Time: 113-94 million years ago; Albian-Cenomanian of the early-late Cretaceous period.
Place: South America and Africa.
Size: 27-46 feet (8.1-14.1 meters).
Weight: 3.6-7.2 tons (based on MSNM V4047).
Additional Species:
Let's talk about Spinosaurus, probably the most confusing, and most heavily debated, dinosaur of all time!
Spinosaurus lived in the Albian-Cenomanian of the early-late Cretaceous period, 113-94 million years ago. It was 27-50 feet long (8.1-15.1 meters), and weight 3.6-7.2 tons. It had a long and slender skull that were filled with conical-shaped teeth. These jaws were designed to catch fish. Its nostrils were positioned below its eyes, allowing Spinosaurus to keep its snout in the water without the fear of drowning. Spinosaurus' eyes sat on the top of its head, which would have helped it to see while submerged in the water. This helps to conclude that Spinosaurus was indeed semi-aquatic (Arden et al., 2018). Sereno et al., (2022) have concluded that Spinosaurs was semi-aquatic but not an aquatic predator (Abstract; Conclusions). Fabbri et al., (2022) says that it was, given the extremely thick bone density of the animal (pp. 854 and 856; Figures 1 and 3).
Its neck was long and slender. This would have helped Spinosaurus to catch its prey, presumably by using its long neck to shove its snout at fish. Its arms were long and equipped with sharp claws. These would have been good for slicing fish open (Ibrahim et al., 2014, pg. 1613-1614). However, Hone and Holtz (2017) said that Spinosaurus' (and other spinosaurids') arms could not reach up to its snout, so using its arms and claws to catch prey wouldn't seem to work. Also their lack of grasping capabilities seem to hinder their ability to catch prey as well. However, they seem to have been good for digging to make nests or for prey buried in the ground (pg. 1128). They might have even been used for intimidation, but this is speculative (pg. 1129, Figure 6).
Spinosaurus had a long tail that would have been used to help it swim in the water (Ibrahim et al., 2014, pg. 1616). Ibrahim et al., (2020) (Tail-propelled aquatic locomotion in a theropod dinosaur)
discovered Spinosaurus tail vertebrae that show that it had a fin on its tail ("Abstract") ("A Swimming Dinosaur: The Tail of Spinosaurus," 2:41-2:48). It's tail was comparable to "crocodiles and newts" ("A Swimming Dinosaur: The Tail of Spinosaurus," 3:11-3:20) (Jackson Ryan, 2020, p. 8), and it would have allowed Spinosaurus to hunt prey underwater (Jackson Ryan, 2020, p. 4) (Will Dunham, 2020, p. 1 and 6). It was probably like a crocodile (Will Dunham, 2020, p. 11) (Carolyn Gramling, 2020, p. 1). Sereno et al., (2022) said that Spinosaurus was not an aquatic dinosaur, but a "semiaquatic bipedal ambush piscivore that frequented the margins of coastal and inland waterways." It wasn't an underwater pursuit predator (Abstract; Conclusions, 4 and 6-8). The tail was a "pliant billboard than flexible fluke" for swimming (Conclusions, 3). Fabbri et al., (2022) maintains that the tail was for swimming (p. 852).
Carnivorous theropod dinosaurs had enamel in their teeth, so they must have had lips to cover and protect their teeth (Reisz and Larson, 2016, pg. 64-66) (Blake Eligh, 2016) (Mindy Weisberger, 2016) (Emanuela Grinberg, 2016) (Phys, 2016). Therefore, Spinosaurus would have had lips covering its teeth. Interestingly, dinosaurs couldn't move its tongues (Mindy Weisberger, 2018) (ScienceDaily, 2018).
Oxalaia, a spinosaur from South America (Kellner et al., 2010), is now considered to be Spinosaurus (Smyth et al., 2020, "Abstract"). Most of the Spinosaurus skeletons come from Africa, but now Spinosaurus material is coming from South America as well. I would say, based on location, "Oxalaia
Spinosaurus Holotype IPHG 1912 VIII 19 (Ernst Stromer, 1915, Article 3, pg. 35, Table 1):
Spinosaurus Tail (Ibrahim et al., 2020b, Tail-propelled aquatic locomotion in a theropod dinosaur, pg. 2, Figure 1):
In 2014, Spinosaurus was given a length of 49 feet (15.0 meters) (Ibrahim et al., 2014 pg. 1613 and Supplementary Materials pg. 9) to 50 feet (15.2 meters) (Paul Sereno, "Spinosaurus aegyptiacus"). Sereno gave a body mass of 7.5 tons. In 2018, Donald M. Henderson (2018) gave the skeleton a length of 15.6 meters ("Materials and Methods," p. 1).
Evers et al., (2015) stated that the reconstructed Spinosaurus skeleton, built by Ibrahim et al., (2014), had the bones of Sigilmassasaurus in it (Evers et al., 2015, "The 'neotype' of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus"). Hendrickx et al., (2016) agreed with this (Hendrickx et al., 2016, "Diversity," p. 6). Arden et al., (2018) said that Sigilmassasaurus was larger than Spinosaurus, and assigned MSNM V4047 to Sigilmassasaurus ("Phylogenetic Analysis," p. 4-5), but Larkin and Longrich (2018) stated that MSNM V4047 didn't belong to Spinosaurus or Sigilmassasaurus (p. 139). Therefore, it seemed that the longest species of spinosauridae is an undetermined species and not Spinosaurus. Ibrahim et al., (2020b) stated that Sigilmassasaurus was Spinosaurus.
Update (4/24/20-4/26/20): Ibrahim et al., (2020a) (Geology and paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous Kem Kem Group of eastern Morocco) wrote a VERY long paper about prehistoric African animals from the Kem Kem Group of Morocco, Africa. In the "Spinosauridae" category of the "Taphonomy" section of their paper, they've refuted Arden et al., (2018) and Evers et al., (2015) in establishing Sigilmassasaurus as a separate species, and concluded that only one genus of spinosaurid existed in the Kem Kem Group: Spinosaurus. They reassigned "Sigilmassasaurus," "Spinosaurus marocannus," and "Spinosaurus B" to Spinosaurus aegyptiacus now. So until further notice, "Sigilmassasaurus" is now Spinosaurus.
2. 1922 X 45 ("Spinosaurus B"):
This specimen was discovered in 2014 by Ibrahim et al., (2014), and was a subadult at 17 years of age (Supplementary Materials, pg. 14).
5. MNHM SAM 124:
Length: 40 feet (12.1 meters).
6. BSPG 2011 I 118:
Length: 46 feet (14.1 meters).
7. MSNM V4047:
Length: 46 feet (14.0 meters).
It seems that, during the Cenomanian, the larger spinosaurids evolved and took over the rivers, driving the giant crocodylomorphs, like Sarcosuchus, into extinction (Arden et al., 2018, "Abstract"). This could to be the reason why Spinosaurus grew so large in the Cenomanian.
In fact, Spinosaurus' sail looks like a sailfish's sail.
Spinosaurus Submerged and Swimming (Gimsa et al., 2016):
The sail could have also acted like a ship's keel, which would have given Spinosaurus stability in the water (Andrew Whalen, 2020, p. 9).
Update (5/4/21): Holtz told me today after class that Spinosaurus' sail might be a sexual dimorphic trait that only males have. Females might not have them. I asked him if Sigilmassasaurus might be a female Spinosaurus, since most depictions show it without a sail. He says it's a possibility, but not conclusive. With that in mind, Sigilmassasaurus could be a female Spinosaurus. This is speculation though, but I find the idea to be very fascinating. The sail could also have changed color, according to Holtz as well.
Spinosaurus from 1970's(?) as described in Donald F. Glut (2001) (Pg. 82):
More information on Spinosaurus' anatomy was explained in Ibrahim et al., (2014):
1. "We note here that Spinosaurus must have been an obligate quadruped on land, the first discovered among theropod dinosaurs, given the usual horizontal sacroiliac joint and the anterior location of the estimated center of body mass," (pg. 1615).
2. "The center of mass in a biped must be located over the middle one-third of the pes to generate a plausible mid-stance pose. In our flesh rendering of Spinosaurus, the center of body mass is positioned in front of both the hip and knee joints at a distance greater than femur length, suggesting that forelimb support was required during terrestrial locomotion. Spinosaurus appears to have been poorly adapted to bipedal terrestrial locomotion. The forward position of the center of mass within the rib cage may have enhanced balance during foot-propelled locomotion in water," (pg. 1615).
Spinosaurus' Center of Gravity (Red Dot) (Ibrahim et al., 2014, Supplementary Materials, pg. 24):
However, Donald Henderson (2018) wrote a paper saying that Spinosaurus' center of gravity was closer to its hips, like other bipedal theropods, allowing it to walk as a biped ("Abstract," Figure 1, "Results" p. 1). He gave 0.3182 for its center of mass (Figure 7), which is similar to other theropods (Figure 1).
Spinosaurus' Center of Gravity (Henderson, 2018, Figure 1):
From what I can tell, although this seems to be a "slam dunk" as to whether or not Spinosaurus could walk as a biped, Henderson (2018) does have some problems though. First, Henderson blamed the new body proportions given to Spinosaurus, by Ibrahim et al., (2014), as a result of incorrectly using other species of spinosaurids in reconstructing the skeleton ("Discussion," p. 7-8). Fabbri et al., (2017) proved that Spinosaurus did indeed have short legs, so this critique is incorrect. Second, Henderson got the center of mass for Spinosaurus closer to its legs (Figure 1, Figure 11), but he got the center of mass for Spinosaurus' sail in the middle of Spinosaurus' stomach (Figure 2). Shouldn't it be the same for the sail and legs? This seems to be ignored ("Results" p. 1, "Discussion" p. 2-3).
Spinosaurus Center of Mass for It's Sail (Henderson, 2018, Figure 2):
Henderson used a pigeon and an ostrich to confirm this ("Discussion" p. 2-3, Figure 11), but Spinosaurus is not closely related to either of those animals like other theropods are. Once again, Fabbri et al., (2017) says that Spinosaurus is closer to penguins. Henderson did say that the penguin's center of mass was in the middle of its belly (Figure 4), so it should be the same for Spinosaurus, as Ibrahim et al., (2014) did (Supplementary Materials, pg. 24, Figure S3).
Third, Henderson compared Spinosaurus to other theropods like T. rex, Suchomimus, and even an alligator in order to see how well Spinosaurus could float. He said that Spinosaurus could only float just as good as those other two dinosaurs (Figure 5, "Discussion" p. 4), and that Spinosaurus would tip over in the water unlike an alligator based on its center of mass and metacentric height ("Results" p. 6, Figure 7). However, Ibrahim et al., (2014) said that Suchomimus and T. rex were not like Spinosaurus, due to the short hind limbs and thickness of the bones. Those two dinosaurs seem to have had a more terrestrial lifestyle than Spinosaurus did. Also, Spinosaurus' bones were more dense than an alligator's, so it should have floated just as good as an alligator (Supplementary Materials, pg. 14-15). Henderson got an alligator's center of mass close to its legs (Figure 3), but alligators are still quadrupedal (Reilly and Blob, 2003, "Abstract"). Alligators can do a trot on land, but this is because their tails are dragging on the ground. Also, their tails and limbs have "individual reaction forces" that help them, which "is consistent with the more caudal location of its center of mass" (Willey et al., 2004, "Summary") (Reilly and Blob, 2003, "Abstract"). Dinosaurs didn't drag their tails (David Hone, 2012), so Spinosaurus couldn't drag its tail to walk like a biped on land. Also, trotting is something that is done on all fours, as defined by Merriam-Webster. Crocodilians do have large feet, which allows the "ground reaction force to shift farther from the limb joints" in an upright posture (Reilly and Blob, 2003, "Abstract"). In 2012, a crocodile in Africa was photographed standing on its hind legs, but this was only to grab food held out by visitors. Once it got its food, it went back onto its stomach (Alex Ward, 2012, p. 9). However, Spinosaurus' feet are either about the same, or slightly smaller, than its hands, with pedal unguals 2-4 being the same size as pedal ungual/digit 1, which is the smallest toe on a theropod's foot. Usually for theropods, unguals 2-4 are larger than ungual/digit 1 (Ibrahim et al., 2014, pg. 1614-1615, p. 8-10). Also, if Spinosaurus' posture was similar to a crocodilian's, then it wouldn't be able to stand in a bipedal pose for very long at all.
With the information I have, and from what paleontologist Duane Nash said about his "combat crawl" for Spinosaurus, I think Spinosaurus used belly-sliding on land, similarly to a loon, crocodilians, otters, and penguins. Given that its habitat was a swamp or near a river, it would have had to deal with a muddy environment. Loons and crocodilians live in the same habitats. Loons always stay near water (Alina Bradford, 2016, "Habitat"), and crocodiles live near "lakes, rivers, wetlands, and even some saltwater regions" (Bradford, 2014, "Where do crocodiles live?"). For loons, given that their short limbs that makes walking on land very hard (Alina Bradford, 2016, "Description") (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Refuge, "Common Loons," "Nesting"), they tend to "move one foot forward at a time" with their bellies on the ground, or they belly-slide to help get themselves in the water (West Pond Association, "The Common Loon," "Daily Life' p. 4). I think Spinosaurus would have done the same thing. Plus, penguins and loons have thick bones, and feet placed at the anterior part of their bodies, like Spinosaurus did (Loon Preservation Committee, "Common Loon Plumage and Appearance," p. 1) (International Penguin Conservation and Work Group, "Introduction to Penguins," p. 2). Penguins would also belly-slide, also known as tobogganing, rather than walk, since it conserves energy (Wilson et al., 1991, "Abstract") (Gill and Prevost, "Penguin: Natural History: Locomotion and orientation,” Encyclopaedia Britannica) (New England Aquarium, 2016, "Penguins Teacher Guide: Physical Characteristics” pg. 2 p. 3) (Sea World Parks and Entertainment, "All About Penguins: Physical Characteristics: Legs and Feet” p. 3). Since Spinosaurus and a penguin have similar center of masses and bone densities (Ibrahim et al., 2014, Supplementary Materials, pg. 24, Figure S3) (Fabbri et al., 2017) (Henderson, 2018, Figure 4), it seems more likely that Spinosaurus acted more like a loon or penguin on land, and belly-slide in order to conserve energy. At best, it probably walked by moving one foot forward at a time while having its belly on the ground.
Penguin Toboganning:
Penguin's Center of Mass (Henderson, 2018, Figure 4):
Otter Belly-Sliding:
There are other spinosaurids that seem to have done this as well. Aureliano et al., (2018) describes a spinosaurid (Irritator?) specimen from South America, called LPP-PV-0042, that had a small tibia that was dense like Spinosaurus' (pg. 8 and 12). It seems possible that this spinosaurid might have been belly-sliding as well. Also, Evers et al., (2015) reports that the specimen "Spinosaurus B," which seems to belong to Sigilmassasaurus, had a tibia only 60 cm long (Backed up in Stromer, 1934, pg. 16). However, they said that if spinosauridae did have short limbs, then it did belong to "Spinosaurus B" ("'Spinosaurus B' and Sigilmassasaurus," pg. 64). Short legs have been proven true for spinosauridae (Fabbri et al., 2017, pg. 109), so it seems that Sigilmassasaurus had short hindlimb too ("'Spinosaurus B' and Sigilmassasaurus"). Therefore, it seems that Sigilmassasaurus was a belly-slider as well, or at least walked by moving one foot forward at a time.
Update (4/24/20-6/18/20): Ibrahim et al., (2020) (Geology and paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous Kem Kem Group of eastern Morocco), Smyth et al., (2020), and Ibrahim et al., (2017) conclude that "Sigilmassasaurus" and "Spinosaurus B" are synonyms of Spinosaurus now. Therefore, "Sigilmassasaurus" had short legs too, since it is Spinosaurus.
Update (4/24/20): Spinosaurus' new tail, as described in Ibrahim et al., (2020) (Tail-propelled aquatic locomotion in a theropod dinosaur), prevented Spinosaurus from rolling over (Jackson Ryan, 2020, p. 9). This solves the "tipping over" problem mentioned by Henderson (2018) ("Results" p. 6, Figure 7). Also, it has been said, once again, that Spinosaurus needed help walking on land (Will Dunham, 2020, p. 10).
Ibrahim et al., (2020) (Tail-propelled aquatic locomotion in a theropod dinosaur) also redid Spinosaurus' center of mass/gravity, and it appears to be closer to the middle of its body again, as reported in Ibrahim et al., (2014) (Supplementary Materials, pg. 24). In Ibrahim et al., (2014), the center of mass was 1.04 m. In Henderson (2018), it was 0.3182 in Figure 7, but the authors give 0.48 m. Now it's 0.725-0.825 m (Ibrahim et al., 2020, Extended Data Figure 8, "B"-"D"). This seems to back up what was said in Dunham (2020) about needing support for walking (p. 10). Jason Treat and Mesa Schumacher (2020) says that "Spinosaurus' center of gravity leans forward, which aids swimming, and its curved claws are more suited for catching prey in the water than for walking on land." Ibrahim et al., (2020) (Tail-propelled aquatic locomotion in a theropod dinosaur; Supplementary Materials, pg. 31, "Body mass, segment masses, and centre of mass (CoM)") says that the new COM supports their 2014 conclusion that Spinosaurus needed support for walking on land, and that "a facultative, if not completely, quadrupedal gait on land" is necessary. Also, an animal that has a COM that is greater than their femur length will hinder bipedal locomotion, and even standing, on land.
Quote from Ibrahim et al., (2020) (Tail-propelled aquatic locomotion in a theropod dinosaur;
Supplementary Materials, pg. 31, Body mass, segment masses, and centre of mass (CoM), p. 31):
Just in case, I decided to measure the ilium and femur of FSAC KK 11888 in Ibrahim et al., (2020)(b) (p. 2, Figure 1), and I got 70 cm for the ilium and 60 cm for the femur. I measured them again in Ibrahim et al., (2020)(a) (Figure 129), and I got 71 cm for the ilium and 66 cm for the femur. Then in Ibrahim et al., (2014) (p. 1614, Figure 2), I got 79 cm for the ilium and 62 cm for the femur. These sizes are either almost the same size, or only slightly larger than, the ilium of Allosaurus specimen USNM 4734 (72 cm) (Gilmore, 1920, p. 66), but its femur is 85 cm (p. 69). USNM 4734 is 7.9 meters long. The ilium of Baryonyx is 83.5 cm (Charig and Miller, 1997, pg. 47), and its body length is 7.6 meters long. FSAC is 10.3 meters long. The leg muscles of Spinosaurus wouldn't be able to carry its weight on land. Paleo-artist Luis V. Rey suggested this first on his blog ("Spinosaurus Revisited Part 2. Spinosaur hysteria!").
Otero et al., (2019) studied the locomotive history of the sauropodomorph Mussaurus. After studying different specimens from various ontogenetic ages (young to adults), it seems that the young were quadrupedal but the adults were bipedal. When they're young, Mussaurus' center of mass (CoM) was positioned in the middle of the animal's body, and the CoM was greater than the animal's femur length. This would make the young Mussaurus a quadruped. As they grew into an adult, their CoM would get shorter than the length of their femur, and closer to their hips, making it a biped. In fact, the CoM has to be less than one of the animal's femur length in order for it to be bipedal ("Abstract," Figure 2, "Discussion" p. 1 and 4). Spinosaurus' CoM (0.725-0.825 m) is still greater than one length of the animal's femur (0.625 m) (Ibrahim et al., 2020, "Body dimensions, body body mass, body segment masses, and whole body centre of mass" pg. 1).
Therefore, with its center of mass/gravity tipping it forward, and its claws not suited for walking on land, it seems that my loon/penguin mode of transportation for Spinosaurus could help solve this. Walking by putting one foot forward while its belly is on the ground/belly-sliding, Spinosaurus wouldn't need to use its hands and it would have had the support it needed to maneuver on land.
Spinosaurus' Center of Mass (Ibrahim et al., 2020b) ("B" is new COM, "C" is Henderson (2018) COM, and "D" is Ibrahim et al., (2014) COM):
Scott Hartman's Reconstruction of Spinosaurus ("The Road to Spinosaurus IV: Not Your Father's JP3 Spinosaurus"):
1. Introduction, para. 5: Spinosaurus' sail is shaped like a sailfish's.
2. Introduction, para. 6: Spinosaurus' skull, and neck, designs allowed it to "pivot feed," which is using fast head movements to capture prey underwater.
3. Discussion: Buoyancy and Balance Aspects, para. 2: Straight neck in water moves COM towards belly, while an "S-shaped" neck moves COM closer to the hips and allows for bipedal locomotion on land.
4. Conclusions: Authors think that the question arises if Spinosaurus was actually semi-terrestrial.
Update (6/19-22/22): Sereno et al., (2022) have concluded that Spinosaurus was bipedal, wasn't an aquatic dinosaur, and hunted along the shores (Abstract, Conclusions, 2, 4, 6-8, 11). The center of mass was about 13.2-28.5 cm. The femur was longer than that (about 40 cm) (Materials and Methods, Flesh model density, dimensions and properties, para. 4).
Spinosaurus' posture (Sereno et al., 2022, Figure 1, A-E):Spinosaurus' center of mass (Sereno et al., 2022, Figure 2). Red plus sign is the CoM:
Spinosaurus' design and spinosaur bone density (Fabbri et al., 2022, p. 854, Figure 1):So now, we have two different papers on Spinosaurus this year with two different outcomes. Perhaps Spinosaurus was more terrestrial, or maybe it was still semi-, or even fully-, aquatic. What I do know is that, based on the bone density from Fabbri et al., (2022), Spinosaurus couldn't just be dipping its toes into the water and then staying a fully-terrestrial dinosaur. As was mentioned in Larramindi et al., (2020) as well, Spinosaurus' thick bones fit more with a theropod that liked to swim and would be heavier than the gravity of water. Given the larger SG provided in Larramindi et al., (2020), I think the thick bones and SG of Spinosaurus would have made it capable of submerging in water.
T. rex arm trace fossils (Caneer et al., 2021, p. 33 Figure 6, C):Drawing of T. rex showing how it used its arms to sit down, or even get up from the ground (p. 35 Figure 8):
I've come to the conclusion that Spinosaurus was quadrupedal, and that it pronated its hands, or did something similar, while walking on land. The humerus-to-femur ration is between 81.1-92.6% (for the neotype). I also got a CoM of 1.02-3.43 m for the neotype (1.02 m, 1.201 m, 2.33 m, and 3.43 m, are the best estimates). See my recent post to find out more:
Spinosaurus Hunting Bawitius:
The fish that Spinosaurus hunted were pretty big, like Mawsonia (3.5-6.3 meters) (Dutel et al., 2014, pg. 1241) and Onchipristis (5-6 meters) (David Moscato, 2017).
Onchopristis from Planet Dinosaur:
Spinosaurus and Prey (Jamale Ijouiher, 2016, Figure 8):However, Spinosaurus might not have hunted the large adults. It might have gone after the young, or smaller fish, that it could swallow. According to Charlie Underwood, as stated in the article This Huge Ancient Sawfish Had Harpoons On Its Face by David Moscato, says that Spinosaurus "had crocodile-like teeth and so could not cut food and would have largely been limited to fish it could swallow whole" (10). On the other hand, an Onchopristis skeleton with a Spinosaurus tooth in it. The fish got away. It looks like the fish was too strong for Spinosaurus' jaws and it broke free. ("Palaeobiological Significance," under the "Discussion" section in Spinosaur taxonomy and evolution of craniodental features: Evidence from Brazil, p. 5). Spinosaurus might have hunted small fish mainly since they were easier to catch and eat, but it does seem like Spinosaurus hunted larger fish as well. Other prey might have included small sharks like Cretolamna appendiculata, Squalicorax baharijensis, and possibly other smaller aquatic or marine animals like polycotylidae and turtles (Ijouiher, 2016, Figure 8).
Hone and Holtz, Jr. (2017) stated that spinosaurids had teeth with few serrations, so tearing apart prey would not have been likely (pg. 1127). It seems that they might have swallowed their prey whole, as stated before (Moscato, 2017). They also stated that the spinosauridae seem to have used their hands for digging or even perhaps for intimidation, rather than catching and dissecting prey (pg. 1128-1129; Figure 6). They might not have even been scavengers, especially given how many spinosaur species coexist in some areas (pg. 1127). They also suggested that the spinosauridae could swallow large prey (pg. 1128-1129).
Arden et al., (2018) stated that Spinosaurus' eyes sat on the top of its head, similar to crocs and hippos ("Abstract"), while the rest of its body was submerged in water. The paper Spinosaur taxonomy and evolution of craniodental features: Evidence from Brazil, says that Spinosaurus hunted using mechanoreception, or sensors on its snout, to hunt, and this was used mostly to hunt aquatic prey ("Discussion").
Supposedly, Spinosaurus couldn't swim after prey, as stated in The Atlantic's 2016 article and Henderson's 2018 paper. Henderson (2018) says that Spinosaurus would flip over if Spinosaurus couldn't touch the bottom of the water with its feet, no matter how much it inflated its lungs. Spinosaurus would have had to walk along the shore and catch its food that way, or go in shallow water and catch food or else it would drown. However, as stated before, Gimsa et al., (2016) explained that Spinosaurus could have used its sail to stay underneath the water, and it would give more power to its neck and tail. This would have helped Spinosaurus to catch aquatic prey ("Abstract," "Introduction," Figure 1). Therefore, using its sail and tail, Spinosaurus would have hunted fish while submerged in the water.
To sum this all up, Spinosaurus spent most of its time near or in the water (either at the water's edge, in shallow water, or even in semi-deep water) and hunted fish and other marine life. It could have used its eyes, neck, sail and tail to catch fish while in the water while its nose sat above the water. It seems that it would only catch prey that it could swallow whole with its jaws. As for its claws, they seem to have been used for digging after prey in the ground or for making nests.
Update (4/29/30): Spinosaurus could swim in water now, thanks to the fin on its tail (Ibrahim et al., 2020) (Jackson Ryan, 2020) (Will Dunham, 2020). Therefore, it would hunt for food while in the water. It probably hunted by using its jaws mainly (Hone and Holtz, Jr., 2017, pg. 1127-1129), but perhaps the claws also played a part (Jason Treat and Mesa Schumacher, 2020). This would be tricky, since theropods could only place their palms medially (side to side) to each other (Milner et al., 2009, "Abstract: Conclusions/Significance") (Eliza Strickland, 2009) (Thomas H. Maugh II, 2009), and theropods could only grab prey that was at the base of their necks and under their chests (Senter and Robins, 2005, "Abstract") ("Senter and Sullivan, 2019, "Functional and Behavioral Inferences"). It seems more plausible for Spinosaurus to use its jaws most of the time. It might have only used land to rest or lay eggs.
Spinosaurus arm from DinoLab's Instagram page (Gramho):

Here's a pic of our conversation:
According to Paleontologist Roberto Diaz Sibaja, also known as Palaeos, says that the arm is a composite. The only bones that seem to be real, according to what DinoLab have said, are the metacarpals, phalanges, and the radius and ulna but they are partially complete. The humerus is totally fake. There is also some criticism towards the third finger being way too long, but it's not conclusive.
Here's everything that Mr. Sibaja said on his FaceBook post:
Gima and Gimsa (2021) hypothesize that Spinosaurus' skull, and neck, designs allowed it to "pivot feed," which is using fast head movements to capture prey underwater (Introduction, para. 6).
Update (6/19-22/22): Sereno et al., (2022) said that Spinosaurus was a bipedal, semi-aquatic, piscivorous theropod that didn't hunt in water but from the shore. It weighed about 7, 400 kg, with an average density of 830 kg/m^3. This is lighter than water at 1,026 kg/m^3. This means that Spinosaurus could float, but not dive. It could stand in water that was 2.6 meters high (Abstract; Conclusions, 2-8, 11).
Conclusions, 2-8:Conclusions, 11:On the flip side, Fabbri et al., (2022) said that Spinosaurus' body design, including extremely thick bones, allowed for it to have an aquatic lifestyle (pp. 852, 854, 856-857; Figures 1 and 3). This is similar to the larger SG obtained by Larramidi et al., (2020).
In conclusion, it's up to the reader to decide what kind of lifestyle Spinosaurus had. I'm tired of flip-flopping with this animal, and it's time that I came to my own conclusions based on the evidence. Since I am no stranger to taking a more controversial route, I am going to stick with Spinosaurus being a semi-, or fully-, aquatic animal, based on the dense bones, the higher SG, and the small leg and hip bones. It wouldn't make sense for a strictly terrestrial theropod to have a body plan similar to other semi- and fully-aquatic animals if it wasn't going into the water most of the time. I believe that Spinosaurus mostly stayed in the water and hunted there, or even ambushed small prey on land sometimes. I believe that it was still a belly-slider due to its smaller legs than its other relatives like Baryonyx, and would have better luck standing up as a biped in water.
Jaw Strength:
Spinosaurus' jaws were elongated and thin. According to Cuff and Rayfield (2013), authors of the article, Feeding Mechanics in Spinosaurid Theropods and Extant Crocodilians, it's jaws had a high resistance to bending and torsion compared to some crocodilians, but it doesn't have a strong resistance to mediolateral and dorsoventral bending. It's resistance to torsion is similar to that of a gharial. Thus, Spinosaurus would have preferred small prey ("Discussion" p. 6-8 and "Conclusion"). However, the article also says that what the animal ate depended on its body size. Therefore, since Spinosaurus was so big, it could have eaten some large animals, but it would have to do so without too much torsion and bending to its jaws ("Abstract" par. 2).
In South America, Spinosaurus lived alongside Argentinosaurus, Patagotitan, MMCH-Pv 47, Andesaurus, Limaysaurus, Cathartesaura, Anabisetia, Giganotosaurus, Ekrixinatosaurus, Skorpiovenator, Buitreraptor, Unenlagia, and Gualicho.
However, when it comes to interacting with the other carnivorous dinosaurs, Spinosaurus spent most of its time in the water, away from the other carnivores (Kristen Rogers, 2020, "Competing for food," p. 1).
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Link 2:
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Fabbri et al., (2022):
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Fabbri et al., (2022):
Supplementary information:
What Did Spinosaurus Look Like Part 1:Swimming and Hunting:
Ibrahim et al., (2014):
Supplementary Materials:
The Atlantic (2016):
Henderson, Donald M. (2018):
Phys (2014) (Kenneth Carpenter):
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Dave Hone and Thomas Holtz, Jr. (2017):
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Gimsa et al., (2016). The riddle of Spinosaurus aegyptiacus' dorsal sail:
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Supplementary information:
Spinosaurus Arm:
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Jaw Strength:
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Jaw Structure:
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OLPH 025 (Abelisaurid):
Spinosaurus Preferred Water Instead of Land:
Kristen Rogers (2020) ("Competing for food," p. 1):
Fabbri et al., (2022):
Supplementary information:
Artwork:David Bonadona: