side of the maxillary teeth. This is said to be an autopomorphy for Dryptosaurus aquiunguis (Carpenter et al., 1997, pp. 561-563), but Nanotyrannus has this too. T. rex doesn't share this characteristic.
3.) Short humeri with a large deltopectoral crest that faces anteriorly in the anterior view. T. rex's and 

Daspletosaurus torosus' humeri had deltopectoral crests that veers off to the side in anterior view.
4.) A large manus with an elongated manual phalanx 1-1. Megaraptor also shares this characteristic. Juvenile T. rex specimen UCRC-PV1 doesn't share these characteristics.
5.) 25 (or so) caudals, with the middle to distal caudals being elongated.

Other basal tyrannosauroid characteristics that Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis has are:

1.) Small maxillary fenestra is in the middle of the antorbital fossa. Tyrannosaurus doesn't share this. The only time when the maxillary fenestra is in the middle of the antorbital fossa for Tyrannosaurus is when the premaxillary fenestra is present in the antorbital fossa. Same goes for Tarbosaurus/Tyrannosaurus bataar specimens.

2.) Premaxillary teeth that have the ridge for the serrations on the labial and lingual sides, and a vertical ridge on the distal side, of the teeth. Tyrannosaurus doesn't share this characteristic. This is seen on the T. rex hatchling specimen UCMP 119853, and the hatchling or juvenile specimen TD-13-251, which share the same morphology as the adults'. See my paper on UCMP 119853 for more info. on these two specimens.

3.) The first maxillary tooth is morphologically identical to the premaxillary teeth.
4.) The lingual bar on the medial side of the dentary covers the first alveolous/tooth. This goes for all basal tyrannosauroids and tyrannosaurids. In the derived tyrannosaurinae, the lingual bar covers the first two alveoli/teeth. This is seen in the baby T. rex specimen BHI 6439, Tarbosaurus/Tyrannosaurus bataar, and Daspletosaurus torosus and horneri. See more in my paper on BHI 6439.

5.) The first dentary tooth is conical, non-incisiform, and the serrations are on the mesial and distal sides of the tooth. Albertosaurus shares this morphology on its first dentary tooth as well. No Tyrannosaurus specimen shares this characteristic.

6.) Lacrimal horn stays present. This isn't seen in Tyrannosaurus. In hatchling Tyrannosaurus specimens, the lacrimal horn might be present. This can be seen in Tarbosaurus/Tyrannosaurus bataar hatchling specimens. However, it recedes during the juvenile stage. This is seen in the lacrimal of the juvenile T. rex specimen LACM 23845, and in older Tarbosaurus/Tyrannosaurus bataar specimens.

7.) The width of the posterior margin of the skull is smaller than publicly cited, matching that of other tyrannosaurs with thinner skull widths.

Maxillary tooth of Dryptosaurus aquilunguis holotype ANSP 9995 (Carpenter et al., 1997, p. 563 Figure 2):

Maxillary tooth of cf. Dryptosaurus specimen NJSM 12436 (Brownstein, 2018, Figure 2 number 8):

Maxillary tooth of Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis specimen DSTRI (Armitage, 2022, Figure 7D [DSTRI831 Mz]):

Maxillary tooth of T. rex specimen FMNH PR 2081 ("Sue") (Hendrickx et al., 2019, Figure 21 number 8):

A comparison of the distal maxillary teeth serrations/denticles of Dryptosaurus (A and B), Nanotyrannus (C), and T. rex (D). Notice that the Dryptosaurus and Nanotyrannus serrations connect at the bottom (green arrows), but have interdenticle spaces in between them that prevent them from reconnecting at the top (light blue arrows). T. rex's serrations have space in the middle of the serrations (light blue arrows), but they reconnect at the top (red arrows). T. rex's serrations are hourglass-shaped. Both Dryptosaurus and Nanotyrannus have either rectangular-shaped, or sickle-shaped, serrations:

A is the Dryptosaurus aquilunguis holotype specimen ANSP 9995 from Carpenter et al., (1997) (Figure 2B). B is cf. Dryptosaurus specimen NJSM 12436 from Brownstein (2018) (Figure 2 number 8). C is Nanotyrannus specimen DSTRI from Armitage (2022) (Figure 7D [DSTRI831 Mz]). D is Tyrannosaurus specimen FMNH PR 2081 from Hendrickx et al., (2019) (Figure 21 number 8). 

Nanotyrannus has maxillary teeth that are pinched in on the labial and lingual sides (Bakker et al., 1988, p. 22 Figure 12): 

cf. Dryptosaurus specimen NJSM 16601 has a maxillary tooth that is pinched inwards on the labial and lingual sides (green arrows added by me) (Brownstein, 2018, Figure 2 number 5):

In his 2022 preprint, Paul (2022) said that the arms of the Nanotyrannus specimen "NCMNS 'Bloody Mary'" is "longer than the femur, which is not observed in any other Campanian/Maastrichtian tyrannosaur/ids except Dryptosaurus." He also states that the arm of "Bloody Mary" is "literally as long of that as its supposed grownup T. imperator holotype, while the similar hand of another small tyrannosaurid is even longer. That does not happen in ontogeny," (p. 67). This can be seen in Figure 13 (p. 68):

Both Nanotyrannus specimens, NCMNS "Bloody Mary" and "Jodi," have hands larger than Tyrannosaurus specimen FMNH pR 2081 ("Sue"). In fact, Paul is right in saying that "Jodi's" hand is rivaling "Bloody Mary's" in size. It looks slightly larger than "Bloody Mary's!" Best of all, Paul said that the morphology of Nanotyrannus' arm is only comparable to Dryptosaurus' arm!

Compare Nanotyrannus' hand with the hand of the Dryptosaurus holotype (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 22 Figure 12):
Both taxa share an elongated manual ungual 1-1. It's longer than other tyrannosauroid manual unguals, including Gorgosaurus
(Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 47 Table 3):
Paul would later go on to say that "Bloody Mary" and "Jodi" (under the name "Stygiovenator") "Cannot be, as often believed, a juvenile Tyrannosaurus because hand is larger than that of latter's adults, and shrinkage of appendages with maturity does not occur in other tyrannosauroids, any dinosaurs, or amniote vertebrates." He also said that tooth loss doesn't correlate to maturity "in other tyrannosauroids, dinosaurs, or reptiles," (Paul, 2024, p. 154). He called CMNH 7541, and "Jane," subadults. The "growth pattern preserved in bones" of "Jane," I presume, "show this is not a young juvenile," (p. 155). This is true because Larson (2013) (p. 18 Figure 2.3), Jevnikar and Zanno (2021) (Abstract), and Longrich and Saitta (2024) (p. 38 Figure 25; p. 41 Figure 27), said that Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis doesn't fit within the growth curve for T. rex.

All of these traits prove to me that Nanotyrannus is related to Dryptosaurus. I prefer to name the taxon Nanotyrannus lancensis as Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis. I also believe that Dryptosaurus aquilunguis and Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis are sister taxa that make up a clade. Carpenter et al., (1997) requested to create a separate family for Dryptosaurus aquilunguis, calling it Dryptosaridae. This was originally instituted by Marsh (1890) (pp. 561 and 572). I'm using the name Dryptosauridae for a clade consisting of Dryptosaurus aquilunguis, and Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis.

My Nanotyrannus is Dryptosaurus post:

My Nanotyrannus is Dryptosaurus abstract:
My paper on the T. rex hatchling UCMP 119853:

My paper on the baby or juvenile T. rex specimen BHI 6439:
Carpenter et al., (1997):
Brownstein (2018):

Armitage (2022):

Hendrickx et al., (2019) (Dental Features in Theropods):

Bakker et al., (1988):
Paul (2022) (Preprint):

-V2 (PDF):

Larson (2013) (Abstract):

Jevnikar et al., (2021) (SVP, 2021 Abstract):

Longrich and Saitta (2024):

Paul (2024):

Brusatte et al., (2011):

Part 4: Body Length:

1.) ANSP 9995 (D. aquilunguis Holotype):
Femur (Brusatte et al., 2011, p. 27 Figure 15, A). Scale bar (first one) is 10 cm:
Length: 28 feet (8.4 meters).

2.) CMNH 7541 (Holotype of "Gorgosaurus lancensis"/Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis):
Skull (Dalman et al., 2018, Figure 15 D):
Length: 14 feet (4.4 meters).
Age: 14 (at least), and is an adult with an EFS marker in the hyoid bone (Griffin et al., 2024 [SVP, 2024, pp. 232-233]).

3.) BMRP 2002.4.1 ("Jane"):
Skull (Brusatte et al., 2010, Figure 1, E). Scale bar is 10 cm:
Length: 21 feet (6.5 meters).

4.) BMRP 2006.4.4 ("Petey"):
Femur (Woodland et al., 2020, Supplementary Information, p. 9 Figure S2 C):
Length: 24 feet (7.4 meters).

5.) BHI 6437 ("Bloody Mary"/"Dueling Dinosaurs" specimen):
Skull (Dino Death Match, Nat Geo, 26:13):
Length: 20 feet (6.1 meters).

6.) HRS11186:
Ulna (SWAUHRS11186). Scale bar is 10 cm:
Length: 23 feet (6.9 meters).

7.) KUVP 156375 ("Laurel"):
Maxillae (Fossil Forum). I used 5 cm from the scale bar shown:
Length: 22 feet (6.8 meters).

8.) HRS08 ("Zuri"):

Maxilla (SWAU, HRS08438). Scale bar is 10 cm:

Length: 20 feet (6.2 meters).
2.) CMNH 7541:
Griffin et al., (2024) (SVP, 2024, pp. 232-233):

3.) BMRP 2002.4.1 ("Jane"):

Part 5: Dryptosaurus in its Environment:
Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis attacking a baby Tyrannosaurus (Raul Martin, 2024; retrieved from University of Bath, 2024):

As of right now, Dryptosaurus aquilunguis is the only large predator from the New Egypt Formation. There, it would've been the top predator (Brownstein, 2018, Results: Maastrichtian Dinosaur Faunas), until we discover a large tyrannosaurinae from the New Egypt Formation. In Laramidia, we have Tyrannosaurus, and (?)Dakotaraptor/a large dromaeosaur. I imagine Nanotyrannus/Dryptosaurus lancensis being the second top predator in the Laramidian environment, underneath Tyrannosaurus but above (?)Dakotaraptor/a large dromaeosaur.