Friday, June 18, 2021

(Rant) The T. rex is a Joke in Jurassic World.

I remember the first time I saw Jurassic Park III back in the very early 2000's. I loved the first two Jurassic Park films, and I still do, so I was over the moon to watch the third entry into the franchise. My grandmother brought the VHS of the film, and she, my mother, and I, sat in the living room to watch it. Afterwards, I felt betrayed. JPIII is my least favorite film in the franchise. It broke up Dr. Grant and Sattler, the story wasn't interesting, and worst of all: The T. rex gets killed off by the brand new dinosaur in the film. The Spinosaurus kills off the T. rex in a short battle. When the T. rex first showed up, I smiled so hard. When the fight was over, I was frowning. All I said was, "What?" I think I said that about two-three times. I remember the whole incident. When Jurassic World was announced, I was hoping to see the T. rex back in action. Boy, I was wrong...

Spinosaurus Killed the T. rex in Jurassic Park III (Stan Winston School):

What hyped me up even more for the film was that the first T. rex from the original Jurassic Park film was going to be in the film. I was speculating that she was going to be a major player in the film. When I went to see the movie for the first time with my mom and cousin, I remember thinking why the T. rex didn't show up for almost the entire film. Then when she does show up, she was brought in by Claire to fight off the Indominus rex, the new dinosaur (dino-hybrid) of the film. I thought that the original T. rex, called "Rexy" in the first novel by Muldoon (p. 323) and by fans of the franchise, was going to kill of the Indominus all by herself. This would have redeemed the T. rex as being the top theropod of the franchise again. Sadly, "it was not to be," to quote Peter Ludlow from The Lost World Jurassic Park. "Rexy" got a few bites into the Indominus rex, but the Indominus tossed her like a bad habit! "Rexy," the original T. rex in the franchise, was going to get KILLED OFF by the Indominus rex! "Blue," a "Velociraptor..." Actually, I have to call her a Velociraptor now because "Deinonychus" is going to be in Jurassic World Dominion... *Sigh*... "Blue" the Velociraptor had to come in and SAVE "Rexy!" Seriously!? I was in denial for a couple of years, thinking that "Rexy" could have beaten the Indominus by herself. Now, I'm not in denial. "Rexy" was going to DIE if "Blue" didn't save her. The T. rex is not back on top. At this point, "Blue" was... Or the Spinosaurus... Or the Indominus rex... Those three are more powerful than a T. rex in this franchise... I can't believe that a freaking Velociraptor is stronger than a T. rex! But wait, it gets even better!!!

Indominus rex Over a Fallen "Rexy" from Jurassic World:

At this point, the T. rex is a joke in this franchise now. However, about two weeks ago now, it was revealed by Colin Trevorrow, the director of Jurassic World and Jurassic World Dominion, as well as a writer for Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom, that "Rexy" was going to be KILLED OFF by the new theropod dinosaur in the film, the Giganotosaurus, in the beginning of the film, in the late Cretaceous period! Set aside the fact that Giganotosaurus and T. rex never coexisted. Have you sensed a pattern yet? Every time a new theropod gets introduced into this franchise, whether it's a real one or an imaginary one like the Indominus rex, they always end up beating the T. rex in a fight!? Why are we making the same mistakes again? Can't we have the T. rex win a fight in this franchise with another large theropod? Is that too much to ask!? This film was being touted as being "scientifically accurate" compared to the other films in the franchise. What's accurate about the Giganotosaurus killing off the T. rex? Realistically-speaking, the T. rex would win! At this point, it's useless to try and explain this. The Spinosaurus vs. T. rex fight is pointless now. The Indominus rex vs. T. rex fight is pointless now. The T. rex is a joke in the franchise now.

Here's a snapshot of the Giganotosaurus (left) vs. "Rexy" (right) from Jurassic World Dominion:

Photo came from TheGamingBeaver's YouTube channel.

Well... At least "Rexy" has plumage (downy feathers) now. That's it...

"Rexy" is going to get killed off in the late Cretaceous period, and then she's going to fight the Giganotosaurus again in the present. Their rematch in pointless. The Giganotosaurus killed the T. rex in the BEGINNING of the film. You've already proven that the Giganotosaurus is stronger! Is "Blue" going to come back and help "Rexy" again!? Is the Spinosaurus going to come back and help "Rexy?" She's going to need some help because she already lost against the Giganotosaurus before! They could have made the Giganotosaurus a threat by having it be almost indestructible, and then later on in the film, have "Rexy" kill it. It's that simple! But no, we need to have the Giganotosaurus kill the T. rex a la Spinosaurus style! Yep, the Giganotosaurus is going to snap "Rexy's" neck just like the Spinosaurus did to a male T. rex in Jurassic Park III!

Quote on how the Giganotosaurus will kill "Rexy" from Screenrant (2021):


The T. rex is a joke in this franchise now. Honestly, I think the T. rex should have been left out of this franchise after JPIII. The Spinosaurus should have been the new mascot for the franchise, or the Indominus rex, or "Blue" the Velociraptor... Heck, make the Mosasaurus from Jurassic World the mascot! it killed the Indominus rex, and it can kill the Spinosaurus! Honestly, the T. rex should have left this franchise after JPIII. I'm sick of seeing my favorite dinosaur treated so poorly nowadays.

Meme from TheGamingBeavor's video that I think sums up this whole debacle with the T. rex in this franchise now:

Jurassic Park (1993) and The Lost World Jurassic Park (1997) are the only Jurassic films I treat as cannon anymore. Everything else is non-cannon, or perhaps soft cannon when it comes to Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom and maybe Jurassic World. I'm done with this franchise now.

Update (6/21-27/21): I saw a recording of the fight from YouTube. "Rexy" lasted FIVE SECONDS before she got destroyed. She didn't even bite the Giganotosaurus! She head-butted the Giganotosaurus, but then it grabs her by the neck, snaps it, and then she falls down a hill and dies... 

Here's a clip of the fight (video from Vrajesh Gaming):
...This is sad. I just laughed for like a full minute. There's nothing else to do. The male T. rex from JPIII lasted longer against the Spinosaurus!

If I want the T. rex to return to being the top predator again, then I'm going to have to do that myself. I'm done waiting for someone to do that for me.   

Update (6/18/22): I saw Jurassic World Dominion yesterday, and my suspicions came true once again. "Rexy" got absolutely destroyed by the Giganotosaurus in this film... TWICE! Actually, it was three times: The Prologue (not shown in the film), and twice in the actual film. 

Update (8/2/22): So the fifth, and final, season of Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous came out, and there was another fight between a T. rex and the JP3 Spinosaurus. In fact, the Spinosaurus technically takes on TWO T. rexes: A mother and a daughter, but I'll focus more on the mother. In one episode, the Spinosaurus seemingly bites down on the mother T. rex's neck, snaps it, and she falls down to the ground. Then in the next episode, the mother T. rex comes back and fights off the Spinosaurus with the help of her daughter (a little bit). And what's worse is that the Spinosaurus was being MIND-CONTROLLED by a human! I mean... What is this!? I am SO tired of seeing the T. rex being brought down to new lows in this franchise. Season 5 of the show was good and it was great to see the Spinosaurus do more things, but the T. rex has honestly become the worst character/animal in this franchise. I actually don't want to see it in anymore Jurassic media. I actually don't want to see anymore Jurassic films or television shows for a while. After about two decades of dealing with this franchise, I need a break. Maybe a permanent one.

Update (6/10/23):
So, I saw on YouTube that in Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Hidden Adventure that "Rexy" fought a Tarbosaurus (a new big bad carnivorous theropod). In the first part of the fight, "Rexy" gets beaten... I mean, what else can I say at this point? Yes, the Tarbosaurus is smaller than "Rexy," but do you expect Universal Studios to be sensical with the T. rex at this point? 

Update (12/4/24):
I found a great YouTube video that also explains this whole situation very well. I also found out that the creator of the video used my post as a source:
JD Rexy. The Jurassic Franchise has a T-REX ABUSE PROBLEM... 5/3/23. YouTube: